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stratification是什么意思 stratification的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:03
  • 235

stratification是什么意思 stratification的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The social stratification in this country is highly ounced, with a small wealthy elite at the top and a large working class population at the bottom.


2. The geological strata show a clear stratification pattern, with each layer representing a different period of history.


3. The stratification of society can lead to inequalities and an uneven distribution of resources, which can result in social unrest and conflict.





例句:TIMI risk scores were calculated for 7 variables and risk stratification of patients was done according to scores. (按TIMI危险评分的7个变量进行计分,将患者分成不同的危险层次。)


例句:These rights disperse in social life each stratification plane, legislates the way covers certainly not the easy matter completely. (这些权利分散于社会生活的各个层面之中,以立法的方式完全涵盖绝非易事。)


例句:The front and salinity stratification impact greatly on the range and intensity of the low oxygen water in the PRE. (珠江口盐度-潮汐混合锋面和层化作用控制低氧水团的范围和强度。)


例句:Of course, historically, social stratification has always been deemed unfair but obviously accepted overall as now 1% of the population owns 40% of the planet's wealth. (翻译:当然从历史上看社会分层 一向被认为是不公平的 但很明显 整体接受这点 就像现在的1%人口拥有40%的财富)


stratification一般作为名词使用,如在differential stratification([电] 微差层)、direct stratification(原生层理)、economic stratification(经济阶层的形成)等常见短语中出现较多。

differential stratification[电] 微差层
direct stratification原生层理
economic stratification经济阶层的形成
dust stratification积灰
educational stratification教育成层论
ethnic stratification族群阶层化
endogenous stratification内生分层
gas stratification气体停滞区
gender stratification性别分层


1. The front and salinity stratification impact greatly on the range and intensity of the low oxygen water in the PRE. (翻译:珠江口盐度-潮汐混合锋面和层化作用控制低氧水团的范围和强度。)

2. Of course, historically, social stratification has always been deemed unfair but obviously accepted overall as now 1% of the population owns 40% of the planet's wealth. (翻译:当然从历史上看社会分层 一向被认为是不公平的 但很明显 整体接受这点 就像现在的1%人口拥有40%的财富)

3. Experiment is carried out on stratification of material with different density components in jigging process at different time. (翻译:选择两组不同密度组成的物料进行了不同时间的跳汰分层试验。)

4. The 1998 World education Report declares that education has become a source of social imparity and stratification in knowledge-based society. (翻译:1998年世界教育报告尖锐指出,在以知识为基础的社会里,教育已成为拉大社会差距的手段。)

5. Storage Substance Content and Corresponding Enzyme Activity During the Stratification of Cyclocarya paliurus Seeds (翻译:青钱柳层积过程中贮藏物质含量及酶活性的变化)

6. Inhibition substances in seed and the degradation of the substances during stratification were the main causes of seed dormancy of A. mono. (翻译:内含有发芽抑制物质且抑制物质在层积催芽过程中转化速度慢是导致色木槭休眠的主要原因。)

7. and if there is anything that lowers the quality of social relations it is the socioeconomic stratification of society. (翻译:这个社会人际关系的质量 如果有什么降低了社会关系的质量 那就是社会经济的层裂)

8. Tille Hoyuk 3.1. The Iron Age: Introduction, Stratification and Architecture. (翻译:蒂耶赫于克3.1。铁器时代:层化与建筑导论。)

9. Nursing personnels stratification employment can activate potential capability of this group. (翻译:对护理人员实施分层使用管理,能激活护理队伍。)

10. The three neuropile regions of the optic lobe are brown and take on obvious stratification. (翻译:视叶的三个视觉纤维网都被染成褐色,并且呈现分层现象。)

11. The old issues of power, stratification and territoriality seem to be inherent in the species Homo Sapiens. (翻译:追求权力、社会分成阶层以及捍卫自己的领地这样的老问题其实是人类社会固有的问题。)





1. 定义:Stratification是指社会在不同层次上的分层现象,即社会阶层的形成和存在。

2. 作用:Stratification在社会中起到重要的作用,它可以影响个人的地位、机会和生活方式。阶层之间的差距可能会导致社会不稳定,而优化社会结构可以提高社会生产率。

3. 例子:不同的国家和文化中,Stratification表现出不同的形式。在美国,人们通常将社会分为富人、中产阶层、贫困人群和无家可归者等。而在印度,社会分为种姓制度和职业等级。这些是社会Stratification的常见形式。

4. 相关概念:社会阶层、社会规模和社会不平等都是与Stratification相关的概念。

5. 研究方法:Stratification是社会学的一个重要领域,学者们通常通过调查和数据分析来进一步了解和研究Stratification现象。


1. The stratification of society has led to inequalities in access to education and healthcare.


2. The stratification of income is a major issue in many countries, and has contributed to social unrest.


3. Social stratification can be seen in the way people dress, speak and behave.


4. The study of social stratification is important for understanding how social inequality is maintained or challenged.


5. The caste system in India is a form of social stratification that has existed for centuries.


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