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discounted是什么意思 discounted的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-13 03:05:58
  • 291

discounted是什么意思 discounted的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The store is offering discounted prices on all winter clothing.


2. I bought this book at a heavily discounted price.


3. The company decided to sell the old model at a discounted rate.





例句:Their doubts had been answered, their opposition could be discounted. (他们的怀疑已经被回答, 他们的反对可能不被考虑)


例句:Dillons have struck a deal with two publishers to sell discounted books outside the NBA. (狄龙已经与两个出版商达成了在NBA赛场外出售打折书籍的协议。)


例句:But I will admit, fellow citizen, that I have discounted the burden of coping with the loss of status. (会承认,我的朋友们, 我忽视了应对地位丧失的压力。)


例句:Subsequently, these observations were generally discounted because definitive evidence for follicular neogenesis was not presented6. (翻译:人们普遍认为,在人的一生中不会再长出新的毛囊。)


discounted一般作为动词使用,如在Discounted basis([网络] 折现基础)、discounted benefit([金融] 贴现效益)、discounted bill([经] 已贴现票据)等常见短语中出现较多。

Discounted basis[网络] 折现基础
discounted benefit[金融] 贴现效益
discounted bill[经] 已贴现票据
discounted cash贴扣现金
discounted cost折扣费用
discounted credit[经] 贴现放款
discounted factor折现系数;贴现因素
discounted flow贴现流量
discounted note贴现本票,贴现票据


1. But I will admit, fellow citizen, that I have discounted the burden of coping with the loss of status. (翻译:会承认,我的朋友们, 我忽视了应对地位丧失的压力。)

2. Subsequently, these observations were generally discounted because definitive evidence for follicular neogenesis was not presented6. (翻译:人们普遍认为,在人的一生中不会再长出新的毛囊。)

3. Well, with what we wrote discounted at the bank... and Charlie, we're gonna squeeze through. (翻译:好了,有了银行的贴现的那部分钱 还有查理的帮助,我们应该可以勉强过关了)

4. Disney discounted the amount it paid to its subsidiaries, and that led to lower fees paid to Celador. (翻译:迪士尼减少了支付给其下属公司的费用,从而导致支付给Celador公司更低的费用。)

5. Whatis sought is the authentic. As soon as they are touched or embellished, their value is inevitably discounted. (翻译:真实的原始记录是新闻照片的灵魂,求的是原汁原味,一经改动或添枝加叶,其价值必打折扣。)

6. 250 is already the discounted price. (翻译:已经是折扣价了 250 is already the discounted price.)

7. So I know we discussed a discounted rate of $545 per commercial, but if you sign up right now for our elite package -- now, that's seven commercials -- (翻译:我们刚才说好的打完折 每支广告545块 但如果你现在签下我们的精英套餐)

8. The PV of their expected future free cash flows, discounted at the WACC, is the value of operations. (翻译:在用资产产生的预期自由现金流量,以加权平均资金成本为折现系数进行折现后的现值称为营业价值。)

9. Last month, by contrast, VAT remained at 15%, petrol prices stayed put and retailers discounted much less than a year earlier. (翻译:相反,上个月的价值维持在15%,汽油价格不升不降,零售商打的折扣也比去年少很多。)

10. - All right, if you can write... $300,000 this afternoon, discounted at the bank, we get $150,000. (翻译:- 好了,如果你能够凑到 在今天下午凑齐30万美元去银行贴现,我们又可以拿到15万)

11. Since the truth of this report was discounted, I was not in a position to publish it for you. (翻译:既然这篇报道的真实性要打折扣,我不能给你发表。)

12. He said that disposing of projects outright 'is also a faster option compared with selling individual units at a discounted price. ' (翻译:冯征还说,比起打折出售单套住宅,直接出售地产项目也是更快更有效率的选择。)

13. Under constant interest, we derive an integro-differential equation for the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted function. (翻译:在固定利息力作用下,推导出了罚金折现函数所满足的微积分方程。)

14. An Economic Order Quantity Model for Deteriorating Items with Discounted Payment for Partial Backlogging (翻译:折扣支付部分拖后供给量的易变质物品经济批量模型)

15. Yet luxury e-tailers, which sell designer goods online at discounted prices, are flourishing. (翻译:然而以折扣价网上销售服饰设计师作品的奢侈品网上销售商却生意兴隆。)






词组搭配:discounted rate(折扣率)、discounted price(折扣价)、discounted goods(打折商品)

相关短语:give a discount(给予折扣)、get a discount(获得折扣)、enjoy a discount(享受折扣)


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