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melaleuca是什么意思 melaleuca的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-10 08:17:05
  • 280

melaleuca是什么意思 melaleuca的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

melaleuca 是一种常绿乔木或灌木,产于澳大利亚和东南亚地区。这个词通常用于描述这些植物。




1. The melaleuca tree is a popular ornamental tree in many parts of the world.


2. Melaleuca oil is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.


melaleuca在英语中代表"白千层 、白千层属灌木"的意思,作为名词时有"美乐家"的意思,单词读音音标为[,melә'lu:kә],melaleuca来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到24个与melaleuca相关的例句。



例句:Not surprisingly, the decision was made to close down Oil of Melaleuca, Inc, which had taken off with such great promise. (不必惊讶,美乐家公司做出了倒掉已制成的荼树精油的决定,这之前从哪还能找到几个这样伟大的承诺。)


例句:Melaleuca stone texture into a layered structure, the folder in between the layers of a layer of gray rock, stone Wencheng transverse, shape like weathered erosion of rock. (千层石纹理成层状结构,在层与层之间夹一层浅灰岩石,石纹成横向,外形似久经风雨侵蚀的岩层。)


例句:He met with chemists pharmacists doctors attorneys and other experts of various stripes then he launched Melaleuca Inc. in September 1985. (他遇到各种不同的化学家、药剂师、医生、人和其他的专家,然后他于1985年9月建立了美乐家公司。)


例句:This characteristic Qianceng stone said that this kind of Melaleuca stone rockery. (翻译:千层石这一特点说的就是这类千层石假山。)


melaleuca一般作为名词使用,如在Melaleuca leucadendra([植] 白千层)、mollisia melaleuca(黑白软盘菌)、Melaleuca L.([医] 白千层属)等常见短语中出现较多。

Melaleuca leucadendra[植] 白千层
mollisia melaleuca黑白软盘菌
Melaleuca L.[医] 白千层属


1. He met with chemists pharmacists doctors attorneys and other experts of various stripes then he launched Melaleuca Inc. in September 1985. (翻译:他遇到各种不同的化学家、药剂师、医生、人和其他的专家,然后他于1985年9月建立了美乐家公司。)

2. This characteristic Qianceng stone said that this kind of Melaleuca stone rockery. (翻译:千层石这一特点说的就是这类千层石假山。)

3. As one of the important natural plant oils, Melaleuca Alternifolia oil has wide range Of food applications. (翻译:互叶白千层油是重要的天然植物精油,在食品方面有着广泛应用。)

4. The lush heart note, Melaleuca bark note -- which does not contain any Melaleuca bark, because it’s totally forbidden. (翻译:“中味”甜味香料 还有“后味”白千层树树皮 -- 其中并不含白千层树树皮 因为那是被禁止的)

5. It was concluded that the introduced Melaleuca alternifolia tea tree planted in Guangxi had the possibility to be a variety. (翻译:综上结果表明,引种至广西玉林市的澳洲互叶白千层茶树极有可能发生了变种。)

6. Melaleuca stone rockery manufacturing is a good selection of them. (翻译:假山制造即是其间一个比较好的挑选。)

7. Results indicated that the effect of flooding on Melaleuca alternifolia was elevated with the increase in the flooding depth. (翻译:研究结果表明,随着淹水深度的增加,互叶白千层受到的胁迫程度有所增强。)

8. The lush heart note, Melaleuca bark note -- which does not contain any Melaleuca bark, because it’s totally forbidden. (翻译:“中味”甜味香料 还有“后味”白千层树树皮 -- 其中并不含白千层树树皮 因为那是被禁止的 )



1. 拼写与发音:melaleuca的拼写较为复杂,常常被误写成malaleuca或者mellaleuca。其发音为[mel-uh-loo-kuh],重音在第三个音节上。教学中可以通过发音练习来帮助学生熟悉这个单词。





1. The essential oil extracted from melaleuca has a strong antiseptic effect. (从茶树中提取的精油具有强烈的抗菌效果。)

2. Some people use melaleuca oil to treat skin problems such as acne and eczema. (有些人使用茶树油来治疗和湿疹等皮肤问题。)

3. Melaleuca is a popular brand for natural and eco-friendly personal care products. (Melaleuca是一家以天然与环保个人护理产品为主的知名品牌。)

4. Tea tree oil is a common ingredient in Melaleuca's skincare products. (茶树精油是Melaleuca护肤产品中常见的成分。)

5. In Aboriginal culture, melaleuca is used to treat coughs and colds. (在文化中,茶树被用来治疗咳嗽和感冒。)

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