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lights是什么意思 lights的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:52
  • 194

lights是什么意思 lights的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The lights on the Christmas tree look beautiful at night.(圣诞树上的灯光在晚上看起来很漂亮。)

2. The city lights led in the distance.(城市的灯光在远处闪烁。)

3. He ran a red light and almost caused an accident.(他闯红灯,差点引发事故。)

4. The theater lights dimmed as the show began.(演出开始,剧院的灯光变暗了。)

5. The car's headlights illuminated the dark road ahead.(汽车的前灯照亮了前方的黑暗道路。)




例句:Never draw up by the pavement at lights. (等红灯不要停靠人行道 Never draw up by the pavement at lights.)


例句:Have you ever seen the love lights (你可曾看见爱情闪耀在 Have you ever seen the love lights)


例句:Did I leave the lights on? (我没关车灯? 车灯还开着 Did I leave the lights on?)


例句:The lights, the way the scenery moved, even the smell. (翻译:灯光,布景的移动 The lights, the way the scenery moved, 甚至气味 even the smell.)


lights一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在lights into(na. 攻击;责备;骂)、lights on(na. 偶尔碰见\n[网络] 开灯;车灯亮着;灯未关)、Drummond lights(Drummond light\n=limelight [见 calcium hight])等常见短语中出现较多。

lights intona. 攻击;责备;骂
lights onna. 偶尔碰见\n[网络] 开灯;车灯亮着;灯未关
Drummond lightsDrummond light\n=limelight [见 calcium hight]
douse the lightsna. 熄灯
disposition of lights灯标部署;灯光布置
electric lightsn. 电灯;电光
fairy lightsn. 圣诞树小彩灯
false lights(灯塔)虚假光
Feast of Lights[网络] 光之飨宴;灯节;光明节


1. Did I leave the lights on? (翻译:我没关车灯? 车灯还开着 Did I leave the lights on?)

2. The lights, the way the scenery moved, even the smell. (翻译:灯光,布景的移动 The lights, the way the scenery moved, 甚至气味 even the smell.)

3. ♪ yeah, you young, wild girls ♪ (翻译:♪ I get lost under these lights ♪)

4. Anyway, all of a sudden, the lights flickered (翻译:the lights flickered)

5. Jane, the lights went out. (翻译:Jane 灯灭了 Jane, the lights went out.)

6. Quinn, turn the lights on. (翻译:奎恩 开灯 Quinn, turn the lights on.)

7. The boats have lights, your men have lights. (翻译:船有灯 你们的人也有手电筒 The boats have lights, your men have lights.)

8. I even turned off the lights. (翻译:I even turned off the lights. 那你是摸黑进行?)

9. Can we, uh, throw a few more lights on her? (翻译:Can we, uh, throw a few more lights on her?)

10. I've always found it rather... stimulating. (翻译:-开灯 -我一直觉得这非常 - Lights.)

11. We only need commercial and residential lights like spot lights, LED strip lights, and lights with at least 400 Lumens, all white lights. (翻译:我们需要经济和室内的灯,如筒灯,LED灯带,和至少400流明的灯,全是白光的。)

12. Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights (翻译:Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights)

13. How did the lights turn on? (翻译:灯怎么开了 How did the lights turn on?)

14. And color, a lot of lights to make it sparkle. (翻译:And color, a lot of lights to make it sparkle.)

15. Even better, keep the lights out. (翻译:最好灯都别开 Even better, keep the lights out.)




1. 词性与意义:Lights 是一个名词,可以指电灯,车灯,信号灯等。

2. 常见短语:lights out(熄灯),Christmas lights(圣诞灯),traffic lights(交通信号灯),stage lights(舞台灯光)等。

3. 同义词:lamps, bulbs, illumination等。

4. 用法:可以用作主语,宾语,定语和状语等。

5. 发音:[laɪts]。


1. The lights flickered and then went out suddenly.(灯突然闪烁然后灭掉了。)

2. She decorated her garden with colorful Christmas lights.(她用彩色的圣诞灯装饰她的花园。)

3. The traffic lights turned green and the cars started to move.(交通信号灯变成绿色,汽车开始运行。)

4. The stage lights were so bright that it was hard to see the audience.(舞台灯光非常明亮,很难看到观众。)

5. She turned on the lights and started to read her book.(她打开灯,开始读她的书。)

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