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fulcrum是什么意思 fulcrum的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:15
  • 184

fulcrum是什么意思 fulcrum的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The fulcrum is the point on which the lever rests.


2. The success of the project will depend on finding the right fulcrum.





例句:Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. (给我足够长的杠杆和一个支点,我可以撬动这个世界。)


例句:The fulcrum bending radiograph has potential predictive utility. (支点弯曲影像有潜在的能力。)


例句:She's definitely done the missionary and almost certainly the Lebanese fulcrum. (她一定试过传教士式姿势 也一定试过黎巴嫩支点式)

4.支点 、机

例句:A pound of pressure on the lever at the greatest distance from the fulcrum can create enough force to start the beginning of a slide which results in gravitational pull. (翻译:在离杠杆支点最远处 A pound of pressure on the lever 增加500克的重量 at the greatest distance from the fulcrum 其力度足以打破平衡 can create enough force to start the beginning)


fulcrum一般作为名词使用,如在equalizer fulcrum(均衡梁支点)、fulcrum approach(支点分析法)、fulcrum axis(支点轴)等常见短语中出现较多。

equalizer fulcrum均衡梁支点
fulcrum approach支点分析法
fulcrum axis支点轴
fulcrum ball支承球
fulcrum bar支杆
fulcrum bearing支承
fulcrum bracket杠杆台座
fulcrum edge支点刀口
Fulcrum Fee[网络] 支点费


1. She's definitely done the missionary and almost certainly the Lebanese fulcrum. (翻译:她一定试过传教士式姿势 也一定试过黎巴嫩支点式)

2. A pound of pressure on the lever at the greatest distance from the fulcrum can create enough force to start the beginning of a slide which results in gravitational pull. (翻译:在离杠杆支点最远处 A pound of pressure on the lever 增加500克的重量 at the greatest distance from the fulcrum 其力度足以打破平衡 can create enough force to start the beginning)

3. I've rebalanced it by the way due to suppressor. The fulcrum is 2 cm forward from the grip (翻译:为了抑制器 我重新调整了平衡 支点在握杆前两厘米的地方)

4. Knowledge is going to have to serve as the fulcrum of progress or provide the key to a decent survival. (翻译:知识必将成为发展的支柱,也将是改善生存环境的关键所在。)

5. Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region. (翻译:是这块动荡区域的杠杆支点。)

6. Sir, machines are any combination of bodies so connected that their relative motions are constrained and by which means, force and motion may be transmitted and modified as a screw and its nut, or a lever arranged to turn about a fulcrum or a pulley about its pivot, etc (翻译:老师,机械装置是实物构件的组合 各部分有确定的相对运动 由此,能量和动量相互转换)

7. BKD focus, creativity, experience is a solid fulcrum for our customers to provide good service. (翻译:泊恩凯尔的专注、创意、经验是我们为客户提供良好服务的坚实支点。)

8. As he flowered as a footballer, he moved inside and became the fulcrum of his team's attack. (翻译:当成长为一名足球运动员时,他与球队融合在一起,成为队伍进攻的核心。)

9. The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget. (翻译:该决定是预算中的战略支点。)

10. a lever with a pointed projection that serves as a fulcrum; used to roll heavy wheels. (翻译:有一个可作支点的尖锐的凸出物的杠杆;用来翻滚重轮。)

11. The simulation of axial distortion of four-fulcrum thrust ball bearing pack of turbodrill (翻译:涡轮钻具四支点推力球轴承组轴向变形的仿真)

12. Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region. If it behaved responsibly, the world would naturally look to it as the local power. Instead it meddles, often malevolently, with its neighbours. (翻译:是一个不稳定地区的杠杆支点,如果他表现的负责任,世界自然会把他作为一方势力,相反,通常他对他的邻国进行恶意的捣乱。)

13. after all, the 21-year-old is the fulcrum of the side and dictates so much of their play. (翻译:毕竟,这位21岁球员是这支球队的支点,很大程度上指挥着他们比赛。)











1. pivot on/upon a fulcrum:以支点为轴心旋转

2. find/seek a fulcrum:寻找支点

3. provide a fulcrum for something:为某事物提供支点



1. pivot:支点的同义词

2. lever:指使用杠杆原理的工具,其中包括支点

3. mechanical advantage:指杠杆、滑轮等物理工具提供的力的增益



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