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uts是什么意思 uts的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-16 11:21:33
  • 184

uts是什么意思 uts的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. UTS是澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney)的简称。


读音:[ˌjuː tiː ˈɛs]

例句:I studied at UTS for my undergraduate degree.(我在悉尼科技大学读本科。)

2. UTS是“Unit Test Suite”的缩写,是一种软件测试的方法。


读音:[juː tiː ɛs]

例句:We ran the UTS on the new module to check for any bugs.(我们在新模块上运行了单元测试套件以检查是否存在任何漏洞。)

3. Uts是爪哇岛上一种特殊的石头,被认为具有神秘的力量。



例句:According to legend, Uts stones were used in ancient rituals to summon powerful spirits.(据传说,古代的仪式上使用乌特斯石来召唤强大的精灵。)




例句:I give permission to Tsinghua University and UTS to obtain official records from any educational institution attended by me. (我允许清华大学与悉尼科技大学从我就读过的任何学校取得与我有关的正式记录;)


例句:Working in UTS is introduced by my aunt, just no to waste the time of finding a job, and I didn't sighed to be a formal employee. (UTS公司是因为姑姑介绍,只是进去帮忙,可以有效利用找工作的这段空闲时间,并没有签约正式成为他的员工。)


例句:What if the UTS doesn't process the TCBs before another upcall happens? Do we run the risk of overflowing the TCB chain? (如果在新的回调发生时,UTS不能处理TCB怎么办,要运行这个存在溢出危险的TC B链吗。)


例句:Chinwhenown, very close to UTS, is quite convenient in the fhaudio-videoe always prove to beeniliar environment. (翻译:唐人街,与UTS非常近。在熟悉的环境里还是比较方便的。过程。)


uts一般作为名词使用,如在UTS([计] 联合翻译系统, 通用终端系统, 通用分时系统, 通用终端系统)等常见短语中出现较多。

UTS[计] 联合翻译系统, 通用终端系统, 通用分时系统, 通用终端系统


1. What if the UTS doesn't process the TCBs before another upcall happens? Do we run the risk of overflowing the TCB chain? (翻译:如果在新的回调发生时,UTS不能处理TCB怎么办,要运行这个存在溢出危险的TC B链吗。)

2. Chinwhenown, very close to UTS, is quite convenient in the fhaudio-videoe always prove to beeniliar environment. (翻译:唐人街,与UTS非常近。在熟悉的环境里还是比较方便的。过程。)

3. ND YEAR ENTRY INTO UTS Extended Diploma of Business Studies Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. (翻译:提供商学和信息技术两个专业的延展文凭课程。)

4. So far UTS Technology Co. , Ltd. cities in Fujian Province have been serving more than 50 percent of the industry customers. (翻译:迄今为止众信科技有限公司已服务福建省辖市50%以上的行业客户。)

5. The competition involved hundreds of students from UNSW, Sydney University, Macquarie University and UTS. (翻译:这次竞赛吸引了包括UNSW、悉尼大学、麦考里大学和UTS在内的上千名学生参加。)

6. The same is the manager, as Huaihailu Road UTS tourism flagship store manager Zheng Jiayan to his new role also has feelings. (翻译:同样是店长,身为淮海路众信旅游旗舰店店长的郑佳燕对自己的新角色也颇有感受。)

7. For more information on CATCH, contact Peter Cribb, project director, at 512-346-6163 or e-mail cribb@uts.cc.utexas.edu. (翻译:欲了解更多关于CATCH的信息,请联系项目总监,彼得克里布。电话512-346-6163 or e-mail cribb@uts.cc.utexas.edu。)

8. The University of Technology, Sydney ( UTS ) is a modern leader in higher education, providing a high standard of career-focused courses. (翻译:雪梨科技大学-UTS是一所现代、高等教育领先者的大学,提供高水准、实务、职场导向的一流课程。)



1. 词义: 'uts' 并非常见的单词,它不表示特定的含义。

2. 词性: 'uts' 为名词,不变化。

3. 词组搭配:由于该单词不常用,目前没有固定的词组搭配。

4. 短语:同上,由于非常用单词,没有短语。

5. 发音拼写: 'uts' 读音为 /ʌts/,其中 'u' 发音类似于 'a', 'ts' 发音类似于 's'。


1. The word 'uts' doesn't seem to exist in English.


2. What does 'uts' mean?


3. The computer program kept replacing 'ust' with 'uts'.


4. She could hear the distant sound of uts.

她能听到远处的 “uts” 声音。

5. I accidentally typed 'uts' instead of 'its'.


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