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fall into是什么意思 fall into的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:14
  • 197

fall into是什么意思 fall into的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:fɔːl ɪntuː


1. The child fell into the pond and almost drowned.


2. I fell into a deep sleep after a long day of work.


3. He fell into depression after losing his job.


4. We need to be careful not to fall into the trap of overspending.


fall into在中文中有"分解、分为"的意思,还经常被翻译为坏习惯等,发音是[fallinto],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到88个与fall into相关的例句。

Fall into的翻译


例句:After all, not all the men you fall for can turn out to be sociopaths. (not all the men you fall for can turn out to be sociopaths.)


例句:- But of course they fall in love. (- But of course they fall in love.)


例句:Oh, yeah, we went to the fall festival. (we went to the fall festival.)


例句:The government had to fall. (翻译:Football. The government had to fall.)


fall into一般作为名词使用,如在fall(秋季)、fall a(n. (Falla)人名;(西)法利亚;(英、法、意)法拉)、fall at(在…时变成某种状态)等常见短语中出现较多。

fall an. (Falla)人名;(西)法利亚;(英、法、意)法拉
fall at在…时变成某种状态
fall by[俚语]突然来访
fall for上当, 听信; 爱上
fall for it易受骗上当,轻易相信
fall in for得到,受到
fall in with偶遇, 同意
fall of[网络] 坠落;树叶都吹落了


1. Oh, yeah, we went to the fall festival. (翻译:we went to the fall festival.)

2. The government had to fall. (翻译:Football. The government had to fall.)

3. But this wall, it will fall (翻译:∮ But this wall, it will fall)

4. But wise men never fall in love! (翻译:But wise men never fall in love!)

5. When we swung out, I was afraid we would fall to our doom. (翻译:I was afraid we would fall to our doom.)

6. The minor fall the major lift. (翻译:The minor fall the major lift)

7. – A little fall of rain – A little fall of rain (翻译:- 一点细雨 - 一点细雨 – A little fall of rain – A little fall of rain)

8. ? So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight ? (翻译:So I might fall far like the stars in heaven tonight)

9. Pretending to fall for me -- (翻译:Pretending to fall for me...)

10. Tell your men to fall back! (翻译:Tell your men to fall back!)

11. Every time he does that, I fall in love with him. (翻译:I fall in love with him.)

12. Can fall mountain with fall sea (翻译:可以将落山跟落海 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Can fall mountain with fall sea)

13. For lo, beneath Judge Jeffrey's feet - you fall! (翻译:- you fall! You fall!)

14. ~ It takes a muscle to fall in love (翻译:It takes a muscle to fall in love)

15. Santiago will fall like that! (翻译:Santiago will fall like that!)

词义:Fall into意为“落入、陷入”;“逐渐变成(某种状态)”。


词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括:fall into a trap(落入陷阱)、fall into a deep sleep(陷入沉睡)、fall into disrepair(破败不堪)、fall into place(落实、明朗化)等。


发音拼写:[fɔːl ˈɪntuː]


1. The child fell into the water and was quickly rescued.(那个孩子落入了水中,但很快被救起来了。)

2. I seem to have fallen into a deep sleep.(我好像陷入了沉睡之中。)

3. The old church has fallen into disrepair over the years.(这座老教堂多年来已经破败不堪。)

4. Everything fell into place once we started working together.(我们开始合作后,一切都变得明朗化了。)

5. She fell into a deep depression after her divorce.(离婚后,她陷入了深深的抑郁之中。)

6. He fell into a trap set by his enemies.(他落入了敌人设下的陷阱中。)

7. Don't fall into the trap of believing everything you hear.(不要陷入相信你听到的一切的陷阱中。)

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