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corps是什么意思 corps的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:27
  • 187

corps是什么意思 corps的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The Marine Corps is a branch of the US military.


2. The corps of engineers is responsible for maintaining the city's infrastructure.


3. She joined a dance corps after graduating from college.


4. The corps of volunteers worked tirelessly to help after the disaster.





例句:[appreciate the hard work of the press corps. (我当初真的出自肺腑 我感谢媒体用心,大家废寝忘食)


例句:But obviously Aster Corps does and they see a value in it. (但是显然Aster公司明白 并且他们意识到有利可图)


例句:The health of the corps is only as strong as the health of the individual Marine. (保持最佳状态 就是每个海军陆战队员 都要保持强健体魄)


例句:The green light will be extinguished and there will be left a new corps. (翻译:绿灯的光将会熄灭 取而代之的是一个暂新的军团)


corps一般作为名词使用,如在diplomatic corps([法] 外交使团)、drum corps(鼓乐队)、drill corps(=drill team)等常见短语中出现较多。

diplomatic corps[法] 外交使团
drum corps鼓乐队
drill corps=drill team
Handlanger Corps[网络] 手提兵团
marine corps陆战队
nurse corps[医] 护士队
officer corps(泛指)军官,军官队伍
Ordnance Corps[军] 军械技术兵种
Pharmacy Corps司药队
press corpsn. 记者团


1. The health of the corps is only as strong as the health of the individual Marine. (翻译:保持最佳状态 就是每个海军陆战队员 都要保持强健体魄)

2. The green light will be extinguished and there will be left a new corps. (翻译:绿灯的光将会熄灭 取而代之的是一个暂新的军团)

3. We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. (翻译:我们得把这个交给新星军团 We have to bring this to the Nova Corps.)

4. People talk, especially the Moscow press corps. (翻译:大家早就在议论了, 尤其是莫斯科的记者圈)

5. The Kaiserjager, they are the strongest mountain corps in the world. (翻译:Kaiserjger,他们 最强壮的是 在世界上的山军团。)

6. Ramius trained most of their officer corps. (翻译:Ramius trained most of their officer corps...)

7. She served in the medical corps. (翻译:她在医务服过役。)

8. Had a strong esprit de corps and work enthusiasm. (翻译:具备极强的团队精神和合作精神,对工作有热情。)

9. Not bad I'm out in the corps. (翻译:还可以,现在我退休了, 其他没什么惊涛骇浪的)

10. He wrote to the fleet commander to the commandant of the Marine Corps. (翻译:他曾写给舰队司令, 写给海军指挥部的指挥官...)

11. It'll be reported as a rebellion by a portion of the Recon Corps. (翻译:只不过形式上是调查军团的小部分人的反抗行为)

12. Chief Erwin, the top leader of the Recon Corps. (翻译:调查兵团执行首席... 艾尔文团长 和...)

13. The boarding care facility that she was in is a division of Aster Corps. (翻译:她所在的寄宿护理机构 是阿斯特公司的分部)

14. Jasen Brown is a hydraulic engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers. (翻译:JasenBrown是陆军工程兵的水利工程师。)

15. This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps. (翻译:我是新星军团的萨尔队长 This is Denarian Saal of the Nova Corps.)


1. 或组织中的或团队

这个意义下的corps指的是一支或组织中的一个独立的或团队。例如,美国海军陆战队中有好几个corps,每个corps由若干个师组成,例如I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)、II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)、III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF)等等。


- The 1st Marine Division is one of three active duty divisions in the United States Marine Corps. (1海军师是美国海军陆战队三个现役师之一。)

- The Airborne Corps is a corps of the United States Army. (空降师是美国陆军的一个师。)

2. 同类工种的集合



- The Bolshoi Ballet is one of the most famous dance corps in the world. (莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团是世界上最著名的舞蹈团之一。)

- The London Symphony Orchestra is a world-renowned musical corps. (伦敦交响乐团是一个享誉世界的音乐团体。)

3. 大学



- The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets is one of the largest uniformed student bodies outside the service academies. (德克萨斯农工大学军事学员团是除了军事院校之外规模最大的学生团体之一。)

- The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets is a military school within a university. (维吉尼亚理工大学军事学员团是大学内的一个军事学校。)

4. 缩写词:Corporation



- XYZ Corps is a publicly traded corporation based in New York City. (XYZ公司是一家位于纽约市的上市公司。)

- The acquisition was announced today by ABC Corps. (今天ABC公司宣布了收购消息。)

5. 没有复数形式



- She joined the Peace Corps after college. (她在大学毕业后加入了和平队。)

- The Marine Corps emblem features an eagle, globe, and anchor. (海军陆战队的标志图案包括一只老鹰、地球和一个铁锚。)

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