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tearful是什么意思 tearful的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-20 07:59:18
  • 239

tearful是什么意思 tearful的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The farewell was a tearful one as we hugged tightly, not wanting to let go.


2. She gave a tearful interview to the press after her defeat in the championship.





例句:Indeed, she had told Mr and Mrs Barclay in a tearful voice that she didn't want to marry anybody. (她的确啜泣地求过巴克利先生和夫人,她不想嫁给任何人)


例句:I really have become tearful and sentimental... (一坐下来就非常想你,真的 我已变成一个感情非常脆弱的人了)


例句:John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace. (约翰轻轻地从含泪的姐姐的怀抱中脱出身来。)


例句:We had a tearful parting at the airport. (翻译:我们在洒泪而别。)


1. John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace. (翻译:约翰轻轻地从含泪的姐姐的怀抱中脱出身来。)

2. We had a tearful parting at the airport. (翻译:我们在洒泪而别。)

3. The two women said a tearful goodbye to Orpah and waved until she was out of sight. (翻译:两个女人含泪向奥普拉挥手告别,直到她离开了她们的视线。)

4. He refused to listen to her tearful pleas. (翻译:他对她声泪俱下的恳求置之不理。)

5. The eye is tearful , the heart is broken already. Apathetic expression is not original already oneself, hey! Living very tired really? ? ? (翻译:眼睛含泪,心已碎。麻木的表情早已不是原来的自己,哎!活着真的好累。)

6. She suddenly became very tearful. (翻译:她突然痛哭流涕。)

7. Look to go up in friend portion, instruct you one court: Limb touchdown, look up, visual ahead, say a tongue, cry twice: Tearful. (翻译:看在朋友份上,教你一招:四肢着地,抬头,目视前方,吐舌,叫俩声:汪汪。)

8. Tearful, frustrated fights followed by emotional makeups, hateful and hurtful comments like, "You're worthless, I'm not even sure why I'm with you!" (翻译:泪流满面,沮丧的争吵, 随之而来的是情感上的伪装, 充满仇恨和伤害的评论,比如, “你一文不值,我都不知道 为什么跟你在一起!” )

9. Some parents straggled in from the surrounding countryside for tearful reunions with their children, but many more did not. (翻译:一些家长从周围的村庄含着泪水赶来与他们的子女团聚,但更多的都没有这样。)

10. But one of his fellow Marines brought his souvenirs with him, and returned them to their owner's grateful and tearful family. (翻译:但是康纳的一个水兵朋友将他的纪念品都归还给了它们的主人,主人感激涕零。)

11. But a week after the funeral, she looked at his picture and became tearful. (翻译:但在葬礼结束的一周后, 她看着他的照片, 变得泪眼模糊。)

12. "Ah Q, may you die sonless, " sounded the little nun's tearful voice. (翻译:“这断子绝孙的阿Q!”远远地听得小尼姑带哭的声音。)

13. The Garners embraced Davenport's widow and offered tearful thanks. (翻译:盖勒夫妇拥抱了达文波特的遗孀,含泪告诉她他们的感激之情。)

14. Dear Mother, the other day, a woman lying on the road gazed at me with tearful eyes. It seems I've fallen for her. (翻译:亲爱的母亲,有一天,有个女人倒在路上,用泪水汪汪的眼睛看著我,我好像爱上她了。)

15. Indeed, she had told Mr And Mrs Barclay in a tearful voice that she didn't want to marry anybody. (翻译:确实,她曾哭哭啼啼地向巴克莱夫妇诉说过,自己谁也不嫁。)



意思: Tearful 意为“眼泪盈眶的,含泪的”。

词性: Tearful 是形容词。

常用场景: Tearful 通常用于描述人在哭泣、悲伤、心碎、感动、失落等情绪下的状态。


1. tearful eyes 含泪的眼睛

2. tearful goodbye 惜别

3. tearful reunions 感人的重聚

4. tearful confession 含泪的忏悔


1. tearful breakdown 哭丧着脸崩溃

2. tearful farewell 感人的离别

3. tearful reunion 令人感动的重逢

发音拼写: Tearful 的发音为 /ˈtɪr.fəl/ 。

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