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experiencing是什么意思 experiencing的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-03 10:32:28
  • 254

experiencing是什么意思 experiencing的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音: [ɪkˈspɪriənsɪŋ]


1. I am experiencing a lot of stress at work lately. (我最近在工作中体验到了很大的压力。)

2. This trip was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. (这次旅行是一次难得的经历。)

3. He has a lot of experience in the field of finance. (他在金融领域有丰富的经验。)

4. The company is experiencing a financial crisis. (公司正在经历财务危机。)

5. We are experiencing technical difficulties with the website. (我们网站正在经历技术困难。)




例句:She was also experiencing some delusions. (她还有些幻想症状 She was also experiencing some delusions.)


例句:But there was more to come - the rousing spirit which Europe was now experiencing. (但它还要迎来更多的东西, - -即欧洲正在经历的苏醒的灵魂。)


例句:Manolo, whatever struggles you are experiencing- (马诺洛 , 无论你的内心有多么煎熬...)


例句:You are likely experiencing sensations in response to me. (翻译:你们可能因为我的描述而有了一种感官感受。)


1. Manolo, whatever struggles you are experiencing- (翻译:马诺洛 , 无论你的内心有多么煎熬...)

2. You are likely experiencing sensations in response to me. (翻译:你们可能因为我的描述而有了一种感官感受。)

3. And the second is that people seem to be experiencing an actual connection. (翻译:第二件是, 人们似乎正在经历的是一个真实的联系。)

4. Users of the drug report experiencing a rush that lasts several minutes. (翻译:服用这种药的人说有持续几分钟的亢奋感觉。)

5. No memory at all of that, of what you were thinking or experiencing? (翻译:不记得在那里面 或者你当时 在想或者体验的事吗)

6. But there is something else that we are all experiencing in this room. (翻译:但是还有一些其他的东西 是我们所有在这间屋子里的人正在经历的。)

7. Now we are experiencing another metamorphic change: the industrial Internet. (翻译:如今,我们正在期待 另一场质的变化: 物联网。)

8. Are you experiencing dehydration, headache, nausea and shame? (翻译:你有没有脱水 头痛 恶心和 羞愧的感觉呢?)

9. and the gymnosophist answered, "I'm experiencing nothingness." (翻译:密修者答道:“我正在体验‘虚无’” 密修者答道:“我正在体验‘虚无’” )

10. It's for a dozen or more families experiencing extraordinary health challenges. (翻译:这是为十二个或者更多的家庭 去度过特殊的健康挑战而建造的)

11. Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some light... turbulence. (翻译:女士们,先生们,我们是 遇到了一些光... 动荡。)

12. Vulcan is not a experiencing a natural disaster, it's being attacked by Romulans. (翻译:瓦肯星上爆发的不是自然灾害 它是被罗慕兰人攻击了)

13. And today, you have the privilege of experiencing his work firsthand. (翻译:今天 你有这个亲自 And today, you have the privilege 体验他杰作的殊荣 of experiencing his work firsthand.)

14. The smoker that you see outside, huddled with other smokers, in the cold, in the wind, in the rain, is experiencing craving and may be experiencing the symptoms of withdrawal. (翻译:你看到在外面的吸烟者, 跟其他吸烟者挤在一起, 在寒冷中, 在风中, 在雨中, 正在经历渴望, 并可能正在经历戒断症状。)

15. You know it's ridiculous while you're experiencing it. (翻译:即使你正处在抑郁之中, 你也知道这一切都很荒谬 )





词组搭配:常见搭配有:experiencing difficulties(经历困难)、experiencing growth(经历增长)、experiencing joy(经历快乐)等。




1. The students are currently experiencing difficulties in understanding the lesson.(这些学生目前在理解这节课时正经历困难。)

2. I am experiencing mixed emotions about the upcoming trip.(我对即将到来的旅行体验到了复杂的情感。)

3. The athletes are experiencing great success in the competition.(这些运动员在比赛中获得了巨大的成功。)

4. She is currently experiencing some health problems.(她目前身体有些问题。)

5. They want to experience different cultures by traveling to different countries.(他们想通过去不同的国家旅游来体验不同的文化。)

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