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jpy是什么意思 jpy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:53
  • 236

jpy是什么意思 jpy的中文翻译、读音、例句

jpy通常是日元的缩写,中文翻译为“日元”,读音为rì yuán。


1. 他用5000日元买了一碗拉面。

He bought a bowl of ramen with 5000 yen.

2. 我们需要把美元兑换成日元才能在日本旅行。

We need to exchange US dollars into Japanese yen to travel in Japan.




例句:However, this will require further intervention otherwise the underlying trend in JPY will continue to remain positive. (然而,这将需要有进一步的干预行动,否则日圆的基本走势将继续趋强。)


例句:We do not expect that JPY will continue to strengthen as it did following the 1995 Kobe earthquake. (我们不能期望日元会如1995年阪神地震后那样强劲。)


例句:With the abrupt reversal in Jpy, carry trades were also revived with the AudJpy climbing from 56.88 to 59.79. The GbpJpy rose to 141.10. (伴随着这个突然逆转,日元套利交易也活跃起来,澳元对日元从56.88上扬至59.79,英镑兑美元上扬至141.10。)


1. With the abrupt reversal in Jpy, carry trades were also revived with the AudJpy climbing from 56.88 to 59.79. The GbpJpy rose to 141.10. (翻译:伴随着这个突然逆转,日元套利交易也活跃起来,澳元对日元从56.88上扬至59.79,英镑兑美元上扬至141.10。)

2. However, the Jpy is not currently trading on domestic economic conditions and continues to gain support from larger macro factors at work. (翻译:但是目前日元在国内经济状况下交易并不乐观,日元的涨幅主要是得益于更为广泛的宏观调控因素在起作用。)

3. The JPY and the EUR have been relative winners. (翻译:日元和欧元是相对赢家。)

4. Japanese Finance Minister Azumi said today that the high yen levels are hurting the Japanese economy and that Japan is prepared to take bold action on the JPY. (翻译:日本财务大臣安住淳今天表示,日元汇率高企正损害日本经济;日本准备针对日元采取大胆的措施。)

5. Usd-jpy selections and group 100 million for only a dollar, enjoy the electronic coupons from Taiwan's "citigroup cake" flavor of all. (翻译:现价:1亿和团仅1元的电子优惠券,尽享源于的“花旗蛋糕”风味的所有。)

6. What we saw with the Kobe earthquake in 1995 the drop in USD/JPY was 20% over 3 months. (翻译:我们曾看到坂神大地震后三个月,美元对日元跌幅达20%。)

7. The USD, JPY and CHF will remain on the front foot whilst risk currencies will remain under pressure. (翻译:美元、日圆、瑞士发郎将继续带头,而风险货币会仍然受压。)

8. Official resistance to JPY strength suggests the risks of being long JPY outweigh the potential returns for medium term investors. (翻译:强势日圆遇到官方阻力,显示持有日圆长仓的风险超过中期投资者的潜在回报。)

9. Few days ago Eddie went to buy milk and bread, and saw the rice on the shelves. Eddie soon mad a call to Tarcy asking whether to pay 3980 JPY for 5 kg of rice from Niigata Prefecture. (翻译:前两天艾迪去帮塔嘻买面包跟牛奶,眼尖看到架上似乎有进了几包米,马上打电话问塔嘻说五公斤的新潟米3,980要不要买? )

10. Other currencies that remain beneficiaries in the current risk averse environment are the JPY and CHF. (翻译:在目前的避险环境下仍然受惠的其他货币包括日圆和瑞士法郎。)


1. 定义和用法

JPY是日元的缩写形式,也是ISO 4217国际货币代码中的三个字母代码之一,用于标识日本的货币。JPY可以在外汇市场上用于购买和出售货币,也可以用于进行国际贸易和投资。

2. 货币兑换


3. 货币符号


4. 经济影响



1. The exchange rate of USD/JPY has been fluctuating a lot recently. (美元/日元的汇率最近一直在波动。)

2. The company's profits have increased due to the depreciation of JPY. (由于日元贬值,公司的利润增加了。)

3. I need to exchange my USD to JPY before I travel to Japan. (我得在去日本之前把美元换成日元。)

4. The global market was affected by the strengthening of JPY. (全球市场受到日元走强的影响。)

5. The price of Japanese goods increased due to the appreciation of JPY. (由于日元升值,日本商品的价格上涨了。)

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