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generate是什么意思 generate的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-18 11:10:24
  • 177

generate是什么意思 generate的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The power plant can generate enough electricity to supply the entire city. (这个发电厂可以产生足够的电力来供应整个城市。)

2. The chemical reaction can generate heat as a byproduct. (这个化学反应可以产生热作为副产品。)

3. The new advertising campaign is designed to generate more sales for the company. (新的广告宣传活动旨在为公司产生更多的销售额。)




例句:And if they become aware, can generate panic and it would be fatal. (他应该知道,民众产生恐慌 这也是相当致命的。)


例句:Not all JIT compilers generate the code as above. (不是所有的 JIT 编译器都生成如上代码。)


例句:You want to generate beliefs about the world. (在推断中,我们要建立对于当前情景的“信念” )


例句:They're using the information that they receive to generate the beginnings of a phrase. (翻译:他们用他们获取的信息 来生成一句话的开始。)


generate一般作为动词使用,如在generate a sensation(引起哄动)、generate and test(【计算机】生成及测试)、generate code(生成代码)等常见短语中出现较多。

generate a sensation引起哄动
generate and test【计算机】生成及测试
generate code生成代码
generate electricity发电
generate form生成形式
generate hatred引起仇恨
generate heat发热
generate income挣到收入,增加收入
generate profit[网络] 创利


1. You want to generate beliefs about the world. (翻译:在推断中,我们要建立对于当前情景的“信念” )

2. They're using the information that they receive to generate the beginnings of a phrase. (翻译:他们用他们获取的信息 来生成一句话的开始。)

3. To generate a key called MyKey, type the command. (翻译:要生成密钥mykey,输入命令。)

4. The penultimate step is to generate the linuxrc file. (翻译:倒数第二个步骤是生成linuxrc文件。)

5. We need someone to generate new ideas. (翻译:我们需要有人出新主意。)

6. Serve as a starting point from which to generate the DLD. (翻译:作为生成dld的起点。)

7. One of the best predictors is the sheer volume of compositions that they generate. (翻译:其中一个最好的, 就是他们产出的作品的量有多大。)

8. They are converging, which could generate wind speeds of up to a... (翻译:两个龙卷风正在合并 风速可能会到达...)

9. Such mergers can generate a quasar phase of galactic evolution. (翻译:这些合并会在星系进化的过程中促成类星体阶段的到来。)

10. Totipotent cells can generate an entire organism. (翻译:可是万能细胞可以发育成完整的器官。)

11. We have ads on the site that generate money. (翻译:托比亚斯 海盗局成员 我们靠网站广告挣钱)

12. They built one like it in Los Alamos last year, which at full power could generate 25 kilowatts. (翻译:去年在洛斯阿拉莫斯建了一台 They built one like it in Los Alamos last year, 最大功率是25千瓦 which at full power could generate 25 kilowatts.)

13. To generate pus; suppurate. (翻译:疮还在流脓。)

14. Generate object DDLs according to object creation time. (翻译:根据对象创建时间生成对象ddl。)

15. Generate the root images for diskless boot. (翻译:为无磁盘引导生成根映像。)



1. 词的意思:产生、生成、引起、造成。

2. 词性:动词。

3. 常用场景:在科技、工程、计算机等领域中常用。

4. 词组搭配:

- generate electricity:发电。

- generate income:产生收入。

- generate interest:引起兴趣。

- generate revenue:产生收入。

- generate ideas:产生想法。

5. 相关短语:

- generated from:由…产生。

- be generated by:由…产生。

- self-generated:自动生成的。

6. 发音拼写:[ˈdʒenəreɪt]

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