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chilam是什么意思 英文名chilam[奇兰]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:39
  • 208

chilam是什么意思 英文名chilam[奇兰]的翻译、发音、来源





1. He was caught with a chilam in his pocket.


2. Chilams are often used for smoking marijuana in some cultures.





例句:It's a new preparation from my Bo Chi Lam medicine factory. (这个呢 , 就是我们宝芝林药厂 生产的云南白药)


例句:The property of polysaccharide gums in Gleditsia sinensis Lam is studied. (对皂荚的多糖胶性质进行了研究。)


1. A symbol from the Sigma Theta Chi crest. (翻译:标志Sigma Theta Chi团会的信物)

2. Fei-hung, your dad wouldn't let you loose, this is to protect the image of Po Chi Lam. (翻译:飞鸿 爸不让你惹事生非 都是为了宝芝林这块招牌)

3. Excuse me, where is Chan Chi-chiu? (翻译:where is Chan Chi -chiu?)

4. Too many people trying to tell me to be practical (翻译:- 我们该怎么办 - 你给Libby Lam打电话)

5. I couldn't imagine that, the establishment of Po Chi Lam in the America a year ago, would pave the way for tragedy. (翻译:想不到一年前来美国开宝芝林分店 原来是为了这场浩劫铺路)

6. Can't save your Po Chi Lam... and you dare lecturing me! (翻译:你现在连宝芝林都保不住了 还想跟我讲军机大事?)

7. Channeling your inner chi will give you the strength to defeat men ten times your size. (翻译:Channeling your inner chi 你内在的潜力)

8. Well, she's gonna feel like a million bucks when Chi lives and her son dies. (翻译:不错 当Chi生还而她的儿子死了 她会觉得赢了一百万似的)

9. There are many families like Tuyet and Lam. (翻译:还有很多像阿雪和阿南这样的家庭。)

10. In the dissolution of the cords, Mila ascended or moved up in vibration because there were less attachment or cords to deplete her of chi. (翻译:在融解连接之中,Mila提升或说提高振动,因为消耗她chi的连接更少了。)

11. But extremely clever chi-chi writing, or just plain tomfoolery writing, puts me to sleep. (翻译:和愚蠢的写作一样,那些自以为聪明和时髦夸张的写作也使我昏昏欲睡。)

12. Chip-Chi will provide companionship for the captain... make the brutal loneliness of command a little more bearable. (翻译:Chip -Chi会给船长带来友谊 让孤独好忍受一点)

13. Both before and after insertions the internal chi will undergo a change. The change in chi is reflected by this instrument. (翻译:扎针前后,体内的“气”会有所改变。在这套仪器的映照下可看气的变化。)

14. lam glad he is doing so well. (翻译:我很高兴他能这样成功。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}lam glad he is doing so well.)

15. Things have worked out rather well now that we have the jade seal back and a way to acquire Po Chi Lam. (翻译:找个人去宝芝林告诉黄师父 有关卖地的事情 说他儿子偷入我们领事馆 意图不轨)

1. 词汇含义:'chilam'在英语中并没有固定的含义,可能是某个特定领域或地区的缩写词或术语,也有可能是创造出来的新词,没有历史渊源。因此,需要具体结合实际情境进行分析。

2. 发音和拼写:'chilam'的发音可以用拼音表示为/tʃiːlæm/,其中/tʃ/音为英语中的“ch”音,/i/音为“i”音,/l/音为“l”音,/æm/音为“am”音。拼写方面需要注意字母“c”和“h”的组合。

3. 使用场景:'chilam'可能在不同的场合、领域中出现,如商务、科技、教育等领域。可以通过上下文语境推断出具体指代的内容。


1. The company plans to release the new product next month, which uses chilam technology to enhance user experience. (公司计划下个月发布新产品,采用chilam技术,提升用户体验。)

2. The students used chilam to communicate with their classmates in the online course. (学生们在网上课程中使用chilam和同学们交流。)

3. The organizer sent us an email with the chilam 'RSVP' in the subject line, asking us to confirm our attendance to the event. (活动组织者在邮件主题中使用了chilam'RSVP',要求我们确认是否参加。)

4. The traveler bought a chilam from the local souvenir shop, as a way of remembering the trip. (旅行者从当地纪念品店买了一个chilam,作为纪念这次旅行的方式。)

5. The team leader introduced a new project management tool called Chilam, which can help us streamline our work process. (团队负责人介绍了一种新的项目管理工具叫做Chilam,可以帮助我们简化工作流程。)

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