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lozenge是什么意思 lozenge的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:29:15
  • 188

lozenge是什么意思 lozenge的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. I always keep a lozenge in my bag in case I get a sore throat.


2. The doctor prescribed a lozenge for my cough.





例句:A small, circular medicinal lozenge; a pastille. (片剂,锭剂圆型的小药锭,锭剂。)


例句:Elderberry is usually taken as a liquid (like cough syrup) or a lozenge. (接骨木提取物一般做成液体,如止咳糖浆,或是锭剂。)


例句:Wouldn't want to prescribe a lozenge if there's any doubt about its efficacy, huh? (你对止咳糖的效果有点怀疑所以 不想开这种药,啊?)


例句:Elderberry is usually taken as a liquid (like cough syrup) or a lozenge. (翻译:接骨木提取物一般做成液体,如止咳糖浆,或是锭剂。)


lozenge一般作为名词使用,如在lozenge coach([网络] 菱形教练)、lozenge diagram(菱形图形)、lozenge effect(菱形花纹)等常见短语中出现较多。

lozenge coach[网络] 菱形教练
lozenge diagram菱形图形
lozenge effect菱形花纹
lozenge eye菱形眼
lozenge file菱形断面锉
lozenge fret菱形回纹饰
lozenge glass有菱形图案的玻璃
lozenge moulding菱形饰
lozenge panel菱花嵌板


1. Wouldn't want to prescribe a lozenge if there's any doubt about its efficacy, huh? (翻译:你对止咳糖的效果有点怀疑所以 不想开这种药,啊?)

2. Elderberry is usually taken as a liquid (like cough syrup) or a lozenge. (翻译:接骨木提取物一般做成液体,如止咳糖浆,或是锭剂。)

3. Bupropion (Zyban) alone, or in combination with the nicotine lozenge, also did not increase cessation rates among patients with a history of anxiety disorders. (翻译:单独服用安非他酮或是和含有润喉片一起服用,也并没有提高有焦虑病史的烟民的中止吸烟的比率。)

4. Oliver invented a lozenge cutter, the first American candy machine, and in 1850, he invented a machine for crushing sugar into a dust. (翻译:奥利佛发明了第一台的美国糖果机器:菱形切割器,而1850年时,他又发明了另一台可以将糖碾碎成粉的机器。)

5. However, the difference between the patch plus the lozenge and the other treatments was fairly small. (翻译:然而,贴片加嚼锭和其它疗法之间的差别相当小。)

6. Take the lozenge Dr. Gage gave you. (翻译:Here. 把Gage医生给你的药吃了 Take the lozenge Dr. Gage gave you.)

7. Spread out the chain, with the lozenge of forgings downwards, The tension chain must be on the outer side of the wheel. (翻译:把链条铺开,请把耐磨块的菱形一面朝下放置,拉紧链必须在轮胎的外侧。)

8. The special transparent grating, fluorescent grating and lozenge cover grating are the ideal decoration material for business buildings. (翻译:特别透明格栅,格栅和菱形荧光覆盖光栅是理想的装饰材料的商业楼宇。)

9. This month it demonstrated a lozenge-sized 80-core chip that used just 62 watts to break the teraflop barrier. (翻译:上个月,英特尔推出了一款菱形的80核芯片,只需耗电62瓦就能突破1万亿次运算速度的关口。)






- lozenge-shaped:菱形的

- throat lozenge:喉咙糖

- cough lozenge:止咳糖

- nicotine lozenge:口含片




1. She ed a lozenge to soothe her sore throat. 她吸了一个喉咙糖来缓解喉咙疼痛。

2. The lozenges tasted sweet, but didn't help her cough. 这些糖果很甜,但对她的咳嗽没有帮助。

3. He always keeps a packet of throat lozenges in his pocket. 他总是把一小包喉咙糖放在口袋里。

4. I prefer mint-flavored lozenges to fruit-flavored ones. 我更喜欢薄荷味道的糖果而不是水果味道的。

5. The doctor prescribed a lozenge for her persistent cough. 医生开了一种药片给她治疗顽固性咳嗽。

6. Nicotine lozenges can help people quit smoking. 口含片可以帮助人们戒烟。

7. She popped a lozenge into her mouth before the presentation to soothe her nerves. 她在演讲前吃了一个糖果来缓解她的紧张情绪。

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