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routing number是什么意思 routing number的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-11 14:22:01
  • 286

routing number是什么意思 routing number的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[ˈraʊtɪŋ ˈnʌmbər]


1. 您需要提供您的银行账户和路由号码才能进行转账。

You need to provide your bank account number and routing number to make a transfer.

2. 当您处理国际汇款时,您需要知道该国家的路由号码。

When processing international transfers, you need to know the routing number for that country.

routing number通常被翻译为""的意思,还有的意思,单词读音音标为[routingnumber],routing number在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到51个与routing number相关的句子。

Routing number的词典翻译


例句:Last, we introduced the reputation mechanism into the DSR routing protocol, and exploit a security routing protocol. (最后我们把声誉机制与按需路由协议DSR结合起来,设计了一种安全路由协议。)


routing number一般作为名词使用,如在Location Routing Number([网络] 位置路由号码网;位置选路编号;定位寻址号)、routing([计] 路由选择; 布线)、in number(总共, 在数字上)等常见短语中出现较多。

Location Routing Number[网络] 位置路由号码网;位置选路编号;定位寻址号
routing[计] 路由选择; 布线
in number总共, 在数字上
no number无号码
no such number[网络] 并无此号;并无此处
Not a Number[网络] 非数值;非数字;不是数字
number of许多;数目;若干
number with把…包括进
the number of…的数目


1. Then AODV routing protocol discussed the working principle. (翻译:接着论述了AODV路由协议的工作原理。)

2. Well, can I get your number? (翻译:can I get your number? -不能)

3. Adaptive routing algorithms must be designed to solve the routing question in Ad Hoc networks. (翻译:必须采用合适的路由算法以解决AdHoc网络中的路由选择问题。)

4. Why don't you, well, yeah give me your number (翻译:yeah give me your number)

5. Using probabilities, I was able to reduce that number. (翻译:I was able to reduce that number.)

6. The autoloading and routing are separate things. (翻译:的自动加载和路由是分开的事情。)

7. This is number one disaster! (翻译:What? This is number one disaster!)

8. Ballard, get back on your number. (翻译:get back on your number.)

9. Edit the static routing file. (翻译:编辑静态路由文件。)

10. Wait, what did you say the docket number was? (翻译:what did you say the docket number was?)

11. Heck it's likely to be this morning. (翻译:Divide that by the number of planes.)

12. Wait for your number to be called. (翻译:Wait for your number to be called.)

13. # Number forty-seven said to number three (翻译:∮ Number forty -seven 47号 said to number three 说成3号)

14. And traced the routing and re-routing. (翻译:追踪了钱的去路 and traced the routing and re -routing.)

15. Number two is peeled banana. (翻译:Number Two is peeled banana.)


Routing number指的是美国银行体系中的一种特殊编号系统,也称为ABA(美国银行家协会)编码。每个银行都有一个独特的routing number,它用于标识银行和它所在地区的位置。它通常由9个数字组成。


Routing number是一个名词短语。


Routing number主要用于美国银行体系中,常用于银行之间的转账、电子支付、ACH(Automated Clearing House)支付等业务中。


routing number可以搭配以下词组:

- bank routing number 银行路由号码

- ABA routing number ABA路由号码

- wire routing number 电汇路由号码


Routing number的相关短语包括:

- routing number lookup 查找路由号码

- routing number check 路由号码检查

- routing number verification 路由号码验证


Routing number的发音为/ˈruːtɪŋ ˈnʌmbər/,其中routing发音为/ˈruːtɪŋ/,number发音为/ˈnʌmbər/。

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