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chamberlain是什么意思 chamberlain的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:02
  • 171

chamberlain是什么意思 chamberlain的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The chamberlain is responsible for the management of the royal household.


2. As the king's chamberlain, he had great power and influence in the court.





例句:Chamberlain was reluctant to recall his most bitter political opponent with a reputation for military adventure. (张伯伦对于召回有着军事冒险声誉 的最令他头痛的对手感到很勉强)


例句:And I remember Chamberlain going to his room afterwards and saying he wondered whether this could go on. (我记得张伯伦后来走向他的房间 说他不知道这是否还能继续)


例句:Colonel Chamberlain and the 20th Maine were trapped at the summit of Little Round Top. (张伯伦上校 在20号缅因州的 小圆顶首脑会议 已经身陷囵圄了)


例句:Lloyd George, Churchill, Chamberlain, Birkenead, Hamar Greenwood. (翻译:劳合·乔治 丘吉尔 张伯伦 伯肯黑德 哈马尔·格林伍德)


chamberlain一般作为名词使用,如在Joseph Chamberlain(n. 约瑟夫·张伯伦)、Lord Chamberlain(n. (英国王室的)宫务大臣)、Neville Chamberlain(n. 内维尔·张伯伦)等常见短语中出现较多。

Joseph Chamberlainn. 约瑟夫·张伯伦
Lord Chamberlainn. (英国王室的)宫务大臣
Neville Chamberlainn. 内维尔·张伯伦
Wilt Chamberlain威尔特‧张伯伦(NBA费城76人队昔日光辉人物)
Lord Great Chamberlain掌礼大臣
Lord Chamberlain's Men[网络] 宫内大臣剧团;张伯伦爵士剧团


1. Colonel Chamberlain and the 20th Maine were trapped at the summit of Little Round Top. (翻译:张伯伦上校 在20号缅因州的 小圆顶首脑会议 已经身陷囵圄了)

2. Lloyd George, Churchill, Chamberlain, Birkenead, Hamar Greenwood. (翻译:劳合·乔治 丘吉尔 张伯伦 伯肯黑德 哈马尔·格林伍德)

3. Chamberlain was concerned about innocent Norwegian lives and the effect on American opinion. (翻译:张伯伦担心无辜挪威人丢命 和对美国造成的印象)

4. Come let us go and meet... your uncle there, the Chamberlain... (翻译:我们一起去见一见 你的叔叔,那个贵族管家吧 还有那些漂亮的女士们!)

5. I could see Chamberlain, I can see him now, blanch. (翻译:我能看到张伯伦, 我现在还记得他的样子,脸色苍白)

6. The tariff reform movement in Britain started by Joseph Chamberlain brought new opponents of Manchesterism. (翻译:由约瑟夫·张伯伦发起的英国关税改革运动带来了新的反对曼彻斯特主义的反对者。)

7. The Chamberlain advanced rolled up his sleeves, twirled his mustache, offered his arm to Zosia, and, with a polite bow, invited her to dance. (翻译:弄平他的胡须,把他的手交给了奏西亚 礼貌地弯下了腰,邀请她跳舞 立陶宛!)

8. Gethin Chamberlain reports. (翻译:格辛·张伯伦报道。)

9. The gloves are off, liz chamberlain. (翻译:摘具吧 莉兹·张伯伦 The gloves are off, Liz Chamberlain.)

10. I must confess, Dr Chamberlain, your name is so famous and yet I really don't know why. (翻译:说实话,大夫,我是久闻你的大名 可是... ...)

11. Charlie, I'm having a bit of a bad day, so Ruby's gonna take me to see Dr. Chamberlain. (翻译:查理,我今天有点不舒服 所以鲁比打算带我去见见张伯伦医生)

12. Chamberlain took it very seriously and his wife appeared with an enormous basket full of things for the night and Thermos flasks and things to read and so on. (翻译:张伯伦对此很当真 他妻子出现时带着一个装满 为晚上准备的东西的巨大蓝子, 和热水瓶,以及读物,诸如此类的东西)

13. The one big difference between then and now is that Chamberlain and Daladier did not have the power of veto. (翻译:从前和现在最大的不同就是张伯伦和达拉第在国联没有否决权。)

14. And Chamberlain's desperate maneuver ended, Bobby, in failure. (翻译:等张伯伦使完最后的 绝招,波比,他就完蛋了)

15. Sunday September 3. The British prime minister Neville Chamberlain broadcasts. (翻译:9月3日星期天 英国首相 内维尔·张伯伦发表广播讲话)



词组搭配:chamberlain of the household(皇室家庭下的chamberlain)




1. The chamberlain announced the arrival of the Queen.

2. He was appointed chamberlain to the Duke of Edinburgh.

3. The chamberlain is responsible for the arrangement of royal ceremonies.

4. The chamberlain's office was in charge of the palace's financial affairs.

5. The chamberlain oversaw the preparations for the coronation.

6. The chamberlain played an important role in the negotiations with the foreign delegation.

7. The chamberlain organized the servants to decorate the banquet hall.


1. 家仆官员宣布女王到达了。

2. 他被任命为爱丁堡公爵的家仆官员。

3. 家仆官员负责皇家仪式的安排。

4. 家仆官员的办公室负责宫殿财务事项。

5. 家仆官员监督加冕仪式的准备工作。

6. 家仆官员在与外交代表的谈判中扮演着重要角色。

7. 家仆官员组织仆人布置宴会厅。

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