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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 08:54:54
  • 128


关于”句型“的英语句子28个,句子主体:sentence pattern。以下是关于句型的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence pattern

1、a media type that covers 80% of common use cases to describe a resource's lifecycle and state transitions -- in other words, to make POSTs self-descriptive in hypermedia. 多媒体类型覆盖80%的公共用例,用来描述资源的生命周期和状态转移──换句话说,就是让POST在超媒体中实现自描述。

2、In other words, the supernovae were her away than their redshifts indicated they should be, based on the existing model of the universe. 换句话说,超新星离我们比由基于现有宇宙模型的红移程度估计出来的距离还远。

3、Part four The construction of"You VP": In this sentence pattern, the part of speech of"You"is an adverb. 第四章“有VP”句式的构成成分:新兴的“有VP”中“有”的副词性使VP的性质和类型获得了发展。

4、The background graph is what is specified by a query's FROM clause, by the sparql command's --data switch, or by passing a model to QueryExecutionFactory.create() when using Jena's API. 在使用 Jena 的 API 时,通过某个查询的 FROM 子句、sparql 命令的 --data 开关或者通过向 QueryExecutionFactory.create() 传递一个模型来指定的图。

5、Using detailed and humour ilration to help the children to retell the story, make predictions and relate events to their own daily experiences. 重复的句型继续帮助小读者建立阅读的信心。故事插图细致、幽默,有助培育读者的观察力和理解文意。

6、You use "I can't help but" when you feel helpless, when you want to get something across that needs to happen. 当你觉得无助时,或者当你说明需要做到这件事情的时候,你就可以使用“I can't help but”句型。

7、The ESAX bytecodes are encoded using one of several multiplexed PPM models based on its syntactic structure (elements, characters, attributes, and miscellaneous symbols). ESAX 字节码根据其句法结构(元素、字符、属性和杂项符号)通过多个复用 PPM 模型之一进行编码。

8、ActiveScaffold will create SQL that searches all varchar columns for the model so that entering a term like "ham" will find my user record based on my last name. ActiveScaffold 会创建一条 SQL 语句为模型搜索所有的 varchar 列,这样输入诸如 “ham” 之类的条件就可以找到基于姓氏的用户记录了。

9、You don't belongs to me. I stay and don't live in you be … 翻译一下,速度…你不属于我我和你在一起不如让你离开我有很多病句…病句…

10、In the traditional teaching mode, the center is teacher, the contents are grammar, vocabulary and the activities are practice of sentence types and grammar. 在传统的教学模式下,教师是教学的中心,教学内容是语法结构与词汇记忆,课堂活动主要是句型、语法练习。

11、For the purpose of practicing Enlish, try to talk about the above contents as much as you can so that your vocabulary or structure can be maximumly improved. 在练习英语时,尽可能地谈论以上所提到的内容,这样你的词汇和句型就可以得到最大限度的提高。

12、He fashioned no stilted epigram. 他不追求夸张的警句。

13、Developers sometimes call this point in the project "code slush" -- that is, not yet "code freeze," since certain kinds of change are still allowed. 开发人员有时候称项目中这一点为“代码烂泥” —— 换句话说,还没有“代码冻结”,因为某些类型的变更还允许出现。

14、The typed DataSet designer accommodates by allowing you to add your own queries from the appropriate table's context menu by selecting Add | Query from the table's context menu. 类型化数据集设计器允许你添加自己的查询语句,通过在适当表格的上下文菜单中选择“添加”|“查询”来实现。

15、The VALUES clause also includes a casting function for the user-specified value of the OID column because the value must be cast into the REFERENCE type of the target table. VALUES 子句还为用户指定的 OID 列的值包括了一个 casting 函数,因为该值必须强制转换成目标表的 REFERENCE 类型。

16、In other words, you measure the typical time it takes to complete an MMF, from start to finish, and extrapolate to various points in the queue. 换句话说,你需要测测完成一个MMF所需要的典型时长,从开始到完成,然后推定队列中其他MMF的时长。

