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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 07:31:52
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关于”激励学习的句子“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Sentences that encourage learning。以下是关于激励学习的句子的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences that encourage learning

1、It can be found that peer leader mainly plays four kinds of roles on BBS -learning supervisor, experience initiator, resource provider and the motivator. 研究发现,导生在BBS上扮演学习监控者、经验传递者、资源提供者和情感激励者四种主要角色;

2、Proper stress stimulus can improve learning and memory of human and animals, and excessive stress can lower the ability of learning and memory. 适宜的应激能改善人和动物的学习记忆,而过强的应激却使学习记忆能力低下。

3、Therefore, to pay attention to stimulate interest in learning for students "to learn"; 因此,要注重激发学习兴趣,让学生“向学”;

4、Among various encouragements, the objective encouragement is one of the most often used. 其中目标激励是使用频率较高的激励方法之一。

5、For example, praise may be useful in motivating students to learn by rote , but it may discourage problem solving. 举例来说,赞美可能在激励学生死记学习中是有用的,但是它可能会阻止问题的解决。

6、Self-motivated, team work, ready to learn new knowledge and meet challenges, be able to work under pressure. 自我激励,团队意识,愿意学习新知识,迎接挑战,能承受工作压力 备注 此职位为FESCO外包职位。

7、The first blow is half the battle. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

8、The feeling degree of incentive factors and incentive condition are positively correlated. 激励因素的感受程度与激励状态成正相关。

9、But recently, some schools have started teaching just Mandarin, angering parents who want their children to also use their own language. 但最近,一些学校已开始教学普通话,一些激怒家长希望他们的子女也学习自己的语言。

10、For example, the progam often focuses on material incentives only and even exaggerates the importance of this direction, while the values of spiritual incentives are neglected. 激励方式、手段单一,物质激励作用被严重夸大,从而忽视了精神激励的存在必要等。

11、If our lessons are devoted to only presentations and book work, the learners may well become de-motivated and they won't enjoy their lessons. 如果我们的课程是专门为只介绍和书的工作,学习者可能成为去激励,他们不会享受他们的经验教训。

12、His book is renowned for its lively presentation, active learning environment, highly motivational pedagogy, unparalleled visual support, and thorough self-check reviews. 他的著作是它的生动介绍,主动学习的环境,高激励教学法,著名无与伦比的视觉支持,彻底的自我检查评价。

13、The seismic responses of structure of Nanjing Station are numerically simulated under the uniform excitation and the traveling-wave excitation. 以南京火车站的站房结构为模型,使用一致激励和多点激励计算了结构在不同激励状况下的结构响应。

14、The most powerful motivators, in my experience, are logging your habit and public pressure. 根据我的经验,最强大的激励因素是对你习惯的关注和公众的压力。

15、On the basis of this model the radius kinetic parameters are calculated, including the stimulating electric field and the metastable state copper density. 在此基础上对大口径铜蒸气激光器的径向动力学参量进行了计算,包括激励电场和亚稳态铜粒子密度等动力学参量的径向分布。

16、If you’re going to develop the habit of taking action, you need to be motivated. 假如你想要养成雷厉风行的习惯的话,你需要被激励去那样做。

17、The launching of the learning environment is to stimulate learners more proactive, exploring, cooperative and introspective so that it can promote meaningful learning. 学习环境的创设是为了激发学习者的自主性、探究性、协作性和反思性,促进学习者的有意义学习。

18、In this kind of cl, in which heated debates are conducted, students often find out they are motivated by the pleasure of study. 在这种课上,由于学生们进行热烈的讨论,所以他们经常发现自己受到愉快学习气氛的激励。

19、According to the pseudo excitation method, the pseudo road excitations in automotive front wheel and rear wheel are constructed by the statistical characteristics of road excitation. 根据路面激励的统计特征,应用虚拟激励法建立了汽车前轮和后轮的虚拟路面激励。

20、People who think they can use behavioral “science” or management techniques have not spent enough time on the receiving end of either. 那些以为可以用行为科学或管理技巧来激励别人的,都不曾好好的被这么激励过。

21、Sheet electron beam play a vital role for a number of applications, such as: microwave tube, gas laser excitation and plasma chemistry reaction. 从微波管到气体激光激励装置和等离子体化学反应堆,片状或带状电子注对于许多的行业来说是必不可少的。

22、Nowadays, material incentives alone can not meet the diverse needs of employees, and non-material incentives attract more and more attention from researchers. 当今,单纯物质激励已不能满足员工多元化的需求,非物质激励引起了越来越多学者的关注。

23、Under 22 categories of vocabulary learning strategies, only 8 categories of vocabulary strategies such as selective attention, repetition and self-encouragement are frequently employed by them; 高中生使用的词汇学习策略数目有限,在22项词汇学习策略中,常用的仅选择性注意、重复、自我激励等8项;

