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determinant是什么意思 determinant的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:31
  • 182

determinant是什么意思 determinant的中文翻译、读音、例句

英文单词"determinant"的中文翻译是"决定因素",读音为 [dɪˈtɜːmɪnənt]。


1. The determinant factor in his decision was his family's opinion. (他做决定的决定因素是他家人的意见。)

2. The price of the house was the biggest determinant in our decision to buy it. (房子的价格是我们决定购买它的最大决定因素。)




例句:They teach that the appetite of the moment is not, or rather ought not to be, the sole determinant of one's behavior. (它告诉我们现在的胃口不能而不是不应该像原来那样,这对一个人的饮食行为具有唯一决定性。)


例句:It'll be your generational determinant as to whether her name means much to you. (是否知道她将是你是否属于特定年代 的一个标志。)


例句:They'll never be able to stop using the word "race" as a cultural determinant. (他们永远不能停止使用“种族”这个词汇来进行文化区分。)


例句:The determinant of an array which has as a row a linear combination of two or more other rows is zero. (翻译:当一个方阵的某一行是另两行或几行的线性组合时,其行列式为零。)


determinant一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在difference determinant(差分行列式)、evaluation of determinant(行列式求值)、expansion of determinant(行列式的展开)等常见短语中出现较多。

difference determinant差分行列式
evaluation of determinant行列式求值
expansion of determinant行列式的展开
Fredholm determinant弗雷德霍姆行列式
function determinant函数行列式
functional determinant函数行列式
genetic determinant遗传定子
Gram determinant格莱姆行列式
group determinant群行列式


1. They'll never be able to stop using the word "race" as a cultural determinant. (翻译:他们永远不能停止使用“种族”这个词汇来进行文化区分。)

2. The determinant of an array which has as a row a linear combination of two or more other rows is zero. (翻译:当一个方阵的某一行是另两行或几行的线性组合时,其行列式为零。)

3. Fermion condensate and Dirac operator determinant with external gauge fields and dynamical fermion self energy (翻译:含外规范场和动力学费米子自能的狄拉克算符及费米子凝聚)

4. The Chinese Anti-Japanese war began the earliest and lasted the longest, and was the determinant in defeating Japanese Fascists. (翻译:在世界反战争中中国战争开始最早、持续时间最长,是打败日本的决定性力量;)

5. Put more strongly, technology can be a primary determinant of social and managerial organization. (翻译:更强硬地说,技术可以是社会和管理组织的主要决定因素。)

6. Studies on yield determinant factors and high yield cultivation of interplant sweet potato in seasonal droughty areas (翻译:季节性干旱区套作甘薯产量决定因素及高产栽培措施组合)

7. Another important determinant of a currency's value is the credibility of the manager of that currency--the central bank. (翻译:货币价值的另一个重要的决定因素是该货币的管理者--中央银行的可信度。)

8. A third set of skeptical views question the validity of considering firm size as an exogenous determinant of economic growth. (翻译:第三类持怀疑态度的观点对把公司规模作为经济增长外源决定因素的有效性提出了质疑。)

9. The most important determinant of whether Americans go to college is whether they can find the money to pay for it. (翻译:美国人能否上大学的决定因素 渐渐变成了他们能否付得起学费)

10. That's the single most important determinant for me. (翻译:这就是那个对我来说 唯一且最重要的决定性因素。)

11. How much you like yourself is the key determinant of your performance and your effectiveness in everything you do. (翻译:你有多喜欢自己对你在做任何事时的表现和效率起着关键的决定作用。)

12. Income inequality is often claimed to be a strong determinant of happiness, and this "fact" used to argue for more progressive taxation. (翻译:人们往往主张,收入不平等是幸福与否的重要决定因素,而这一“事实”被用作增加累进税收的理由。)

13. literature on whether organ failure (OF) or infected pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is the main determinant of severity in acute pancreatitis. (翻译:背景和目的:目前那些器官衰竭或胰腺感染坏死是否是决定急性胰腺炎严重程度的一些研究的结果并不一致。)

14. Early child development (ECD), in turn is a life long determinant of health, well-being, and learning skills. (翻译:儿童早期发育,转而就会成为一生健康、福祉和学习技能的决定因素。)

15. It'll be your generational determinant as to whether her name means much to you. (翻译:是否知道她将是你是否属于特定年代 的一个标志。)

1. 定义:determinant是一个名词,表示导致某些结果的因素或决定因素。在数学中,determinant是一个矩阵的数值,用于计算线性变换的比例因子。

2. 词根:determine是该单词的词根,表示决定、确定。

3. 同义词:决定因素、因素、原因、关键。

4. 用法:determinant可以作为名词、形容词或动词使用,具体用法取决于具体语境。


1. The availability of funds is a key determinant in deciding whether to start a new project.(资金可用性是决定是否启动新项目的关键因素。)

2. The determinant factor in her decision to accept the job was the location.(她决定接受这份工作的决定因素是地点。)

3. The determinant matrix is used to find the eigenvalues of a linear transformation.(行列式矩阵用于计算线性变换的本征值。)

4. Nutritional composition is a crucial determinant of the quality of feed.(营养成分是饲料质量的关键决定因素。)

5. The determinant factor in the success of the project was the cooperation of different departments.(项目成功的关键决定因素是不同部门的合作。)

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