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imperious是什么意思 imperious的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-26 15:27:06
  • 251

imperious是什么意思 imperious的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

imperious的中文翻译为“专横的、傲慢的”,读音为 /ɪmˈpɪəriəs/。


1. His imperious behavior made everyone uncomfortable.(他的专横行为让大家感到不舒服。)

2. She gave him an imperious look, signaling him to stop talking.(她用傲慢的眼神示意他停止说话。)

3. Despite her imperious manner, she was actually quite insecure.(尽管她表现得很傲慢,但其实她很不安。)




例句:You've always been imperious, considered yourself above the law, as if the rules didn't apply to you. (你一直都很傲慢 认为你自己凌驾于法律之上 好像纪律对你不适用一样)


例句:One of them, Dong Chang, responsible for supervision was the most barbaric, imperious and despotic. (权倾朝野 其中以负责情报监察部门的东厂 最为嚣张跋扈)


例句:Mary asked, still in her imperious little Indian way. (玛丽问道,仍然是那种专横的印第安人的口气。)


例句:Yet, much like Mr Menderes, he seems more imperious by the day. (翻译:然而,与曼德列斯先生一样,他似乎也日益专横。)


imperious一般作为形容词使用,如在imperious act([医] 强迫动作)等常见短语中出现较多。

imperious act[医] 强迫动作


1. Mary asked, still in her imperious little Indian way. (翻译:玛丽问道,仍然是那种专横的印第安人的口气。)

2. Yet, much like Mr Menderes, he seems more imperious by the day. (翻译:然而,与曼德列斯先生一样,他似乎也日益专横。)

3. She had an imperious manner about her which she maintained even when approached by Dementors. (翻译:她身上有一种专横的气质,甚至在面对摄魂怪时她也丝毫不退缩。)

4. Her attitude is imperious at times. (翻译:她的态度有时很专横。)

5. Meanwhile, Hodgson believes heightened confidence has been a contributing factor to Lucas Leiva's imperious performances in recent weeks. (翻译:同时霍奇森表示,自信心的提升是最近几周卢卡斯发飙的根本原因所在。)

6. "Mr. Quiverful has not abandoned anything, " said the lady, with a very imperious voice. (翻译:“奎瓦富先生什么也没有放弃,”这位夫人用很蛮横的声音说。)

7. Imperious as she may appear, she's really more impresario than empress. (翻译:也许她看起来很专横,但实际上她的确比女王更有权势。)

8. Ziro held out an imperious hand to the second droid. (翻译:齐罗向第二个机器人傲慢地伸出一只手。)

9. And yet -listened to over and over again- the voice does begin to sound refined. Perhaps even a little bit imperious. (翻译:然而反复听过之后,声音却开始清晰起来,甚至透出了说话者的一丝专横与傲慢。)

1. 词义:高傲的、专横的、命令式的

2. 词性:形容词

3. 词组搭配:an imperious manner(专横的态度)、imperious command(命令式的指令)

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ɪmˈpɪəriəs/


1. 他们在听到他那专横的声音时都感到了不安。

2. 这个总裁一直以来都显得特别高傲。

3. 我们需要一个能领导我们的人,但是不要让他变得太过命令式。

4. 他的命令总是显得很专横,这会让人们感到不快。

5. 这个教练对队员很严厉,他的方式总是显得高傲。


1. She spoke in an imperious tone that brooked no argument.

2. The actor was imperious and arrogant, often belittling his co-workers.

3. He issued an imperious command for everyone to sit down and be quiet.

4. Her imperious manner made it clear that she was accustomed to getting her way.

5. The queen displayed an imperious demeanor, commanding respect from all those around her.

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