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engulfed是什么意思 engulfed的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-16 08:21:06
  • 223

engulfed是什么意思 engulfed的中文翻译、读音、例句

英 [ɪnˈɡʌlf] 美 [ɪnˈɡʌlf]



1. The house was engulfed in flames within minutes.


2. He felt like he was being engulfed by a wave of nostalgia.


3. The city was engulfed by a thick fog.





例句:The dark night of the soul engulfed him, and he felt a strange, primeval terror he knew not what. (灵魂的黑夜笼罩了他,他感到一种奇异、原始、难以名状的恐惧。)


例句:And just as I'm about to be engulfed by it I open my eyes, and this sodding idiot is standing there, asking me if I'm OK. (正当我要被卷入 这份美好感觉时... 我睁开眼睛... ...我眼前站了一个大...)


例句:The vehicle was engulfed in flames. (汽车被大火吞没。)


engulfed一般作为名词使用,如在engulfed in(淹没在...中)等常见短语中出现较多。

engulfed in淹没在...中


1. The vehicle was engulfed in flames. (翻译:汽车被大火吞没。)

2. "The aircraft has broken up into pieces and fire has engulfed the aircraft. There is lot of smoke, " said Gopal Hosur, a senior police officer in Mangalore. (翻译:茫格洛尔的一名高级警官戈坡尔·霍苏尔说:“飞机摔成了碎片,并被火焰吞没,到处是浓烟。” )

3. Thirty-nine-year-old Brendan Sokaluk is the only arson suspect to be charged so far since bushfires engulfed Victoria. (翻译:今年39岁的BrendanSokaluk是自维多利亚被山火吞袭以来第一个被控告的纵火嫌疑犯。)

4. Many perished trying to escape from Zacharo, a village in the Elis district in south-western Greece, as it was engulfed by flames. (翻译:位于希腊西南部Elis区的村庄Zacharo被大火包围,大批民众逃离家园。)

5. Some of the ink particles are also suspended in the gel-like matrix of the dermis, while others are engulfed by dermal cells called fibroblasts. (翻译:有些颜料颗粒 悬浮在胶质的真皮结构中 而其它颜料颗粒 被叫做成纤维细胞的真皮细胞吞噬 )

6. A faint breath of wind can be the beginning of disaster. Nomads tell of entire villages being engulfed... ..camel trains disappearing, and people buried alive inside their tents. (翻译:一丝微风就可以造成灾难 {\3cH202020}A faint breath of wind can be the beginning of disaster. 住在帐篷里的人们惨遭 {\3cH202020}and people buried alive inside their tents.)

7. What we can see is that most of the internet connections are centered on North America and Europe, while the rest of the world is engulfed in the dark of digital divide. (翻译:我们看到,网络连接最密集的地区 是北美和欧洲。而剩下的地区则仍被笼罩在 数字鸿沟的阴影中。)

8. You saw a white light that engulfed you, almost seemed to beckon you to stay. (翻译:你看见一团白光将你吞没 好像在竭力让你留下的样子)

9. If she were to wake up we think the world would be engulfed by the parallel universe, with the tower located at the center. (翻译:如果了她的睡眠的话 我认为会以塔为中心,世界将瞬间被吞入平行世界)

10. For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. (翻译:早就记不得是什么原因, 两个强大勇猛的部族发生战争... ...引发了一场大火, 把他们全部吞没了)

11. Stormy waves of sentiment engulfed him towards the good earth waiting for reform (翻译:他心潮起伏,像大海的波涛汹涌澎湃 奔向那正在被改造的大地)

12. The big rig was about to explode and the driver's legs were engulfed in flames. The Coopers came to the rescue. (翻译:大卡车即将爆炸,司机双腿又被火所伤,千钧一发之时,库帕夫妇挺身相救。)

13. Only the gulls heard his dying curses ringing over the cape as he sank down and down into the mire and was engulfed. (翻译:只海鸥死亡诅咒他听到铃声在开普敦他倒和成的泥潭,并吞没。)

14. When you've been rejected in love, not only are you engulfed with feelings of romantic love, but you're feeling deep attachment to this individual. (翻译:当你被爱抛弃时, 你不仅被对爱情的渴望吞没, 而且感到对他深深的依恋。)

15. I can see little indication of God in the tremendous wave of cruelty and greed that has engulfed a big piece of our world. (翻译:贝茨: 我看不到上帝的暗示 在野性和贪婪的饕餮中)



1. 词的意思:完全包围或吞噬,淹没

2. 词性:动词,过去式

3. 常用场景:用于描述物体或者人被大量液体、火焰、烟雾等物质完全包围、淹没或吞噬的场景,例如:The house was engulfed in flames.(房子被火焰包围)

4. 词组搭配:engulfed in flames(被火焰包围)、engulfed in sorrow(被悲伤淹没)

5. 相关短语:engulfing waves(涌浪淹没)、engulfing fog(浓雾笼罩)

6. 发音拼写:/ɪnˈɡʌlft/ (in-guhlf-t)

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