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thermo是什么意思 thermo的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 16:11:17
  • 175

thermo是什么意思 thermo的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The thermo cup can keep your drink hot for hours.(这个保温杯可以让你的饮品保持热度数个小时。)

2. The air conditioner has a built-in thermo sensor to adjust the temperature.(空调内置了一个热传感器来调节温度。)




例句:Thermo-mechanical fatigue is one of the major failure modes in plastic electronic packages. (热-机械疲劳失效是塑封微电子封装器件的主要失效形式。)


例句:Reasons for thermo bimetal's corrosion lie in direct dielectric corrosion and stress flaw corrosion. (热双金属的腐蚀常由介质直接腐蚀和应力裂纹腐蚀所引起。)


例句:The maximum temperature rise of these coils is also estimated from the thermo-hydraulic condition of the magnet operation. (并根据磁体运行的热工水力条件估算出极向场线圈在等离子体放电过程中的最高温升。)


例句:The simulation temperature at the position of the thermo-couple is in great agreement with the experimental measurement. (翻译:模具热电偶位置处的实测温度和该模型的结果基本吻合。)


thermo一般作为形容词使用,如在thermo adsorption(热吸附作用)、thermo aeroelasticity(热弹性)、thermo anelasticity(热滞弹性)等常见短语中出现较多。

thermo adsorption热吸附作用
thermo aeroelasticity热弹性
thermo anelasticity热滞弹性
thermo balance热平衡
thermo bulb热感应球
thermo colorn. 示温涂料;色温标示;热敏油漆
Thermo colour示温涂料,热敏涂料
thermo control热动控制
thermo controller热敏控制剂
thermo couple温差电偶


1. The maximum temperature rise of these coils is also estimated from the thermo-hydraulic condition of the magnet operation. (翻译:并根据磁体运行的热工水力条件估算出极向场线圈在等离子体放电过程中的最高温升。)

2. The simulation temperature at the position of the thermo-couple is in great agreement with the experimental measurement. (翻译:模具热电偶位置处的实测温度和该模型的结果基本吻合。)

3. The Thermo-Mechanical Stress Analysis of Epoxy Molding Compound in PBGA (翻译:PBGA中环氧模塑封装材料的热力学应力分析)

4. FE-Modell based on the results of the thermo-mechanical (翻译:莫德尔有限元结果的基础上,通过热机械应力)

5. The application of this technique to measure the thermo - physical properties of the cryoprotective agent was investigated. (翻译:此外,还时批量测定低温保护剂溶液的热物性也进行了考察。)

6. the adhesive composed of thermo-plastical rubber, resin and 2402 resin and the adhesion process for polyolefine films were introduced. (翻译:本文以热塑性橡胶溶于适当的溶剂并配以松香和2402树脂等增粘剂,研制出聚烯烃材料粘合剂。)

7. the thermo detector can't locate Fiona and me your body temperature is lower than a snake (翻译:热能探测是测不到我跟斐娜的位置的 我们的体温比蛇还低)

8. Radar, sonar, thermo-imaging, odor-matrixing to detect a non-residential cat from three blocks away. (翻译:雷达,声纳,体热和气味侦测器 可以侦测出三个街区内的外来猫 喂,你们好)

9. Modern buildings with floor-to-ceiling windows give spectacular views, but they require a lot of energy to cool. Doris Kim Sung works with thermo-bimetals, smart materials that act more like human skin, dynamically and responsively, and can shade a room from sun and self-ventilate. (翻译:现代建筑里从地板到天花板都镶嵌着玻璃窗。它可以给我们一个壮观的景色,但是它们也需要消耗很多的能量去降温。Doris Kim Sung 研究的热双金属和智能材料会动态地和感应地调节温度,就好似人的皮肤一样,并且可以为房间遮挡阳光和自我通风。)

10. I presently, or currently, work with smart materials, and a smart thermo-bimetal. (翻译:我现在正在研究某些智能材料 和一些只能热双金属)

11. Bring up the thermo genic signatures again, factor in 3000 degrees. (翻译:Not according to public records, sir. 再调出温度分布图 Bring up the thermogenic signatures again,)

12. Results: the production quality of thermo moxibustion moxa stick is in good condition. (翻译:结论:本实验为热敏灸艾条的质量标准的完善提供了科学的依据。)

13. Sum up the thermo-chtr cal erosion calculation and contrast with the test results, the qualitative and quantitative results of particle impingements were gained. (翻译:综合热化学烧蚀计算与实验对比,得到粒子冲蚀的定性及定量结果。)

14. Moreover, TMC -2 composite blades forged by this process have fine creep properties and thermo stability under high temperature. (翻译:采用TMC-2复合材料研制的小余量叶片,在高温下具有优良的蠕变和热稳定性能。)

15. So here we have kinetics. Here we have thermo. (翻译:那么这里我们有动力学,这里我们有热。)




1. 名称来源:Thermo可以作为“thermodynamics”的缩写词来使用,代表的是热力学。热力学是研究能量转换和传递的物理学分支,其中包括温度、热量、压力、体积等概念。

2. 应用领域:在科技和工程领域中,Thermo也常常被用作产品或者品牌名称,比如Thermo Fisher Scientific、Thermo King等。

3. 词语含义:Thermo在常规英语中有时被用作名称外的词语,此时通常表示与温度或者热量有关的概念,如热水袋、保温杯等。


1. The Thermo King refrigeration unit on this truck will keep the ice cream frozen during transport. (这辆卡车上的Thermo King制冷装置能够保证在运输过程中冰淇淋的冷冻效果。)

2. The student failed the Thermo quiz, because he didn't understand how to calculate heat transfer. (这名学生因为不懂热传递的计算方法而在热力学测验中失败了。)

3. The thermos is perfect for keeping coffee hot for hours. (保温杯非常适合用来保温咖啡,可以保持数小时的热度。)

4. Thermo Fisher Scientific is a leading provider of scientific equipment, reagents, software and services. (Thermo Fisher Scientific是全球领先的科学仪器、试剂、软件和服务提供商。)

5. The thermo couple sensor measures the temperature of the furnace. (热电偶传感器可以测量炉子的温度。)

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