17、The Symmetrical pattern of the school mottos is the embodiment of the Chinese mentality of harmony and beauty. 校训中的句型大多是均衡对称的,且美辞迭出,又体现了汉民族追求和谐、追求美的传统心理特点。

18、Treatment was effective with serum folate concentrations increasing by 576% and plasma cysteine falling by 26% for the folic acid group compared with placebo. 这句话没翻译。试译:叶酸治疗组与安慰剂组比较, 血清叶酸浓度增加576%且血浆同型半胱氨酸水平下降26%视为治疗有效。

19、Once there, he wound cling to the hand-rail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept free of ice. (L. 15) 一到那儿,他就紧抓着地铁通道的扶手一直往下走,因为地铁内空气暖和,几级台阶没有冰雪。句型提炼。

20、Civil is presented the topic sentence . 文尾出现主题句。

21、There is no need to specify a SQL statement for updates because the Relational DAS derives this from the model and the contact data object's change summary. 不需要为更新指定 SQL 语句,原因是关系型 DAS 可以从模式和联系人数据对象的更改概要中派生它。

22、This is by the famous biologist, D'Arcy Thompson, who wrote the book On Growth and Form, and it's sort of the model of many developmental psychologists and many evolutionary psychologists so I'll end with this: "Everything is the way it is because it got that way." 这是著名的生物学家,达西·汤普森所提出的,他写了一本叫做《论生长和形态》的书,这句话也是许多发展心理学家,和进化心理学的理论模型,所以我用这句话来作为结束,"万物如此,皆因其本"

23、Input and output parameters can be of type XML, and user-defined functions that are written in SQL can include XML variables and SQL/XML statements. 输入和输出参数都可以是 XML 类型的,用 SQL 编写的用户定义函数可以包含 XML 变量和 SQL/XML 语句。

24、One of the key technique of QAS is entity recognition and tagging which directly decide the judgement of question type and the extraction of answers. 其中,实体的识别与标注是问答系统的关键技术之一,直接关系到问句类型的判定和答案的抽取。

25、I make up my mind to go home immediately after school every day. 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!


26、Through my introduction, you would be able to imagine what the original pavilion looks like ? that跟what在这不能同时用来引导从句,从后面的like知用what引导从句,like what?

27、The speaker recognition rate will achieve up to 93% based on the speaker model of total 50 people, using 30 sentences by each person. 目前资料库共有50人参与录音,以每人使用30句做训练语者模型为辨识基础之下,语者辨识率可到达93%。

28、But we do have control on all kinds of cache, Data-distribution cache, Dictionary cache, SPL routine cache, and SQL statement cache. 但是,我们控制所有类型的缓存器,数据分布缓存器、字典缓存器、SPL 例程缓存器和 SQL 语句缓存器。

29、The other type of data stored in the Performance Warehouse is that which is collected by the statement event monitors you can run from within DB2 PE. 存储在 Performance Warehouse 中的其他类型的数据是指那些由可以从 DB2 PE 内部运行的语句事件监视器所收集的数据。

30、And then it can be translated to a sentence, 'a file container is on the biohazard container, ' which we can directly use to build the scenario content. 然后它能被转化为一个句子,“一个文件箱放在有生物毒性的容器上”,它能被直接使用在建立典型场景的内容。

31、In other words, the Qashqai has drawn on multicultural London for its inspiration - it is, after all, a European car, created for European buyers. 换句话说,逍客的设计灵感中利用到了伦敦的多文化特点——毕竟它是为欧洲消费者设计的一款欧洲车型。

32、A proven practice for handling the identification of logon data type is to use nested IF statements which will check for Trusted Credentials, Credentials, Forms and finally for SSO. 对于识别登录数据类型,一种已经证明有效的做法是使用嵌套的 IF 语句检查可信凭证、凭证和表单,最后检查 SSO。

33、In the previous example, notice that with implicitly-typed arrays, no square brackets are used on the left side of the initialization statement. 请注意,在上一个示例中,没有在初始化语句的左侧对隐式类型的数组使用方括号。

