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bola是什么意思 bola的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:11
  • 171

bola是什么意思 bola的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:bō lā


1. She loves playing bola with her friends. (她喜欢和朋友们一起玩球。)

2. The soccer match was intense and both teams played well to score a goal with the bola. (足球比赛很激烈,两个队都用球打得很好。)

3. The young boy was fascinated with the colorful bola and bought one from the toy store. (年轻男孩对多彩的球很着迷,从玩具店买了一个。)




例句:The research indicates that Bola _form electrolytes can be utilized to develop new dyeing agents. (研究结果表明波拉型电解质可开发为新型染色助剂。)


例句:I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola: themselves? (我愣了一下,肚子里的小算盘拨拉得劈啪响:自己用?包工程? )


例句:I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola : themselves? (我愣了一下,肚子里的小算盘拨拉得劈啪响:自己用?包工程?)


例句:It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement. (翻译:这是常有的事,汽车保险公司在新加坡指望导游叫打,代表的晴雨表责任协议。)


bola一般作为名词使用,如在rola bola([网络] 摇摇板;晃板)等常见短语中出现较多。

rola bola[网络] 摇摇板;晃板


1. I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola : themselves? (翻译:我愣了一下,肚子里的小算盘拨拉得劈啪响:自己用?包工程?)

2. It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement. (翻译:这是常有的事,汽车保险公司在新加坡指望导游叫打,代表的晴雨表责任协议。)

3. Throwing a bola requires more skill, and works by entangling the bird in the spinning ropes. (翻译:而投掷流星锤来捉鸟的话,就需要更多的技巧了,它能把鸟类套住在缠绕的绳子里。)

4. After all, this is their own algorithms in Bola, has not see concrete implementation of the provisions. (翻译:这种算法毕竟只是自己在拨拉,一直还没见具体实施的条文。)

5. Pinto has been a long-term target for Barcelona and has been tabled a preliminary offer by the Spanish giants, says A Bola . (翻译:表示,平托一直是巴萨的目标,西甲豪门已经给了他一个初步的报价。)

1. 词性:首先需要指出'bola'是一个名词。根据上下文不同,它可以表示不同的意思,例如:

- Bola(球)是一种品质较高、价值较大的制品,通常是由若干个小麻球压制而成。

- bola也是一种球形的物品,通常用于娱乐或运动。

2. 来源:'bola'这个词源于西班牙语,意为“球”。在西语中,它经常被用来形容各种球状物,如雪球、石球等等。后来,它逐渐被引入到英语中。

3. 地理:Bola也是一些地名的缩写,例如:

- Bola(博拉),是印度尼西亚婆罗洲东南部的一个城市。

- BoLA(Bovine Leukocyte Antigen),是指牛类白细胞抗原,是一类与免疫系统相关的蛋白质。

4. 其他:'bola'也可能有其他的含义,例如:

- BOLA(Bacteroides Outer Membrane Lipoprotein A),是细菌具有抗体反应性的外膜蛋白质的缩写。

- 网络术语中,'BOLA'也可以代表“Be On the Look Out for Alerts”。


1. When I was in college, I used to smoke a bola every day to relax.


2. The kids in the park were playing with a red bola, throwing it back and forth.


3. Bola is a small city in the southeast of Borneo Island in Indonesia.


4. Scientists have found that BoLA genes play an important role in the immune response of cows.


5. BOLA is an online community where people can share tips and alerts about online scams.


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