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whiff是什么意思 whiff的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:19:46
  • 155

whiff是什么意思 whiff的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. I caught a whiff of something delicious cooking in the kitchen.


2. The police had a whiff of something illegal going on in the neighborhood.





例句:And if you get so much as a whiff of treason from any of the rest: (而如果其他任何人敢对你耍两面派: And if you get so much as a whiff of treason from any of the rest:)


例句:Right now, the French can ill-afford even the whiff of impropriety. (目前,法国人承受不了哪怕一点点的行为欠妥。)


例句:See, I'm asking you because if there's any history here, even just a whiff, I have to hear it from you. (我这样问,是因为 如果有任何往迹 即使只是一点迹象 我也要听你们陈述)


例句:Their snouts got tonger and their noses keener to detect even the slightest whiff of dinner. (翻译:它们的鼻子变长 嗅觉更灵敏 甚至有一丝气味的晚餐 它们也能察觉的到)


whiff一般作为名词、动词使用,如在get a whiff([网络] 得到一口气)、horned whiff([网络] 有角的气味)、oral whiff([医] 口腔喷气声(主动脉瘤))等常见短语中出现较多。

get a whiff[网络] 得到一口气
horned whiff[网络] 有角的气味
oral whiff[医] 口腔喷气声(主动脉瘤)
skew whiffadj. 偏的;斜的;歪的\n[网络] 歪斜的
whiff waff[网络] iff
whiff whaff[网络] 乒乓球
whiff whaffs[网络] 呜呜呜呜


1. See, I'm asking you because if there's any history here, even just a whiff, I have to hear it from you. (翻译:我这样问,是因为 如果有任何往迹 即使只是一点迹象 我也要听你们陈述)

2. Their snouts got tonger and their noses keener to detect even the slightest whiff of dinner. (翻译:它们的鼻子变长 嗅觉更灵敏 甚至有一丝气味的晚餐 它们也能察觉的到)

3. I knew the soup had a whiff of controversy around it, but I hadn't yet formed a personal policy, so I gave it a try. (翻译:我知道这道汤羹有很多争议,自己却还未形成明确的立场,所以决定尝试一把。)

4. Mr. Brody, why don't we wait for a whiff of smoke before we call it a screen, please? (翻译:Brody先生 等闻到烟味再称之为烟幕弹吧)

5. Astronomy may be hard science, but there's always been a whiff of Disney about it too. (翻译:尽管归属硬科学,但天文学里总有一些迪斯尼般的奇幻存在。)

6. - I mean, if I even get a whiff of Ramsey, it's like I just have to pounce, you know? (翻译:- 我是说 哪怕只是蹭下拉姆齐,我都想直接扑过去,懂吗?)

7. There is whiff of the rake about him, and that gives him an enchanting edge. (翻译:他身上有一丝不羁的气息, 这带给了他迷人的光环。)

8. Yeah, and the moment Jesus got a whiff of 'em, he's away. (翻译:对 然后对著所有人吹了一口气 他就走了)

9. All satin and glossy wood panels, the living room has a modern, masculine flair with just a whiff of decadence. (翻译:木质墙板如绸缎般光滑,客厅里洋溢着一种现代的男性风格,其中掺杂着些许颓废的气息。)

10. She is let out of her protective cage once a year, for a whiff of fresh air. (翻译:她每年能从保护罩中出来一次,呼吸一下新鲜空气。)

11. The grubby little settlement of Kiteni, where the main street is a patch of waste ground and there's a whiff of sewage in the air. (翻译:Kiteni是个很小的居住点,秽不堪, 它的主干道只是一块荒地。空中飘来阵阵水的臭气。)

12. He's like an eel. He gets a whiff of a cop, he'll disappear. (翻译:他只要一感觉到有在场 他马上就会逃走)

13. The snap of a few sparks, a quick whiff of ozone... and the lamp blazed forth in unparalleled glory. (翻译:随着几个火花的噼啪和一阵臭氧的气味 那盏灯终于大放光芒艳惊四座)

14. A dog out of JFK caught a whiff of something in this package... postmarked to a Bosnian refugee camp. (翻译:的警犬闻出包裹里有点不对 是寄往波斯尼亚难民营的包裹)

15. The closest you've been to the woods is the occasional whiff of pine air freshener. (翻译:你最接近森林的一次是... 偶而闻到松香味的空气清新剂)



词义:1. 轻微的气味或香味 2. 一阵轻风 3. 一瞬间 4. (体育运动中)差错,失败



1. whiff of smoke:一股烟味

2. whiff of perfume:一股香味

3. a whiff of fresh air:一股清新的空气

4. whiff through:轻风吹过

5. whiff of danger:一丝危险的气息

6. whiff of nostalgia:一丝怀旧情绪

7. whiff of suspicion:一丝怀疑

短语:take a whiff of:深深地呼吸

发音拼写:[hwif], [wif]


1. She caught a whiff of the freshly baked bread.(她嗅到了新鲜出炉的面包的香味。)

2. A whiff of wind swept through the open window.(一阵微风从敞开的窗户吹过。)

3. The match ended in a whiff of smoke.(比赛以失败告终。)

4. He took a deep whiff of the flowers.(他深深地吸了一口花香。)

5. The whiff of danger made her heart race.(危险的气息让她的心跳加快。)

6. The old book gave off a whiff of nostalgia.(这本旧书散发着一股怀旧的气息。)

7. The police officer had a whiff of suspicion about the suspect.(警官对嫌疑人有一些怀疑。)

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