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interpreted是什么意思 interpreted的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-16 08:31:41
  • 485

interpreted是什么意思 interpreted的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. The meaning of the poem is open to interpretation.(这首诗的意思可以有不同的解释。)

2. The translator interpreted the speech into French.(译者将演讲翻译为法语。)

3. His silence was interpreted as a sign of guilt.(他的沉默被解释为有罪的迹象。)




例句:The property of this article shall be interpreted expansively in order to include economical interests. (本罪中的财物应作广义理解,以包括财产性利益;)


例句:The image of the building can be interpreted as a highly dynamic and powerful body and a crystal unearthed fossils. (大楼的形象可以被解读为一块富有动势的水晶体与一块出土的化石。)


例句:Sharia law as interpreted by the Taliban forbids women to have an education. (如塔里班所解释的法典法律 禁止女人有教育。)


例句:This high result was interpreted to reflect previous auroral activity. (翻译:这一高结果可以用以前的极光活动来解释。)


interpreted一般作为名词使用,如在interpreted code(【计算机】翻译码)、interpreted language([计] 解释语言)、interpreted programming language([计] 解释性程序设计语言)等常见短语中出现较多。

interpreted code【计算机】翻译码
interpreted language[计] 解释语言
interpreted programming language[计] 解释性程序设计语言


1. Sharia law as interpreted by the Taliban forbids women to have an education. (翻译:如塔里班所解释的法典法律 禁止女人有教育。)

2. This high result was interpreted to reflect previous auroral activity. (翻译:这一高结果可以用以前的极光活动来解释。)

3. To ensure that an entry that looks like a date is interpreted as text, type an apostrophe at the beginning of the entry. (翻译:为了确保一个看起来像日期的条目被解释为文本,在输入开始时键入一个撇号。该撇号不显示在单元格中。)

4. The Portrait of a Lady, as one of his well-known works, is interpreted as an initiation story. (翻译:《贵妇画像》是詹姆斯一部著名作品,并且被作为一部成长小说解读。)

5. So you interpreted Mr McDonald's comment as a statement in favour of proceeding to launch? (翻译:所以,你解释麦克唐纳先生的评论 是赞成进行发射的声明?)

6. To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it? (翻译:对外人而言,的习惯会是轻率的和纪律松懈的。明白吗?)

7. Your dream can be interpreted in many ways. (翻译:从心里学来看可以从这个梦分析得出各种结论)

8. Here "benevolence" can be interpreted as a moral ideal and also as a concept of moralized social justice. (翻译:这里的“仁”既可以理解为一种道德理想,但也不妨理解为一种道德化的社会正义观念。)

9. I interpreted it as a fall or stumble or whatever. (翻译:我把它理解成一个秋天 或绊倒或别的什么东西。)

10. You've listened to the testimony, had the law interpreted as it applies in this case. (翻译:ﻢﻜﻳﺪﻟﻭ ،ﺓﺩﺎﻬﺸﻟﺍ ﻰﻟﺇ ﻢﺘﻌﻤﺘﺳﺍ ﺪﻘﻟ ﺔﻟﺎﺤﻟﺍ ﻩﺬﻫ ﻲﻓ ﻖﺒﻄﻤﻟﺍ ﻥﻮﻧﺎﻘﻟﺍ ﺺﻧ.)

11. To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a singn of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it? (翻译:对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗? 缭。)

12. The paleocurrent direction can be deduced by dip direction of cross laminae of glutenite interpreted on images. (翻译:根据图像解释的砂砾岩交错层理倾向,可推断古水流方向。)

13. This was later interpreted by his new friends as envy or whatnot. (翻译:他的新朋友出于嫉妒或者什么的 就跟他告我的状)

14. - That could be interpreted as bribery. - It's only bribery if it's not enough. (翻译:这样会让人误解为贿赂 给得太少才会说是贿赂)

15. Yet Oshima's film can also be interpreted as a reinterpretation of and a riposte to Ozu. (翻译:然而大岛渚的影片也可以被解读为是对小津的重新诠释和回击。)



Interpreted 是一个动词,表示为某种语言或信号提供翻译或解释。以下是它的三个方面的解释:

1. 语言的翻译:Interpreted指的是将一种语言转换为另一种语言,使不同语言的人能够更好地交流。这通常是由专业的翻译员完成的。例如:

- The interpreter interpreted the speaker's words into French for the audience. (翻译员把演讲者的话翻译成法语给观众听。)

- The United Nations relies on interpreters to make communication between different countries possible. (依靠翻译员使不同国家之间的沟通成为可能。)

2. 信号的解释:Interpreted还指的是将某种信号转换为意义明确的信息,使人们能够更好地理解某个概念或想法。例如:

- The data from the experiment was yzed and interpreted by the scientists. (科学家们分析和解释了实验数据。)

- The body language expert interpreted the CEO's gestures to mean that he was nervous. (身体语言专家认为CEO的手势表明他很紧张。)

3. 编程语言的解释:Interpreted同时也是一个编程技术术语,表示将高级编程语言翻译成计算机能够理解的语言。与编译器不同,解释器将代码逐行翻译和执行。例如:

- Python is an interpreted language that is easy to learn for beginners. (Python是一种对初学者来说很容易入门的解释型编程语言。)

- JavaScript is an example of an interpreted language that is widely used in web development. (JavaScript是一种广泛用于Web开发的解释型语言的例子。)


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