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grails是什么意思 grails的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:59
  • 207

grails是什么意思 grails的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 我们的鳄梨酱是用新鲜的鳄梨和香料做成的。

Our guacamole is made from fresh avocados and spices.

2. 他们用鳄梨油来烹饪这道菜,让它更加美味。

They used avocado oil to cook this dish, it even more delicious.




例句:Type grails generate-all AirportMapping to create the controller and GSP views. (输入grails generate - all AirportMapping,创建控制器和gsp视图。)


例句:The event closures are called by Grails when the corresponding "events" get generated in the Gant script. (当Gant脚本中发生“事件”时,Grails就会调用相应的事件闭包。)


grails一般作为名词使用,如在holy grails(圣杯;圣盘)等常见短语中出现较多。

holy grails圣杯;圣盘


1. On the front end, Grails handles 1:m relationships with aplomb as well. (翻译:在前端,Grails 也能够很好地处理 1:m 关系。)

2. These parameters, like all request parameters in a Grails application, are exposed through the params object. (翻译:像Grails应用程序中的所有请求参数一样,这两个参数是通过params对象公开的。)

3. A Grails application is deployed in a standard servlet container, so Grails supports JSPs just as well as GSPs. (翻译:Grails应用程序部署在标准的servlet容器内,所以Grails对JSP的支持同对GSP的支持一样好。)

4. Much as SiteMesh merges two GSPs into one, plug-ins effectively merge two or more Grails applications into one. (翻译:就像SiteMesh将两个gsp合并成一个一样,插件可以将两个或多个Grails应用程序合并成一个。)

5. To do so, you could easily instruct your build script to copy these files from the JEE project into the Grails project at build time. (翻译:使用构建脚本,你可以很容易地做到这点。即,在构建时,将这些文件从JEE工程中复制到Grails工程中。)

6. This month, I'll round out the MVC triptych with a discussion of Grails views. (翻译:在本月的文章中,我将通过讨论Grails视图进一步介绍MVC。)

7. Grails recently released version 0.5, with improved performance, custom URLs, enhancements to GORM and more. (翻译:Grails最近发布了0.5版本,该版本包括了性能的提高,自定义url,增强GORM等一些特点。)

8. Grails recently released version 0. 5, with improved performance, custom URLs, enhancements to GORM and more. (翻译:Grails最近发布了0.5版本,该版本包括了性能的提高,自定义URL,增强GORM等一些特点。)

9. Now that you have a geocoder in place, the next step is to integrate it with your Grails application. (翻译:现在已经准备好地理编码器,下一步就是将它与Grails应用程序集成在一起。)



1. 定义:Grails是一个基于Groovy编程语言和Grails框架的Web应用程序开发平台。

2. 历史:Grails最初由Graeme Rocher于2005年创建,旨在为开发人员提供高效且易于使用的Web应用程序框架。

3. 特点:

a. 简化开发: Grails提供了概念简单、易于使用的开发框架,使Web应用程序的开发变得容易而快捷。

b. 内置ORM: Grails支持GORM对象关系映射,可以让开发人员轻松地处理数据库操作。

c. 插件支持: Grails提供了许多插件,可以被用于扩展应用程序的功能。

d. 整合其他技术: Grails可以与Java、JavaScript、CSS等其他技术整合,使开发更加灵活。

4. 应用:Grails适用于大多数Web应用程序开发,特别适用于小团队和小规模项目。


1. Grails makes developing web applications easier and faster. (Grails可以使Web应用程序开发变得更简单、更快速。)

2. Grails supports GORM object relational mapping for database operations. (Grails支持GORM对象关系映射来处理数据库操作。)

3. Grails provides many plugins for extending the functionality of applications. (Grails提供了许多插件来扩展应用程序的功能。)

4. Using Grails, developers can easily integrate with other technologies such as Java and JavaScript. (使用Grails,开发人员可以轻松地与其他技术(如Java和JavaScript)整合。)

5. Grails is particularly suitable for small teams and small-scale projects. (Grails特别适用于小团队和小规模项目。)

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