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aptio是什么意思 aptio的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:45
  • 206

aptio是什么意思 aptio的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The aptio system is a UEFI firmware used in many computer systems.(Aptio系统是许多计算机系统中使用的UEFI固件。)

2. The aptio setup utility can be used to change BIOS settings on a computer.(Aptio设置实用程序可以用于更改计算机上的BIOS设置。)




例句:"They are apt to be deceived," Miss Tonks answered, with icy sententiousness. (唐克斯冷淡地回答说:“他们容易被欺骗。” )


1. Actually I'm filling in for Drool-io lglesias back there. (翻译:其实我在帮 躺在后面的多拉里尔·伊格莱希亚斯的忙)

2. Councilman Solis, Ricardo Pedrosa and Marco Aurelio. (翻译:市议员索利斯, 里卡多·佩德罗萨和Marco奥尔闸IO。)

3. Next, I grab the apt-key from Cloudera to validate the downloaded package (翻译:接下来,从Cloudera获取apt-key以检查下载的包)

4. Well, there Paco came and Io last that he/she waited it was that a black Io attacked. (翻译:嗯,有帕科来到 和木卫一最后的等待 这是一个黑色的木卫一攻击。)

5. As always, the IO monad is special and difficult to reason about. (翻译:一如既往,IO单子是特别困难的原因有关。)

6. Listing 1. Definition of struct sg_io_hdr. (翻译:清单1 . sg_io_hdr结构的定义。)

7. Next, I grab the apt-key from Cloudera to validate the downloaded package (翻译:接下来,从 Cloudera 获取 apt-key 以检查下载的包 )

8. Io grabs with force, Io rises and Io knifes. (翻译:木卫一抓住用武力,木卫一上升 和木卫一刀。)

9. Well, Kirk, it seems apt to return you to your crew. (翻译:螝蔚蚁魏... ...蚃伪委谓蔚蟿伪喂 位慰纬喂魏蠈 谓伪 蔚蟺喂蟽蟿蚁苇蠄蔚喂蟼 蟽蟿慰 蟺位萎蚁蝇渭维 蟽慰?.)

10. Food is apt to deteriorate in summer. (翻译:食物在夏天爱变质。)

11. Believe it or not, APT can even be used to solve Sodoku puzzles! (翻译:信不信由你,APT甚至能用来解决数独难题。)

12. If you're using APT, be sure to upgrade your database of available software by typing apt-get update before you use the install subcommand. (翻译:如果您在使用APT,一定要升级可用软件的数据库,方法是在使用install子命令之前输入apt-getupdate。)

13. Modeste also believes that firms will be less apt this year. (翻译:莫德斯特还认为,今年的公司不太适合。)

14. Believe it or not, APT can even be used to solve Sodoku puzzles! (翻译:信不信由你,APT甚至能用来解决数独难题。)

15. He/she wanted to move the car, so me Io Ileve. (翻译:Heshe想搬到车上,所以我木卫一Ilevé。)

1. 词释:

- Aptio是一款计算机固件(firmware)开发工具套件,可以进行BIOS和UEFI的开发、调试和验证。

- Aptio也可以是Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Intelligence Organization的缩写,是一家专注于APT威胁情报的公司。

- Aptio也可能是一种名字,通常指的是一个男性名字。

2. 应用领域:

- Aptio主要应用于计算机硬件的开发领域,可以提供固件的开发、测试、验证等服务。

- APT威胁情报通常应用于网络安全领域,可以帮助判断、侦测和防御网络攻击。

- Aptio这个名字也可能会出现在个人名字或商标名字中。

3. 相关术语:

- BIOS(Basic Input/Output System):计算机上最基本的系统软件,用于初始化硬件并引导操作系统。

- UEFI(Unified Extensible Firmware Intece):是BIOS的替代品,提供了更加现代化的接口和功能。

- APT(Advanced Persistent Threat):高级持久性威胁,是一种网络攻击模式,通常会持续多年,具有高度的隐蔽性和目标性。


1. Aptio firmware provides a flexible and configurable platform for BIOS and UEFI development, tuning and validation. (Aptio固件为BIOS和UEFI的开发、调试和验证提供了灵活的可配置平台。)

2. Aptio Security Intelligence can help organizations detect and prevent advanced persistent threats in a timely manner. (Aptio安全情报可以帮助组织及时检测和防御高级持续性威胁。)

3. His name is Aptio, and he comes from a small island in the south of Italy. (他的名字是Aptio,来自意大利南部的一个小岛。)

4. The laptop's Aptio BIOS allows for easy customization of boot options and CPU settings. (笔记本电脑的Aptio BIOS可以轻松定制引导选项和CPU设置。)

5. The Aptio trademark is registered to American Megatrends Inc., a software company based in Georgia. (Aptio商标已注册给位于乔治亚的软件公司American Megatrends Inc.)

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