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unforced是什么意思 unforced的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:18
  • 181

unforced是什么意思 unforced的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She made an unforced error when she missed that easy shot. (她在没有任何压力的情况下错失了那个简单的球。)

2. He gave an unforced confession to the police after realizing the gravity of the situation. (在意识到情况的严重性后,他主动向警方做了无压力的供认。)

3. The conversation flowed smoothly and naturally, with unforced laughter and easy banter. (这次谈话顺畅而自然,伴随着无压力的笑声和轻松的聊天。)




例句:The unforced error count from Tomic was unbelievably low in the first set. (从托米奇非受迫性错误数是令人难以置信地低,在首盘。)


例句:I don't think he made any unforced errors. He was putting up a good defense. He played a good match. (我不认为他有多少非受迫性失误,他防守得很好,他打了一场好比赛。)


例句:Rubin Carter has never enjoyed a full, fair... and unforced disclosure ofthe facts... to which he is constitutionally entitled. (鲁本卡特从未得到公正的审判和的澄清 这是宪法给予他的权利)


例句:And Clijsters' steady strokes allowed her to extend rallies as long as necessary while committing only 12 unforced errors. (翻译:克里斯特尔斯稳健的击球,使她不惧深陷泥沼,她所送出的非受迫性失误只有12个。)


unforced一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在unforced error([网络] 非受迫性失误;非受迫性错误;非强迫性失误)、unforced network(非激励网路)等常见短语中出现较多。

unforced error[网络] 非受迫性失误;非受迫性错误;非强迫性失误
unforced network非激励网路


1. Rubin Carter has never enjoyed a full, fair... and unforced disclosure ofthe facts... to which he is constitutionally entitled. (翻译:鲁本卡特从未得到公正的审判和的澄清 这是宪法给予他的权利)

2. And Clijsters' steady strokes allowed her to extend rallies as long as necessary while committing only 12 unforced errors. (翻译:克里斯特尔斯稳健的击球,使她不惧深陷泥沼,她所送出的非受迫性失误只有12个。)

3. He made a lot of unforced errors today and never has one player looked more needy of a break than our Frank. (翻译:他今天有很多次在无压力之下犯错,从来没有一个球员能够比我们的弗兰克看起来更需要一个休息了。)

4. Federer did little to help himself reverse that trend, with an uncharacteristic 32 unforced errors. (翻译:费德勒对这一趋势未做任何努力,整场比赛出现了32个非受迫性失误。)

5. Federer wound up with 66 unforced errors, 28 more than Djokovic. (翻译:费德勒有66次非受迫性失误,比德约科维奇多28次。)

6. If the NHS fiasco is a delayed consequence of Cameron-as-chairman, there might be fewer unforced errors in future. (翻译:如果说NHS的闹剧是卡梅伦曾作为的推迟的后果,那么今后这些非强迫性的错误可能会变少。)

7. You have to play smart and be patient with her, Kournikova said. But I made a few unforced errors because I tried to go for too much. (翻译:库尔尼科娃说:与她比赛你要机智、冷静,可我犯了一些情有可原的错误,因为我太执著了。)

8. This gentle and unforced accord of Hamlet sits smiling to my heart. (翻译:夫人 来 我听了哈姆雷特 这样会然的允诺高兴得心都笑了)

9. Celtic looked nervous and jittery in the opening stages and made unforced errors but Milan failed to punish them. (翻译:凯尔特人在开局阶段显得过于紧张,犯了很多非受迫性失误,而米兰也未能及时抓住惩罚对手的机会。)

10. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. (翻译:学会恩典的韵律,那从来不是勉强来的。)

11. The labours of the past several months have avoided what would have been the greatest unforced error in the history of economic policy. (翻译:过去几个月的努力,避免了一个可能将是经济政策史上最大的人为错误。)


1. 自发的:'unforced'可以表示某种情况或行为是真实自发的,而不是受到外部力量的影响。比如:

- The conversation between the two friends was surprisingly unforced and natural.(两个朋友之间的对话非常自然流畅。)

- He approached the podium with an unforced confidence that immediately commanded the audience's attention.(他走向讲台时表现出一种自发的自信,瞬间吸引了观众的注意。)

2. 无需强制:'unforced'也可以表示某种行为或状态没有被强制要求或施加压力。例如:

- The company's decision to reduce working hours was an unforced move to improve employee satisfaction.(公司减少工作时间的决定是出于提高员工满意度的自愿行动。)

- His decision to retire early was an unforced choice, influenced only by his own desires and goals.(他提前退休的决定是出于自己的愿望和目标,没有受到外部压力的影响。)

3. 非暴力的:'unforced'还可以表示某种行为或状态没有使用暴力或威胁。例如:

- The protesters marched through the city streets in an unforced, peaceful manner.(者以和平非暴力的方式在城市街道上。)

- The negotiations between the two countries were conducted in an unforced, diplomatic way without any aggressive tactics.(两国之间的谈判是以和平外交的方式进行的,没有使用任何攻击性策略。)

4. 未被犯规的:最后,'unforced'可以是一个网球术语,表示球员失误没有被对方犯规干扰。例如:

- The player made an unforced error by hitting the ball out of bounds.(球员没有被对方犯规干扰,但是错误地将球打出界了。)

- She has a tendency to make unforced errors at crucial moments in matches.(她在比赛关键时刻容易犯非强制性失误。)


1. The sudden laughter was unforced and genuine, a rare moment of joy in a difficult day.(突如其来的笑声是真诚而自然的,是艰难的一天中难得的一刻快乐。)

2. The company's decision to switch to renewable energy sources was unforced, a reflection of its commitment to sustainability.(公司决定转向可再生能源不是出于压力,而是反映了其对可持续性的承诺。)

3. The peace talks made progress because both sides were committed to an unforced, peaceful dialogue.(和谈取得进展是因为双方都致力于非强制、和平的对话。)

4. Despite his unforced errors, the tennis player managed to win the match through sheer determination and skill.(尽管他犯了一些非强制性失误,但是这位网球选手通过纯粹的决心和技巧赢得了比赛。)

5. The teacher's unforced enthusiasm for literature inspired her students to explore new authors and genres.(老师对文学的无意识热情启发了她的学生探索新的作家和类型。)

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