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pdc是什么意思 pdc的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-25 11:49:09
  • 193

pdc是什么意思 pdc的中文翻译、读音、例句

pdc的中文翻译是“程序设计语言”,读音为“piː diː siː”。


1. 许多计算机科学家都熟练掌握pdc。

Many computer scientists are proficient in PDC.

2. 当我在大学学习编程时,我们学习了pdc。

When I was studying programming in college, we learned PDC.




例句:It is based on a database of past PDC bits. In the databased, it includes bit type, average shear stress of well which bit was used in, cost per unit length. (该方法以一个建成的PD C钻头使用资料库为基础,该数据库包括钻头型号、所钻井段地层的平均剪切强度、单位进尺钻井成本等指标。)


例句:Some of the specific recommendations stressed at the PDC include. (在PD C中,特别强调了某些特定的建议,包括。)


例句:Drilling Parameter Model with the "Low Rotation Speed - High WOB" of PDC Bits and Its Application (PDC钻头的“低转速-高钻压”钻井参数模式及应用)


例句:Once vessels meet wreck, as long as succors read data from the PDC, they can know the reason of wreck. (翻译:舰艇失事后,黑体随失事浮标一同浮出水面,救援人员只要从黑体中读出数据,就可及时掌握到舰艇失事的原因。)


pdc一般作为名词使用,如在PDC bit(聚晶[复合片]金 刚石钻头)等常见短语中出现较多。

PDC bit聚晶[复合片]金 刚石钻头


1. Drilling Parameter Model with the "Low Rotation Speed - High WOB" of PDC Bits and Its Application (翻译:PDC钻头的“低转速-高钻压”钻井参数模式及应用)

2. Once vessels meet wreck, as long as succors read data from the PDC, they can know the reason of wreck. (翻译:舰艇失事后,黑体随失事浮标一同浮出水面,救援人员只要从黑体中读出数据,就可及时掌握到舰艇失事的原因。)

3. Through field testing, the PDC bit suited for Sulige gas field increased drilling speed and obtained good result. (翻译:通过现场试验,大幅度提高了苏里格气田的钻井速度,取得了显著的效果。)

4. To let your client workstations authenticate with the UNIX server, you're going to set up Samba as the PDC. (翻译:为了让您的客户端工作站使用UNIX服务器进行身份验证,您需要将Samba设置为pdc。)

5. Maceration alloy is an important material in the coldpressed maceration, pressureless maceration and PDC bit manufacture. (翻译:浸渍合金是冷压浸渍、无压浸渍和PDC钻头制造中的重要材料。)

6. So that, ABC had decided to establish the Same City Data Real-time Backup Center(DRBC) of PDC. (翻译:为此,总行决定建立省域数据中心同城数据实时备份中心。)

7. "Ethanol Production by Escherichia Coli Strains Co-Expressing Zymomonas PDC and ADH Genes, " said the aide, reading from a clipboard. (翻译:助手读了剪贴板上的文字,“共同表达发酵单胞菌属PDC和ADH基因的大肠杆菌菌株的乙醇生产”。)

8. The Wearing Law of One PDC Cutter under Fixed WOB and Fixed Rotary Speed (翻译:定钻压、定转速条件下PDC钻头单切削齿磨损规律研究)

9. Through field testing, the PDC bit suited for Sulige gas field increased drilling speed and obtained good result. (翻译:通过现场试验,大幅度提高了苏里格气田的钻井速度,取得了显著的效果。)

1. 意义及用途:'pdc'可以作为多种不同的缩写词出现,常见的包括:Process Data Collection、Parallel Distributed Computing、Programmable Digital Controller等。这些缩写词均与信息技术、计算机科学和工程学等领域有关,通常用来描述相关技术或设备的功能和特点。

2. 应用场景:'pdc'的应用场景十分广泛,可以涉及到工业自动化、数据采集与分析、高性能计算、软件开发等方面。在某些行业或领域中,'pdc'可能是必要的关键技术或设备,如在制造业中监控生产线、在医学研究中处理大规模数据、在金融领域中实现高速交易等。

3. 技术特点:由于'pdc'应用的广泛性,其技术特点也各不相同。例如,Parallel Distributed Computing通常采用多处理器和分布式存储技术,可实现高效的数据处理和分析;Programmable Digital Controller则是一种能够控制和监测工业生产过程的自动化设备,具有高可靠性和精确性等特点。

4. 发展趋势:随着信息技术和计算机科学的不断发展,'pdc'的应用范围和技术水平将不断扩展和提高。可能会出现更加先进的'pdc'技术和设备,如量子计算、人工智能等,为各个行业的生产和研究带来新的突破和进展。


1. This system is equipped with a Process Data Collection unit, which can collect real-time data from the production line and provide ysis for production optimization. (这个系统配备了一个Process Data Collection单元,可以从生产线收集实时数据并为生产优化提供分析。)

2. Parallel Distributed Computing is a key technology in high-performance computing, and can effectively improve the computing speed and performance of complex applications. (Parallel Distributed Computing是高性能计算中的重要技术,可以有效提高复杂应用的计算速度和性能。)

3. The Programmable Digital Controller can control and monitor the temperature, pressure, and other factors in the production process, ensuring the safety and quality of the products. (Programmable Digital Controller可以控制和监测生产过程中的温度、压力等因素,确保产品的安全和质量。)

4. The data center uses advanced PDC technology to realize real-time data backup and disaster recovery, ensuring the security and continuity of data services. (数据中心采用先进的PDC技术实现实时数据备份和灾备,确保数据服务的安全和连续性。)

5. With the rise of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, the development of PDC technology is expected to achieve breakthroughs in various fields, such as autonomous driving and drug discovery. (随着人工智能和量子计算的兴起,PDC技术的发展有望在自动驾驶和药物研发等领域实现突破。)

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