34、The object-relational mapping framework (i.e., entity beans) allows us to focus on the abstract data model without having to deal with database-specific SQL statements. 对象关系映射框架(例如:实体bean)允许我们将注意力放在抽象数据模型上,而不需要处理数据库特有的SQL语句。

35、An extreme eight-week diet of 600 calories a day can reverse Type 2 diabetes in people newly diagnosed with the disease , says a Diabetologia study. 请注意这一句所指称,研究对像是指刚诊断出2型糖尿病者(确诊4年内),而且这种600卡的节食是以极端来形容;

36、On the Type Mapping tab, Roslyn can customize the data type mapping that is used when generating the target database DDL statements and click Next, as shown in Figure 29. 在 Type Mapping 选项卡上,Roslyn 可以定制在生成目标数据库 DDL 语句时使用的数据类型映射,然后单击 Next,如图 29 所示。

37、The first opinion which, if adhered to strictly, per Roy Fieldings thesis, “the use of media types such as application/vnd.example.myway+xml is not RESTful”. Subbu认为,若严格参考的话,观点1是来自Roy Fielding的论文中的一句话,“使用像application/vnd.example.myway+xml这样的媒体类型不符合RESTful”。

38、Columns defined with the BLOB data type, or using the FOR BIT DATA clause will be passed as binary from the source to the target, and the code page used is zero. 通过 BLOB 数据类型或使用 FOR BIT DATA 子句定义的列将以二进制形式从源传递到目标,所使用的代码页是零。

39、Facts may take the form of natural language statements or as attributions, relationships, or generalizations within a formal model. 事实可以采用自然语言语句的形式,也可以作为一个规范模型中的属性、关系或概要。

40、In oral Chinese, the discourse marker "Duile" can appear at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle of a sentence. 话语标记语“对了”可以出现于句首,也可以出现于句中。

41、In other words, a four-door styled with a more sharply curving roofline -- like a two-door coupe. 换句话说,所谓四门轿跑车型首先是一款四门轿车,只是它的车顶弧度更大,就像一款双门跑车一样。

42、But quietly so. Even when an archetypal Allen quip slips out, there are no eye-rolls, no grandstanding, no bada-boom. But quietly so.即使一句典型的艾伦式讽刺脱口而出,他也不会眨一下眼睛,不会有哗众取宠的表演或者bada-boom。

43、Put another way: NASA is dreaming up massive railguns to launch hypersonic space vehicles into the atmosphere at blinding speeds. 换句话说:太空署梦想着设计大型轨道炮来将超高速太空飞行器以盲速发射至大气层。

44、He was, in other words, the equivalent of the Argentinian playmaker, given a free role in what was effectively a 4-3-1-2. 换句话说,比帕相当于阿根廷足坛的组织者,在一个实际上是4312的阵型里,他被赋予了一个自由角色。

45、Rows that have not been updated since the ALTER TABLE statement will return the type default value for the column, which is midnight Jan 01, year 1. 自 ALTER TABLE 语句之后未进行更新的行将返回列的类型默认值,该值为 0001 年 1 月 1 日午夜。

46、Experimental results show that this part- of- speech tagging method based on Markov Family Model has greatly improved the precision comparing the conventional … 马氏族模型在其它一些自然语言处理领域如分词、句法分析、语音识别、机器翻译也有广泛的应用前景。

47、The maximum size of such LDS VSAM datasets would depend indirectly upon the type of table space you create and the parameters you specify on the CREATE statement. 这种 LDS VSAM 数据集的最大尺寸将间接取决于您创建的表空间的类型和您在 CREATE 语句上指定的参数。

48、That's also from--say it. 这句也是出自…说出来。

49、The iconicity of natural language has been one of the most important parts in the study of morphology, syntax, linguistic typology and cognitive linguistics. 自然语言的拟象性是近年来形态学、句法学、语言类型学以及认知语言学研究的重要内容之一。

50、It's very convenient to impose numerous contacts with the cycle syntax of the macro, if necessary, the model can be parameter treated. 利用编写的宏命令中的循环语句可以方便地施加繁多的接触力,必要时还可以对模型进行参数化处理。


