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sift是什么意思 sift的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-27 07:16:57
  • 574

sift是什么意思 sift的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




1. We need to sift through all the data to find the relevant information.(我们需要筛选所有的数据找到相关信息。)

2. Please sift the flour before adding it to the mixture.(请先将面粉筛选后再添加到混合物中。)

3. The police had to sift through hundreds of leads to find the suspect.(警方不得不筛选数百个线索才找到嫌疑人。)




例句:Working from clues in the body of the body of the letters, we must patiently sift a mountain of material for a few pertinent grain of fact. (从文字的主体着手,我们必须耐心的大量的资料以便从中得到有限的事实收获。)


例句:Colleagues, when our clients come to us confused and angry and hurting because their flame of love is guttering and threatens to die, do we seek to extinguish that flame so that we can sift through the smoldering wreckage for our paltry reward? (当客户来找我们 又彷徨又愤怒又伤心 他们爱的火焰明灭不定 我们应该熄灭火焰)


例句:Trawling the oceans with mouths agape, their sieve-like gills sift out the plankton and small fish on which they feed. (巨大的嘴像拖网一样在大海中捕食 它用筛状的鱼鳃过滤出的浮游生物和小鱼 是它们最爱的食物)

4.筛 、落下

例句:There's a ton of apps and social platforms for nonprofits and do-gooders to sift through these days. (翻译:最近出现了大量为非营利组织与乐善好施的人量身定制的应用软件程序和社交平台。)


sift一般作为名词、动词使用,如在sift out(v. 筛出;精选\n[网络] 过筛;持续不断地筛选和判断)、sift program([计] 筛选程序)、sift the data(选择资料)等常见短语中出现较多。

sift outv. 筛出;精选\n[网络] 过筛;持续不断地筛选和判断
sift program[计] 筛选程序
sift the data选择资料
sift through被筛下, 通过
sift up移上
vibration sift振动筛


1. Trawling the oceans with mouths agape, their sieve-like gills sift out the plankton and small fish on which they feed. (翻译:巨大的嘴像拖网一样在大海中捕食 它用筛状的鱼鳃过滤出的浮游生物和小鱼 是它们最爱的食物)

2. There's a ton of apps and social platforms for nonprofits and do-gooders to sift through these days. (翻译:最近出现了大量为非营利组织与乐善好施的人量身定制的应用软件程序和社交平台。)

3. The company allowed members of the research team to sift through stones not deemed to be of gem quality. (翻译:这家公司允许研究小组的成员筛选出被视为没有达到珠宝质量的石头。)

4. You can sift through this data and see what people have submitted. (翻译:你可以筛选这些数据看看人们都提交了些什么。)

5. We need to sift out the applications that have no chance of succeeding. (翻译:我们需要剔出那些成功无望的申请。)

6. Here the guaqueros, the scavengers, can sift through the crumbs from the rich man's table. (翻译:在这里,Guaqueros,就像食腐动物一样, 被允许在富人餐桌上留下的残汤剩羹中翻翻拣拣。)

7. There's One World, which presents the spinning globe, and Many Voices, which splits the data out into film strips and lets you sift through them one by one. (翻译:一个模式叫“整个世界”,表示成这个旋转的球, 另一个模式叫“大众声音”,把数据分割显示成电影胶片一样, 你可以一个一个地筛选。)

8. Then I sulked on the edge of the bed and watched my mother sift through my things. (翻译:我郁闷地坐在床沿上,看着母亲挑选着我的物件。)

9. CONCLUSION: It suggested that the Feng-yi green vicia faba had good sensitive , and sift through of root tip cell in micronuclei. . . (翻译:结论:经过筛选确大理州定凤仪青皮蚕豆敏感性好,是一种有价值的微核实验的材料。)

10. Now, while this organization has been dormant for the past 10 years and we still have a lot of evidence to sift through, everything points to their involvement. (翻译:虽然这个组织沉寂了10年 们掌握了大量证据 这些证据都指向他们)

11. I don't know. So much evidence to sift. (翻译:ﺺﻴﺤﻤﺘﻠﻟ ﺓﺮﻴﺜﻛ ﺔﻟﺩﺃ ﻙﺎﻨﻫ .)

12. My grandfather would take me to the gully and we would sift in the creek for garnets. (翻译:我的祖父就带我去的沟壑,我们将在筛选的石榴石小溪。)

13. ... We don't need to sift through various offices for their records anymore. (翻译:需要查看他的此类信息时,他们会派员工过来)

14. But first let me say... my job is not to turn you into divers... but to sift out the unworthy. (翻译:有一点我要事先声明 我的工作不是培养你们成为潜水员 而是将不适合的人赶走)

15. If she blows up on foreign soil it's not like Percy can send cleaners to sift through the rubble. (翻译:听着 如果她在异国被炸死 Percy便不可能请人来处理后事)



1. 词释



1) 筛选,过滤:用筛子将混合物中的杂质去除;

2) 仔细检查:把东西逐个检查过去,以找到所需的或有用的东西;

3) 搜查,搜寻:进行彻底的搜索,以发现所需的信息或证据;

4) 分类,区分:根据不同的特征,将东西分成不同的类别。


1) 筛,过滤器:用于筛选、过滤杂质;

2) 细面粉:面粉中筛除的细粉末。

2. 缩写词解释

SIFT是“Scale-Invariant Feature Transform”的缩写,是一种典型的计算机视觉算法,可用于处理图像、视频等媒体数据。该算法可以在不同尺度下提取图像特征,对物体的旋转、缩放、平移等变换具有鲁棒性,并且在目标匹配、三维重建等方面具有广泛应用。

3. 搭配词汇


1) Sift动词:sift through(仔细查看),sift out(筛选出来),sift away(筛除,排除),sift for(寻找,搜寻),sift something from(从…中筛选出)。

2) Sift名词:flour sifter(面粉筛),sieve(筛子),sift filter(过滤器),sifted flour(筛过的面粉)。

4. 例句

1) Sift动词:

a) The detectives sifted through the evidence to find any clues.(侦探们仔细检查证据,寻找任何线索。)

b) She sifted out the large rocks from the sand.(她从沙子中筛选出大石头。)

c) He sifted away the impurities in the gold to make it pure.(他筛除了金子中的杂质,使其变得纯净。)

d) We need to sift for more information before a decision.(在做出决定之前,我们需要搜寻更多的信息。)

e) She sifted the raisins from the cake batter.(她从蛋糕面糊中筛选出了葡萄干。)

2) Sift名词:

a) She put the flour through a sifter to remove any lumps.(她通过面粉筛子筛掉了所有的颗粒。)

b) The recipe called for sifted flour, not regular flour.(配方要求用筛过的面粉,不是普通面粉。)

c) He used a sieve to sift the soil for any artifacts.(他用筛子筛选土壤中的文物。)

d) The coffee maker has a built-in sift filter to remove any grounds.(咖啡壶自带过滤器,可除去任何咖啡渣。)

e) The chef sifted the spices into the soup for added flavor.(厨师将香料筛入汤中,增添了味道。)

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