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petrochina是什么意思 petrochina的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:44
  • 214

petrochina是什么意思 petrochina的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:péi tuō zhōng guó shí yóu huà gōng gǔ fèn yǒu xiàn gōng sī


Translation: PetroChina is one of the largest energy companies in China.




例句:Now, while other majors lop off a billion or two of capex here and there, PetroChina is still spending through the cycle. (如今,当其它巨头在这里或那里削减10亿或20亿美元的资本支出时,中石油仍在周期内支出。)


例句:The quality of diesel oil producing was advanced by isomery pour point depression technique applying in hydrogenation unit in Harbin Petroleum Company Branch of PetroChina. (介绍了中国石油哈尔滨石化公司柴油加氢精制-临氢降凝装置采用异构降凝技术提高产品柴油质量的生产情况。)


例句:You will see a PetroChina gas station on your left. (在你的左手边你会看到一座中石油的加油站。)


1. You will see a PetroChina gas station on your left. (翻译:在你的左手边你会看到一座中石油的加油站。)

2. However, he made it clear that if PetroChina was forced to make losses on its refining, it would do so. (翻译:明确表示,如果中石油必须要在炼油业务上承受亏损,该公司会这样做。)

3. PetroChina formed a refinery joint venture with Ineos this year at Grangemouth. This has become another flagship project for China-Scotland cooperation. (翻译:今年,中石油收购了英力士集团位于苏格兰福斯湾的格兰杰莫斯炼油厂部分股权,成为中国与苏格兰合作新的标志性项目。)

4. The deal between PetroChina, a state-controlled company, and ExxonMobil is reckoned to be Australia's biggest ever trade contract by value. (翻译:这项由中国国有企业中石油与埃克森美孚石油公司签署的合约价值之大创下澳大利亚贸易额的新纪录。)

5. Many will claim that this is not a true "market value" since the bulk of PetroChina's shares will still be in government hands. (翻译:许多人称这不是真正的“市值”,因为大部分的中石油的股票掌握在手中。)

6. PetroChina's bonds would have a maturity of up to 15 years and could be sold in several stages, the company said in a statement. (翻译:中石油在公告中表示,此次债券期限不超过15年,可能分批发售。)

7. PetroChina and its Korla subsidiary refused to be interviewed, but one former employee said discrimination was rife within the company. (翻译:中石油及其库尔勒子公司拒绝接受采访,但一位前职员表示,在公司内部,歧视现象十分普遍。)

8. With most of its earnings from exploring and producing, PetroChina is firmly out of favour as oil prices languish. (翻译:由于中石油的大部分收益来自勘探和生产领域,因此随着油价下滑,该公司肯定会受到冷落。)

9. Operationally, too, PetroChina is something of a minnow beside its peers. (翻译:在运营方面,中石油与其同行相比也只是小字辈。)

10. A move that will ease the pain of Sinopec and PetroChina will hurt the nation's growing legions of car owners. (翻译:这一调价措施减轻了中石化和中石油的痛苦却又伤害了全国日益增长的有车一族。)

11. PetroChina said on Friday it would pay up to $1. 4bn for a stake in an oil group in neighbouring Kazakhstan. (翻译:中石油上周五表示,将以不超过14亿美元的价格收购邻国哈萨克斯坦一家石油集团的部分股权。)

12. Industrial firms such as PetroChina and Baosteel have been buying access to raw materials. (翻译:像中石油和宝钢等工业企业已经在购买原材料的使用权。)

13. And, Mr. Lao of PetroChina, you will have the lease on our shale reserves. (翻译:还有中石油的刘先生 你们会得到瓦迪亚的页岩气资源)

14. PetroChina's dismal post-IPO performance has prompted a flurry of online anger in chatrooms and blogs that investors read. (翻译:中石油上市之后的糟糕表现,在投资者的网络聊天室和博客中引起了一片怒气。)

1. 定义:PetroChina 是中国最大的石油和天然气公司,是中国石油化工集团公司旗下的上市公司。

2. 行业:PetroChina 在石油和天然气探采、炼化、销售等领域拥有强大的实力和经验。

3. 业务:PetroChina 的业务涉及石油和天然气产业链的各个环节,包括勘探开发、炼油化工、销售等。

4. 经济影响力:PetroChina 是中国的国有企业之一,对中国的经济发展有重要的贡献和影响。

5. 国际影响力:PetroChina 在国际市场上也有一定的影响力,是世界五百强企业之一。


1. PetroChina is one of the largest oil and gas companies in China.

2. The business of PetroChina covers exploration and development of oil and gas, refining, and sales.

3. PetroChina has strong economic impact on China's development.

4. PetroChina has expanded its international presence in recent years.

5. PetroChina is listed in the Fortune Global 500.

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