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tons是什么意思 tons的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-07 10:40:23
  • 290

tons是什么意思 tons的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

单词 "tons" 意思是"吨"。



1. The cargo ship was carrying tons of coal.


2. We have tons of work to do before the deadline.


3. She ate tons of food at the buffet.





例句:Twenty-four hundred tons of commercial cargo, 200 tons of food aid, 166 tons of freshwater, 250 metric tons of fuel bunkered. (2400吨贸易货物 200吨援助食物 166吨淡水 250公吨燃料贮藏)


例句:A quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns. (金融工程师会在大量数据中寻找模式。)


例句:How much is 30 billion tons of CO2 per year? (每年30亿吨二氧化碳到底有多少? How much is 30 billion tons of CO2 per year?)


例句:It's not just a million tons of shipping. It's a million tons of shipping every week! (翻译:不仅是一次上百万吨的货物 而是每周上百万吨的货物!)


tons一般作为名词使用,如在tons of(adj. 大量的,很多的,)、dry tons(〈美〉显热(冷冻)负荷,干吨)、displacement tons([网络] 排水吨)等常见短语中出现较多。

tons ofadj. 大量的,很多的,
dry tons〈美〉显热(冷冻)负荷,干吨
displacement tons[网络] 排水吨
freight tons[交] 运费吨;载货容积吨
gross tons(英)毛吨(等于2240磅)
hoppus tons[网络] us吨
long tons[网络] 一吨
measurement tons[网络] 容积吨;体积吨
metric tonsadj. 公吨\n[网络] 公制吨;我们已将数量改为二百公吨;容积吨
moisture tons〈美〉以潜热计算的冷冻负荷(湿吨)


1. How much is 30 billion tons of CO2 per year? (翻译:每年30亿吨二氧化碳到底有多少? How much is 30 billion tons of CO2 per year?)

2. It's not just a million tons of shipping. It's a million tons of shipping every week! (翻译:不仅是一次上百万吨的货物 而是每周上百万吨的货物!)

3. Just last year, workers at Nder washed up to 400 tons of coffee and exported up to 80 tons. (翻译:仅去年一年,工人们就清洗了400吨咖啡,其中,出口量高达80吨。)

4. There are millions of tons of glacial ice continually moving day and night. (翻译:外面数百万吨的冰川 There are millions of tons of glacial ice 在不分日夜地移动 continually moving day and night.)

5. The pressure here is a crushing eight tons per square inch. (翻译:这里的压力达到了每平方英寸8吨 The pressure here is a crushing eight tons per square inch.)

6. The manufacturers calculated that they could sell 60 million tons of it a year. (翻译:生产厂家统计销量可以达到每年6千万吨 The manufacturers calculated that they could sell 60 million tons of it a year)

7. We know that on Mars and the Moon there are tons of these structures. (翻译:我们已经知道在火星和月球上 有很多这样的结构 )

8. The cargos exceed 19 tons, around 20tons. (翻译:我们的货物超过19吨,将近20吨。)

9. But when I then go on to explain what the impact of one purchase order from Wal-Mart is, in terms of not pounds but tons of pesticide, tons of herbicide, tons of chemical fertilizer, the discussion-- we get away from the emotion (翻译:但是当我给他们解释 沃尔玛的订单给我的生产过程带来的 不是数以吨计的杀虫药)

10. I do not want ten tons of FLE and caiala ... (翻译:我不想十吨FLE和c鉯人? ... ...)

11. So 11 billion tons is twice that. (翻译:110亿吨是我们当下 每年排放量的两倍, )

12. Whereas the pyramids are built with blocks of two to three tons, these temples, which are minute compared to the pyramids, are built with blocks of 100 tons and some of them (翻译:那里的金字塔不过是用2至3吨的石头建造 但庙宇则用到100吨的石头, 有的甚至达到了200吨)

13. The largest is about four tons and 12 feet across. (翻译:最大的石币可重达4吨,直径达到3.6米 )

14. You gave me tons of chances. (翻译:你给过我很多机会 You gave me tons of chances.)

15. 1 27,000 tons of steel is involved in that. (翻译:那上面要承受127,000吨钢铁的重量.)






- a ton of something 大量的某物

- metric ton 公制吨

- short ton 短吨(指英制吨)

- long ton 长吨(指英制吨)

- tonnage 总吨位

- 20-ton truck 20吨卡车

- pile on the tons 增加重量,变得沉重




1. The cargo ship is capable of carrying 10,000 tons of goods. 这艘货船能够装载1万吨的货物。

2. We ordered a ton of sand for the playground. 我们为操场订购了一大堆沙子。

3. The truck can transport up to 30 tons of cargo. 这辆卡车能够运输30吨的货物。

4. I've got tons of work to do before tomorrow's deadline. 我有很多工作要在明天之前完成。

5. The landfill receives hundreds of tons of garbage every day. 垃圾填埋场每天收到数百吨的垃圾。

6. The building collapsed under the weight of several tons of snow. 这座建筑在数吨雪的重量下坍塌了。

7. She spent a ton of money on clothes during the shopping trip. 她在购物旅行中花了大量的钱买衣服。

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