24、Motivates and communicates. 激励与沟通。

25、Analyze the feedback laser grid-driving power to our feedback channel influence, the laser best operating point and the laser grid-driving power assignment. 分析回传激光器的激励功率对回传通道的影响、激光器的最佳工作点及激光器的激励功率的分配。


26、It's about not only motivation students to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. 它不仅是激励学生学习,而且教会他们如何学,并以一种与这相适应、有意义、令人难忘的方式去教。

27、Sometimes this will make us withdraw, but it can also motivate us to shift our attention or change our learning strategy, he says. 有时困惑会使我们撤退,但它也能激励我们转移注意力或者改变我们的学习策略,他如是说道。

28、Now all of you know who this incentive plan is for? 现在你知道海辉的期权激励计划是在激励谁了吧?

29、Based on a basic prinl-agency model, the article Analyses the trade-off between pay for performance and promotion based incentive contract, and also points out the topics for future research. 本文采用人事经济学的分析方法,以一个基本的委托模型为基础,研究在人力资源管理中绩效激励和晋升激励的契约特征及其局限性,探讨激励契约的发展趋势。

30、English-learning motivation has a positive effect on English learning Teachers should attach importance to stimulating college students' English learning motivation. 大学生英语学习动机对英语学习效果有积极影响。教师应重视激发学生的英语学习动机。

31、Ideally, the "meaningful payoff" leads rightinto the next motivating goal. 如果这个“有意义的收获”恰好能引导学习者发现另一个激励人的目标,那就更理想了。

32、The developments of non-intellectual factors must be paid more attention . 激发学生的学习动机,重视非智力因素的开发;

33、Inspiring students' interest is the preconditions of inquiry-based learning. 激发学生兴趣是研究性学习的前提。

34、A teacher who acquired whatever he knows in mathematics purely receptively can hardly promote the active learning of his students. 如果一个教师在数学方面的知识完全是被动地接受下来的,那么,他基本上无法激励他的学生们去主动地学习。

35、Compared with other teaching methods , Suggestopedia can arouse students' interest in learning, stimulate their motives and bring out students' latent potentialities by using the method properly. 它的正确使用,能够使学生更有兴趣地学习,它能激发学生的学习动机,从而发掘学生的学习潜力。

36、The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg, which is also called dual-factor theory. 双因素理论是行为科学中激励理论的重要组成部分,它揭示了影响人的积极性的两个方面:激励因素和保健因素。

37、I have been following Celes's blog for over two years and was constantly inspired by her articles and her remarkable personality. 我学习蔡氏的博文已经超过两年的时间了,一直都被她的文章和非凡的个性所激励。

38、He says his fourthgrade teacher saved him as a student by bribing him with money and candy. 他说到他的四年级老师留下他用糖果和零花钱激励他学习。

39、In a magnetic measurement approach, different magnetic excitation fields may be used to excite magnetic target particles differently inthe first and second zone(Z2). 在磁测量方法中,可以使用不同的磁激励场以差别化地激励在所述第一区和第二区(Z2)中的磁靶粒子。

40、The size of this network is greatly decreased and its learning algorithm is improved through optimizing wavelet neural cell exciting functions. 通过优化组合小波基元激励函数,大大减小了小波神经网络的规模,改善了网络学习特性。

41、He inspired Chinese scholars with his writings and reform movements. 他的文章和变法运动激励著一代代中国学者。

42、Impressed by Oveges's ability to inspire learning, the prinl heartily recommended him to a publishing company. 奥格弗斯激励学生学习的能力给校长留下了深刻印象。他向一家出版社大力推荐了奥格弗斯。

43、Aiglon strives for excellence in learning and makes use of its inspiring Alpine environment to promote life and leadership skills and to develop personal qualities. 艾格隆力求卓越的学习,同时利用激励人心的高山环境,促进生活和领导技能,并制定个人素质。

44、To develop the habit of action, we need to make goals that inspire us. 想要养成雷厉风行的习惯,我们需要设定一些能够激励我们的目标。

45、We provide the architecture and learning rule of the quantizing network, and compare it with the traditional method in the implementation. 本文针对语音多脉冲激励模型,提出了量化网络的结构和学习规则,并将此方法和传统方法进行了比较。

46、Joi comes up with a great list of habits to inspire people and get you thinking of good habits you would like to form yourself. Joi列出了一系列的习惯,用以激励人们,并让人们思考自己该拥有什么好习惯。

47、Even if you need background on those topics, you might still want to read through the article, as it will inspire you to learn more. 即使需要有关那些主题的背景知识,您可能仍想通读本文,因为它会激励您学习更多的新知识。

