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potted是什么意思 potted的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:41
  • 173

potted是什么意思 potted的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:['pɒtɪd] 或 ['pɑːtɪd]


1. She has a collection of potted plants in her living room.(她客厅里有一组盆栽植物。)

2. I bought some potted plants for my balcony.(我为阳台买了一些盆栽植物。)

3. This store specializes in potted herbs and spices.(这家商店专营罐装香草和香料。)

4. The story was heavily potted down for the film adaptation.(这个故事在电影改编中被大幅简化。)




例句:So here was a room in which all the walls, floors, ceilings, pets, potted plants, whatever was in there, were capable, not only of display but of sensing as well. (那么这个房间,里面的所有墙壁,地板,天花板, 宠物,盆栽植物,不管是里面的什么, 都不仅仅只能显示,并且能够感应。)


例句:BY1 that could colonized and expanded on the plantlet leaves, unbodied leaves and potted plant leaves cause foliage disease. (BY 1在组培苗叶片、离体叶片、盆栽苗叶片上均能迅速定殖和扩展,引起叶片病害。)


例句:He had a tube with electrodes potted in it filled with atomic hydrogen. And by applying a voltage, he was able to get the gas to glow. (他有一根装着电极的管子,里面充满了氢原子。通过施加电压,他能够使气体发光。)


例句:The potted plant Leon nurtures is an aglaonema. (翻译:莱昂所种的盆栽是一种粗肋草属。)


potted一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在potted assemblies(un. 密封组件)、potted capacitor(封闭式电容器)、potted circuit([电] 盆裁电路)等常见短语中出现较多。

potted assembliesun. 密封组件
potted capacitor封闭式电容器
potted circuit[电] 盆裁电路
potted coil屏蔽线圈
potted component密封元件
potted element封装元件
potted flower盆花
potted ham罐装火腿
potted layer盆压


1. He had a tube with electrodes potted in it filled with atomic hydrogen. And by applying a voltage, he was able to get the gas to glow. (翻译:他有一根装着电极的管子,里面充满了氢原子。通过施加电压,他能够使气体发光。)

2. The potted plant Leon nurtures is an aglaonema. (翻译:莱昂所种的盆栽是一种粗肋草属。)

3. He potted the black to take a 7–3 lead. (翻译:他把黑球击入袋中,以7:3领先。)

4. The boy potted a partridge. (翻译:男孩射杀了一只鹌鹑。)

5. Instead of coming out to punch the ball, de Gea stayed rooted to his spot like a potted plant, essentially giving the Potters the equalizer. (翻译:德赫亚此时并没有出击击球,反而脚下生根般站在原地,像一盆植物,给了斯托克城得分的机会。)

6. A rare, heavy and very finely potted pair of bottle vases well decorated with stylized lotus flowers in underglaze blue with Doucai style overglaze enamel decoration. (翻译:一件精美稀有、胎体厚重的对瓶,清华莲文上以斗彩风格施彩釉。)

7. I got some of that potted meat and soda crackers left over, if you want some. (翻译:我还剩了些肉罐头和苏打饼干 如果你想来一点)

8. The probability of compound Solanum lyratum thunb extraction on control plant diseases was discussed through in vitro and potted test. (翻译:通过室内毒力测定和温室盆栽试验探讨复方白毛藤提取液在植物病害防治上的作用。)

9. in my office , my colleagues and i have many potted african violets . greenie was among my first batch. (翻译:在办公室里,我与同事们种了许多盆非洲堇,小绿是我种的第一批。)

10. Leon is a professional cleaner, but I can see a lot of a sensitive man in him. He loves his potted plants. (翻译:里昂是一个专业的杀手,其实他还是一个内心敏感脆弱的男人。他喜欢他的盆栽。)

11. After looking at the potted plant next to me for five minutes in an effort to avoid eye contact, I started looking around. (翻译:于是为了避免和人对视,我盯着身旁的一棵盆栽足足看了五分钟。)

12. The teacher's desk with a potted plant, since it called "Shikonin spent. " (翻译:老师的办公桌上有一盆花,给它起名叫“紫草花”。)

13. Freesia, a popular cut flower and flowering potted plant, belongs to the Iridaceae family, including iris. (翻译:香雪兰,鸢尾科香雪兰属,是一种切花和盆栽花卉。)

14. I imagined some sad, little potted thing in her tiny apartment. (翻译:I imagined some sad, little potted thing 她那小小的公寓里的一个小盆栽 in her tiny apartment. 想象起来有点忧伤。)

15. On a recent afternoon at Gubei water Town, a visitor saw restrooms with sofas, potted plants and watercolor paintings. (翻译:最近一个下午,一位游客在古北水镇看到了配有沙发、盆栽植物和水彩画的洗手间。)



1. 词释:potted在英语中既可以是动词,表示“栽种盆栽”;也可以是形容词,表示“盆栽的”、“罐装的”、“简略的”等。


- She potted the plants and put them on the windowsill. (她栽种了植物并把它们放在窗台上。)

- These potted plants are great for indoor decoration. (这些盆栽植物非常适合室内装饰。)

2. 英语缩写词:在网络语言中,potted也可以缩写为PTD,常常用于描述晕厥或失去意识的状态,即“Planted To Death”的缩写。


- She was so tired after the marathon, she felt like she was PTD. (跑完马拉松后她太累了,感觉就像要晕厥。)

- The heat made me feel like I was PTD. (炎热的天气让我觉得快要失去意识了。)

3. 传统食品:在英国,potted meat是一种传统的肉类食品,多用猪肉或鸡肉制作而成,味道鲜美,可以涂抹在面包片上作为开胃小点或早餐用。


- I had some delicious potted meat on toast for breakfast this morning. (今天早上我吃了一些美味的涂在面包片上的肉酱。)

- Potted meat is a popular British food that can be found in most grocery stores. (肉酱是一种在大多数英国杂货店都能买到的受欢迎的食品。)

4. 电影艺术:在电影中,potted指的是摄影师将摄像机放置在支架上并固定好位置,然后拍摄整个场景的过程。


- The director wanted to capture the entire scene in one shot, so they used the potted technique. (导演想要在一次拍摄中捕捉整个场景,所以他们使用了固定支架拍摄的技术。)

- The potted shot was perfect for showing the vast landscape. (固定支架拍摄的方式非常适合展示广阔的风景。)

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