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witnessing是什么意思 witnessing的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 03:54:31
  • 291

witnessing是什么意思 witnessing的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He was witnessing a robbery when he called the police.(他目睹了一起案时向警方报警。)

2. The couple was witnessing the beautiful sunset from the hilltop.(这对夫妻从山顶上欣赏美丽的日落。)

3. The whole world was witnessing the historic moment when the first man landed on the moon.(当第一位人类登上月球时,全世界都在见证这历史性时刻。)




例句:We are actually witnessing the picture of one of the best tactics ever used. (这张照片记录的就是 有史以来最棒的策略之一。)


例句:A lifelong pacifist, Mr. Watson had become vegetarian at the age of 14, after witnessing the slaughter of a pig. (作为终身的和平主义者,华特森先生在14岁那年目睹杀猪的惨象后决定成为一个素食者。)


例句:We are truly witnessing baseball's version of David and Goliath here this afternoon. (我们亲眼目睹的棒球 大卫和歌利亚今天下午在这里。)


例句:And it's our attempt to quantify beauty by finding which regions of the brain are interactive while witnessing something beautiful. (翻译:这是我们试图通过 感应大脑部分区域和美丽互动时 去量化美丽。)


witnessing一般作为动词使用,如在witnessing to(…的目击者\n为…作证)等常见短语中出现较多。

witnessing to…的目击者\n为…作证


1. We are truly witnessing baseball's version of David and Goliath here this afternoon. (翻译:我们亲眼目睹的棒球 大卫和歌利亚今天下午在这里。)

2. And it's our attempt to quantify beauty by finding which regions of the brain are interactive while witnessing something beautiful. (翻译:这是我们试图通过 感应大脑部分区域和美丽互动时 去量化美丽。)

3. For the first time since the decline of Dadaism, we are witnessing a revival in the fine art of meaningless naming. (翻译:自从达达主义式微以来,我们还是首次见证现代艺术中无厘头这一命名方式的复兴。)

4. "Witnessing a demonstration in favor of democracy confirms my belief that the Danes are waiting to join us presently." (翻译:丹麦要求的 使我坚信丹麦 不久后将加入我们的阵营)

5. Seriously, it's my first time witnessing a break up caused by meat. (翻译:-第一次看到因为肉分手的 -牛肉分手情侣)

6. It was the accrued wisdom and resoluteness of evolution that I was witnessing, airborne above the Platte. (翻译:我亲眼目睹进化累积的智慧和信念在普拉特上空传播。)

7. CBS reporters witnessing firsthand news of the world's political and... (翻译:哥伦比亚广播公司,带您一手接触 国际报道和...)

8. You would see a bunch of our students witnessing complete resolve in the face of an unbearable obstacle. (翻译:你会看到一群学生 看到可以完美解决 艰难任务的行动)

9. If you're not seeing what I'm seeing... then you may be witnessing a miracle. (翻译:如果你没看到我看到的东西... 导演: 马克索贝尔)

10. We are witnessing incredible, unprecedented scenes of quiet devotion. (翻译:我们正在见证一幕难以置信 史无前例的无声仪式)

11. Here we only experience general motion and at first we don't notice the events we are witnessing. (翻译:我们只能感知到这一种普通的运动 开始时甚至意识不到 我们正见证的有多么非同寻常)

12. It was the accrued wisdom and resoluteness of evolution that I was witnessing, airborne above the Platte. (翻译:我亲眼目睹进化累积的智慧和信念在普拉特上空传播。)

13. I want him to witness the extent of my mercy by witnessing your deformed body. (翻译:要他见识我如何手下不留情 看着你残缺不全的肢体)

14. Are we witnessing the emergence of the Long Tail of politics over the course of this presidential election cycle in the United States? (翻译:在本次美国总统竞选过程中,我们正在见证一条长尾的产生么?)

15. What I was witnessing was not only news, but also history. (翻译:眼前的一切对我而言不只是新闻, 更是历史。)



词义:witnessing 是 witness 的现在分词形式,表示“目睹、见证、证明”的意思。


词组搭配:witnessing of sth.(对...的目击),witnessing to sth.(证明...的存在或真实性)




1. I was witnessing the beautiful sunset while sitting on the beach.(我坐在沙滩上,看着美丽的日落。)

2. Many people witnessed the crime happening in the street, but they were too scared to report it.(许多人目睹了发生在街头的犯罪,但他们太害怕报告了。)

3. The new evidence is witnessing to the innocence of the accused.(新的证据证明被告人的清白。)

4. My father always told me that he was witnessing history being made during his time working as a journalist.(我的父亲总是告诉我,他在做记者的日子里,见证了历史的进程。)

5. The ceremony was a witnessing to the couple's commitment to each other.(仪式见证了这对夫妇彼此的承诺。)

6. The tourists were amazed by witnessing the dolphins leaping out of the water.(游客们目睹了海豚跃出水面的壮观场面而感到惊讶。)

7. The archaeologists were overjoyed to discover the ancient ruins, as they were witnessing the long-lost history of this society.(考古学家们发现古代遗迹时感到非常高兴,因为他们正在目睹这个社会失落已久的历史。)

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