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favart是什么意思 favart的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-11 10:54:42
  • 168

favart是什么意思 favart的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



1. Favart是一位著名的法国作家和剧作家。

2. 他们正在演唱Favart的著名歌剧。

3. Favart的作品深受人们的喜爱和欣赏。




例句:Please pick her up at the airpοrt. Shit! (我希望无论如何你一定要到去接她 糟!)


例句:Semi-quantitive RT-PCR indicated that the expression of PHYB was similar among different organs, but little low in mature organs and independent of lighting and dark. (半定量PCR分析表明,各器官的表达水平差异不大,但在成熟的组织中表达量较低,不受光照和黑暗的诱导。)


例句:TaqMan-based Real-time RT-PCR Assay for Quick Detection of Influenza A1 Virus RNA (荧光定量逆转录-聚合酶链反应方法快速检测甲1型流行性感冒病毒核酸)


1. TaqMan-based Real-time RT-PCR Assay for Quick Detection of Influenza A1 Virus RNA (翻译:荧光定量逆转录-聚合酶链反应方法快速检测甲1型流行性感冒病毒核酸)

2. However, it was recently reported that EU genotype PRRSV was positive by RT-PCR from submitted clinical samples suggestive of PRRS. (翻译:然而,近来国内有报道称从临床病料中通过RT-PCR方法检测到了欧洲型PRRSV的存在。)

3. Conclusion RT plays an important role in sleep-waking cycle in rats: nitric oxide neurons in reticular thalamic nucleus ran promote wake. (翻译:结论RT参与大鼠睡眠-觉醒周期的调节,RT中的一氧化氮能神经元可能有促觉醒作用。)

4. The N and G genes of rbies virus were amplified by RT-PCR, and then sequenced. (翻译:从两份阳性样品均扩增到全N基因与G基因序列。)

5. This Dagger Inter-frame by Rick Genovese is enhanced with J. Fava's incredibly intricate engraving and gold inlay. (翻译:这间由Rick吉诺维斯框架加强与J。法瓦的难以置信的复杂的雕刻和黄金镶嵌。)

6. Udinese are ready to smooth Fava's departure and won't demand an excessive fee for the centre-forward. (翻译:乌迪内已经准备顺利的将法瓦送走,他们没有过多的费用支付这名中锋的工资。)

7. The L fragment of the genome of foot-and-mouth disease virus(FMDV) O/NY00 isolate was cloned by RT-PCR, and sequenced. (翻译:采用RT—PCR方法对口蹄疫病毒O/NY00株基因组L片段进行了分子克隆和序列测定。)

8. Their strengths definitely lie up front, with experienced and quality players like Fava and Beghetto, the lynch pins of the team ". " (翻译:在他们已经明确的首发中,还有法瓦和贝格托这样经验丰富的实力型球员,他们是全队的主心骨。)

9. RT FLY:2 piece with pocketing facing to clean finish. SNTS at setting and 1/8'SNTS at edge. (翻译:右门襟:两片,与大身是用单针车缝的,里面的边要用口袋布去包边做净, 车1/8 单线。)

10. RT: But I know electric fences are already invented, but I want to make mine. (翻译:RT:我知道,电力栅栏已经有了, 但是我只想做我自己的那一个。)

11. I've nο idea what an Australian might dο fοr that sοrt οf mοney. (翻译:我可是猜不到一个澳大利亚人 要点英国小钱干嘛)

12. Clinical study of lower - dose rt - PA combined with defibrase on the patients with acute myocardial infarction (翻译:小剂量rt-PA与降纤酶联合应用治疗急性心肌梗死临床研究)

13. rt ed driving a cab, Park Avenue was mostly a bunch of coal yards. Hoofer's Brewery was right next to where the Waldorf-Astoria is now. (翻译:刚开始开出租的时候,有钱人待的派克大街几乎全是一片煤场,胡弗啤酒厂正靠近现在的沃尔多夫·阿斯托里亚。)

14. Frequency can be programmed by adjusting the RT and BCT values. (翻译:脉冲调光频率可以根据RT和CT的值进行确定。)

15. The Rt. Hon Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate change. (翻译:尊敬的能源与气候变化大臣休恩阁下。)



1. 解释:

Favart通常是指“favorite art”,即最喜欢的艺术。它也可以是Favre-Racouchot综合征的缩写,这是一种皮肤疾病。

2. 文化:


3. 医疗:



1. My favart is classical music, especially Beethoven's symphonies.


2. Peter's favart is contemporary art, he loves going to art galleries to see the latest exhibitions.


3. She suffers from Favre-Racouchot syndrome, which causes her facial skin to have small black spots.


4. Tom is a big fan of science fiction movies, it is his favart genre.


5. The hotel has a collection of modern art, which is the favart of many of its guests.


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