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dine out是什么意思 dine out的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:00
  • 353

dine out是什么意思 dine out的中文翻译、读音、例句

dine out的意思是在外面用餐。


读音:/daɪn aʊt/


1. Let's dine out tonight instead of cooking at home.


2. They often dine out at fancy restaurants on special occasions.


dine out的中文解释是"外出吃饭",作为名词时有"外出吃饭"的意思,发音音标为[dineout],dine out来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到74个与dine out相关的例句。

Dine out的中文翻译


例句:Rosales says he'd rather take in a movie or dine out with friends when his schedule permits. (罗萨莱斯说,他宁愿拍电影或与朋友外出吃饭,当他的时间允许时。)


dine out一般作为名词使用,如在dine out on(靠(以往的经历等)在社会上享名)、dine(吃饭 )、dine at(在…就餐)等常见短语中出现较多。

dine out on靠(以往的经历等)在社会上享名
dine at在…就餐
dine in在家吃饭
dine on吃…
dine with和某人一起用餐
to dine吃晚饭
dine and dash[网络] 霸王餐;不给钱;吃霸王餐
dine and wine款待...吃喝


1. Please, put on the gown and you may dine. (翻译:put on the gown and you may dine.)

2. Free from competition, these giants can dine alone. (翻译:由于没有竞争 这些大家伙得以独自享用美食)

3. The wonderboy had also introduced me to Alejandro's restaurant where I would dine and hang out almost every night. (翻译:这个不可思议的男孩还介绍我去亚力杭德罗的餐馆。在那儿,几乎每个夜晚,我都会先吃饭,然后出去瞎逛逛。)

4. He said he would come and dine with me, sans facon. (翻译:他说他今晚来和我一起吃个便饭。)

5. How much would you pay to dine with the Oracle of Omaha? (翻译:你会花多少钱跟奥哈马市的圣人共进午餐呢?)

6. We French no longer believe that the Germans dine only on bratwurst and sauerkraut. (翻译:我们法国人不再认为德国人只吃小香肠和泡菜了。)

7. Yes, Sim Lan, get out Treasure out (翻译:get out Treasure out)

8. They'll dine at my table, and at the tournament, I'll wear their colors! (翻译:今晚他们在我桌子旁用餐 明天在比赛中我穿他们服装的颜色)

9. Dine in the on-site restaurant or savour a meal at the beachside restaurant. (翻译:您可以在餐厅用餐或是在海畔餐厅享用美食。)

10. ♪ and sound like you selling rocks ♪ (翻译:♪ Phresh out the runway, phresh out, phresh out ♪)

11. And I don't know about you, but I prefer to dine. (翻译:虽然我并不了解你们, 更喜欢在坐在桌上用餐。)

12. And yesterday is weaving in and out, out, out (翻译:∮ And yesterday is weaving in and out, out, out)

13. Permit me to ask, but why do you not dine with your family ever? (翻译:冒昧问一下... ...你怎么从来不和你家人一起用餐?)

14. When you dine with the actual district attorney, let me know. (翻译:你下次和这个地区检察官助理出去吃饭 要让我知道啊)

15. B: Gald to hear it. Would you like to dine with us tonight? (翻译:很高兴听你这么说,您愿意和我们共进晚餐吗?)

'dine out'指的是在外面用餐的行为。在教学中,我会从以下4个方面具体说明它的含义:

1. 场合:通常在外出旅游、聚会、商务场合时使用。


- We're going to dine out to celebrate our anniversary.


- Let's dine out after the meeting to discuss business in a more relaxed atmosphere.


2. 餐厅种类:涵盖众多餐厅类型,例如中餐厅、西餐厅、咖啡厅等。


- We'd like to try a new Korean restaurant for our dine-out tonight.


- I often dine out at a local Italian restaurant with my friends, it's our favorite place.


3. 花费:一般与在家做饭相比较,多数情况下花费较高。


- Dine out can be expensive, so we only do it once in a while.


- I'd love to dine out every day if I could afford it, but sadly I can't.


4. 用餐方式:指在餐馆或者酒店内用餐,与外卖或者快餐等不同。


- Let's dine out together tonight, I don't feel like cooking at home.


- We often dine out during weekends, it's a great way to relax and enjoy good food.



1. We're going to dine out to celebrate our anniversary.


2. Let's dine out after the meeting to discuss business in a more relaxed atmosphere.


3. Dine out can be expensive, so we only do it once in a while.


4. I'd love to dine out every day if I could afford it, but sadly I can't.


5. We often dine out during weekends, it's a great way to relax and enjoy good food.


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