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paced是什么意思 paced的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 04:00:07
  • 257

paced是什么意思 paced的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He paced back and forth in the room, too anxious to sit still.(他在房间里来回踱步,太焦虑了不能坐着不动。)

2. The athletes were asked to maintain a steady pace throughout the race.(运动员被要求在整个比赛中保持稳定的速度。)

3. The teacher paced the lesson well, sure all the students understood the material.(老师掌控好了课程进度,确保所有学生都理解了教材内容。)




例句:She paced up and down in the room where the child staying, in which there were other children. (她在孩子所待的房里来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩。)


例句:Kazim found that the girls weren't as competitive, and their style of play wasn't as fast paced or aggressive as that of the boys. (发现,在打球的时候,女孩子一般竞争力较弱,她们的风格也不像男孩子那样迅猛而难以招架。)


例句:Thanks to the 3ms response time of the x2301, fast-paced combat wasn't lost on me for a nanosecond. (得益于x2301那3ms的响应时间,高速的打斗画面没有一纳秒的延迟。)


例句:As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice. (翻译:他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。)


paced一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在paced off(步测(用脚步量出))、paced out(v. 用步子量出)、paced cycle length(起搏周长)等常见短语中出现较多。

paced off步测(用脚步量出)
paced outv. 用步子量出
paced cycle length起搏周长


1. Thanks to the 3ms response time of the x2301, fast-paced combat wasn't lost on me for a nanosecond. (翻译:得益于x2301那3ms的响应时间,高速的打斗画面没有一纳秒的延迟。)

2. As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice. (翻译:他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。)

3. Later, when she began sleeping more, he paced updown the hallway outside her room. (翻译:后来,她睡的时候多了,比尔就在屋外走廊里踱来踱去。)

4. Glitzy round the clock fast-paced coverage that was often misleading, inaccurate and rarely corrected - (翻译:耀眼的二十四小时 快节奏的覆盖... ...这往往是误导性的, 不准确的,很少纠正 -)

5. It seems even dialling a mobile number is becoming too time consuming for our fast-paced time precious society. (翻译:对我们这个寸时寸金的快节奏社会来说,打电话拨号码似乎也是在浪费时间。)

6. They consulted their stopwatches and paced off distances. (翻译:他们查看秒表,步测距离。)

7. Fast paced aerobics are easy to over-stress the muscles, fatigue, strain, sprains and other sports injuries will more likely. (翻译:节奏过快很容易使跳操者肌肉过度紧张,产生疲劳,拉伤、扭伤等运动性伤害也就更易发生。)

8. He paced up and down in the drawing room, extremely concerned over the result of the interview. (翻译:他在客厅里来回踱步,对面试结果极为忧虑。)

9. We all live in this fast-paced, digital world, but we still crave and desire something that's relatable. (翻译:我们都生活在这个 快节奏,数字化的世界, 们仍然渴望并且期待 疗伤治愈系的东西。)

10. Ted paced the floor restlessly. (翻译:特德焦躁地在屋里走来走去。)

11. Philip paced the floor, a typically nervous expectant father. (翻译:菲利普在地板上踱来踱去,一个典型紧张的准爸爸。)

12. In this world of fast paced communications, it's very easy to become sidetracked when it comes to finding our Enchanted Self. (翻译:在这个快沟通节奏的世界,在寻找自我时,非常容易“偏离轨道”。)

13. I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men -- but the noise steadily increased. (翻译:我迈着沉重的脚步地来回走着,仿佛我对这些的调查感到很愤怒,但这种声音仍然持续地增强。)

14. With 24/7 global fast-paced operations, crazy shifting schedules and ever-narrower expertise, more and more of us have to work with different people all the time to get our work done. (翻译:在每天24小时运营的 快节奏的全球企业中, 有着疯狂改变的计划表, 和越发细分的专业, 越来越多的时候,我们需要 和其他不同的人 一起合作,来完成工作。)

15. In our hectic, fast-paced lives , it'easy to forget about the many things for which we have to be grateful . (翻译:在我们紧张忙碌、快节奏的生活中,很容易忘记那些我们要感恩的东西。)







- fast-paced:快节奏的

- slow-paced:缓慢的

- well-paced:节奏明快的

相关短语:paced还可以形成一些短语,比如paced breathing(节奏性呼吸),paced walking(节奏性步行)等。


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