48、confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。

49、A dream comes from your persistence.  与梦想同行。

50、Research suggests that Project-based CALL may enhance ESL learners" motivation, improve their learning performance and initiate their active roles in learning (e. g." 有研究显示,计算机辅助任务型英语教学可以增强ESL的学习者的学习动机,提高其学习成绩和激发起学习积极性。


51、T he International Assembly educates, motivates, and inspires district governors-elect to lead Rotarians in their districts. 国际讲习会灌输、激励、激发地区总监当选人在他的地区内去领导扶轮社社员们。

52、Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic 完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。

53、The ebook entitled: “The Essential Motivation Handbook” is a collaborative effort between two well known productivity bloggers, Leo Babauta of Zen Habits and Eric Hamm of Motivate Thyself. 这本电子书(ebook)的标题是:“必不可少的激励行动指南”,这本书是人们所熟知的两位博主协作努力的结果,他们是禅宗习惯网(Zen Habits)的利奥·巴巴乌达和激励自己网(Motivate Thyself)的艾瑞克·汉姆。

54、Task-based Learning is a learner-centred teaching method. It can inspire the students'initiative to learn actively. 作为以学习者为中心的任务型教学法,能激发学生学习的积极性、主动性。

55、The Chinese teachers told Chinese media they had been goaded into enforcing extra-long study hours and the type of drills they would no longer do back home. 中国教师向中国媒体说,他们被激励延长学生学习时间并且不让他们回家。

56、In France she was awarded first prize in conducting at the Conservatoire National and top prizes in piano and chamber music. 在法国国际艺术学院学习中获得一等奖学金,在钢琴和室内乐学习中荣获最高奖励。

57、 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man, writing an exact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。

58、In recent years, DE scholars have gradually become interested in the learning community research, and made progress in understanding its organization, establishment and stimulation strategies. 最近几年关于学习共同体的研究逐渐纳入远程教育学者的视野,对学习共同体的组织形式、建立方法、激励策略等方面的研究取得了进展。

59、Brainstorm ways to "sell" yourself as a capable, innovative, self-motivated learner who can create things. 头脑风暴就是让你秀出自己,做一个具有创造性的,有能力,有新意,懂得自我激励的学习者。

60、Jana: So why do we test? Is it to, why do we test, is it again to motivate students to study hard or to check their progress? 嘉娜:那我们为什么要进行考试?我们为什么要考试,又是为了激励学生努力学习吗?还是为了检查他们是否有进步?

61、With this algorithm, the abilities of learning and prediction of these six neuronets activated by different polynomials are further investigated. 基于该算法,深入研究了采用不同的隐层神经元激励函数时多项式神经网络的学习和能力。

62、All things are difficult before they are easy. 万事开头难。

63、But I cited because I tell you he really motivated me. 我引用这个例子因为他确实激励了我。

64、The external incentive of the official is invalid because the condition of the offical's incentive is deficient, therefore, perfecting the official's intrinsic incentive is extremely important. 官员激励条件欠缺也造成外在激励的有效性缺乏,由此也突出了官员的内在激励的重要性。

65、god helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。

66、doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。

67、This class will facilitate student's critical thinking development, bridging diverse mediums and inspire new ways of creating relationships through the study of art and literature. 本课程旨在通过对艺术和文学课程的学习来提高学生的批判性思维能力、跨媒体的融会贯通能力、激励他们探索建立人际关系的新方法。

68、a bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

69、The bidding strategy based on reinforcement learning generates bidding curve adapting its unit capacity through many rounds of simulation study for profit target. 后者以利润为激励,通过多轮次的仿真学习得到适合机组发电量大小的较优的报价策略。

70、Emotion quotient plays an important role in reading teaching by self-consciousness self-encouragement emotion control interpersonal interaction anti-frustration ability and so forth. 情商在学生阅读学习中的重要作用,通过自我意识、自我激励、情绪控制、人际沟通和挫折能力等内容得以表现。

71、One big problem is that it replaces intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation. 这种方式的最大问题在于它用外在的激励代替了内在的激励。

72、Trust and tolerance come from motivations from the envionment. The symbol of success for study and work is the self-motivation and self-discipline that students and workers developed in their hearts. 信任和宽容说到底是来自外部的动力。学习、工作的成功标志是学生、职工内心形成的自我激励和自我约束的机制。

73、great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。

74、They motivate others. 他们激励他人。

75、There's nothing more motivating as a leader than working with other action-oriented, self-directed thinkers, do-ers, and learners. 与一群以行动为导向、能自我引导的思考者、实干者和学习者共事,是一位领导者能够获得的最大激励。

英文句子模板76:Sentences that encourage learning

76、You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them. 你首先得激发孩子们的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。

77、Stimulated by a desire to tend his invalid mother, he studied medicine. 在服侍病母这一愿望的激励下,他学了医。

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