51、Put another way: NASA is dreaming up massive railguns to launch hypersonic space vehicles into the atmosphere at blinding speeds. What's not to like? 换句话说:太空署梦想着设计大型轨道炮来将超高速太空飞行器以盲速发射至大气层。真是皆大欢喜。

52、It is perhaps just owing to these unconsidered factors by the author that contributes to their disparages in healthy conditions rather than their possession of pets. “也许正是由于这些作者未考虑到的原因而导致了他们健康状况的差异而非拥有宠物与否” 希望用上强调句型。

53、We'll call this phrase A. 我们称这它为乐句A

54、On the face of it, all the anger directed at the Arsenal keeper was because, in typical fashion, he'd dropped an unconsidered remark about Kahn having a very young girlfriend. 表面上看,所有的愤怒都冲着莱曼,因为他以一种典型方式说了几句关于卡恩年轻女友的评论。

55、When you‘re discussing your situation with a friend, you could tell them that you were doing this by using the "I'm ~ing" pattern. 当你跟一个朋友谈起你的情况时,你可以用“I'm ~ing”句型告诉他们你在做什么。

56、The works of Han Fu written in different periods of Han Dynasty have repeatedly proved us there existed typical Pian Wen in Han Dynasty. 汉代各个时期的赋作从不同方面证明了汉代已有典型的骈文而不仅仅是对骈句的个别利用。

57、Pattern matching in Erlang also handles the execution flow of individual statements, and extracts the individual vales from compound data types (tuples, arrays). Erlang 中的模式匹配还会处理各个语句的执行流,以及从复合数据类型(元组、数组)中提取出值。

58、Put another way, bad government, through malaria alone, will bring the deaths of seven jumbo-jets full of children in the next 24 hours. 换句话说,糟糕的统治,仅仅在疟疾一项上,在未来的24小时内就将导致能装满七架巨型喷气式客机的儿童死亡。

59、In Canada, grammar translation approach gave way to a number of other approaches including the audio-visual approach where the emphasis was pattern practice. 而在加拿大,语法翻译法则让位于许多其它的方法,包括视听教学法,其重点在于句型练习。

60、Two foreign teachers of our school act out some rules to make clear the meaning of each one. For example: a foreign teacher is pretend to listen to music in class. 约请我校的外教的介入到课堂中,做出一些违背课堂纪律的事情,引导学生用所学的句型指出他们的纰缪。

61、Then, it sets the callback handlers. 然后,设置回调句柄。

62、And it's a way to communicate how you feel that about this possibility is not existing for you. 当你想谈论一些不会在你身上发生的事情时,你可以用“If I were”句型来跟人交流。

63、I wish my family happy every day, health. 两句都可以

64、And my idea is like this, the fixed sentence patterns in English are kind of limited, let's say from 20 -35. They are all included in the book. 我的想法是,英语中固定不变的句型是很有限的,我们说大概20到35个,书里面全部包括了。

65、Observant readers will have notice the "open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.CommonExtensions", this opens a namespace which contains many F# type augmentations. 细心的读者可能会注意到这句代码"open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.CommonExtensions",它打开了一个包含很多F#类型控制的命名空间。

66、On a winter night, I remembered that from word to sentence, with the the good smell of fried sweet egg. 冬夜的晚上,从爆白果的馨香里,我有一句每一句的想起来了。

67、So maybe you can use this pattern to talk about two people that are alike or two places or two things that are alike. 所以可能你会用这个句型来谈论相似的两个人、两个地方或者两件事情。

68、Ending part: Summarized the full text center content, Proposed in the related Mongolian non-verb sentence pattern some questions which waits for further discussing, Has listed the bibliography. 结尾部分:总结了全文中心内容,提出了有关蒙古语非动词句型中的有待进一步探讨的一些问题,列出了参考书目。

69、The method is used when the model is complex and nonlinear (that is, parameters do not co-vary in a linear manner), or when the model involves more than just two or three uncertain parameters. 当模型复杂且非线性时(换句话说,在线性方式下参数不共变),或者当模型涉及多于两三个不确定参数时,使用该方法。

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