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shere是什么意思 shere的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:56
  • 246

shere是什么意思 shere的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Let's shere this cake together.(让我们一起分享这个蛋糕。)

2. It's important to shere knowledge and information with your colleagues.(与同事分享知识和信息非常重要。)




例句:The last known expedition to actually reach Ahm Shere was sent by Ramses IV over 3,000 years ago. (最后一支抵达阿姆谢的远征队 是拉美士四世 在三千年前派出去的)


例句:Shere Khan may be heading here as we speak. (谢利·可汗可能就在来的路上了 Shere Khan may be heading here as we speak.)


shere一般作为名词使用,如在Shere Ali([网络] 英国废穆氏之子阿里国王)、Shere Hills([地名] 希尔丘陵 ( 尼日利 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Shere Ali[网络] 英国废穆氏之子阿里国王
Shere Hills[地名] 希尔丘陵 ( 尼日利 )


1. And your son leads the way to Ahm Shere. Three sides of the pyramid. (翻译:而你儿子是到阿姆谢的向导 像金字塔的三面)

2. L think the bracelet is some sort of guide to the lost oasis of Ahm Shere. (翻译:我认为手镯可以带路去 失落的绿洲,阿姆谢)

3. And Shere Khan is not going to allow you to grow up to become a man-- just another hunter with a gun. (翻译:谢利绝不会让你 在这个地方长大的 他说人只会举枪杀老虎)

4. Then one night, the wolf pack elders met at council rock... because Shere Khan the tiger... had returned to their part of the jungle. (翻译:一个晚上野狼族聚在一起 开了岩石大会 原来是老虎谢利 回到了森林)

5. Fire! Shere Khan is afraid. (翻译:火!谢利害怕了。)

6. Shere Khan is a tiger. (翻译:谢利是一只虎。)

7. Shere Hite, the G-spot debate... Germaine Greer, Nancy Friday... (翻译:歇尔. 里尔,南茜. 海特,G一斯波 论,杰曼.)

8. Kaa, the snake. And Shere Khan, the tiger. (翻译:蛇卡奥阿和老虎谢利。)

9. After a vicious campaign which lasted seven long years, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated and driven deep into the sacred desert of Ahm Shere. (翻译:经历了长达七年的战役 魔蝎大帝的大败 一路溃退至神圣的沙漠,阿姆谢)

10. By the time he reaches Ahm Shere, even the Scorpion King won't be able to stop him. (翻译:等他到了阿姆谢 恐怕连魔蝎大帝都杀不了他)



'Shere' 不是一个常见的英语单词,可能是拼写错误或者拼写变体。这里提供两种可能的解释和相关的翻译例句:

1. 'Sphere' 是一个英语单词,意为 '球体、范围、领域'。它是一个名词,可以用作主语、宾语或者定语。相关的词组搭配有 'sphere of influence'(影响范围)、'celestial sphere'(天体球面)、'public sphere'(公共领域)等等。发音为 /sfɪər/,拼写为 'sphere'。以下是7个相关的中英文翻译例句:

- The earth is a sphere.

- His sphere of knowledge is very limited.

- The problem lies within the sphere of economics.

- The celestial sphere is used to describe the positions of stars in the sky.

- The artist's work spans across various spheres of creativity.

- The debate about of speech is often framed in the context of the public sphere.

- The two countries are competing for dominance in the sphere of technology.

2. 'Sheer' 是另一个可能的单词,意为 '纯粹的、全然的、陡峭的、透明的、薄的'。它可以用作形容词,表示程度、特征或者外貌。相关的词组搭配有 'sheer luck'(纯属运气)、'sheer cliff'(陡峭的悬崖)、'sheer fabric'(透明的织物)等等。发音为 /ʃɪər/,拼写为 'sheer'。以下是7个相关的中英文翻译例句:

- His success was due to sheer hard work and determination.

- The sheer size of the building was impressive.

- It was sheer madness to jump into the river without a life jacket.

- The cliff was so sheer that we couldn't climb up.

- The dress was made of sheer silk.

- The athletes were filled with sheer joy after winning the championship.

- The concert was a sheer delight for the audience.

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