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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-21 10:37:26
  • 87


关于”好听的句“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Nice sentence。以下是关于好听的句的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Nice sentence

1、Although I sometimes do not understand a word you say white language. 虽然我有时候听不懂你说的某一句白语。

2、OK, you're the boss. 好的,都听你的。

3、Okay, look, these things are not very well-engineered, all right? 好吧,听着这些东西设计的不好,好吗?

4、Keep a read of your time, Learn to read well. 安排好自己的时间,学会好好读书,学会倾听和好好说话。

5、So listen carefully. 请竖起耳朵好好听哦!

6、I am here here with you. 这是我喜欢听的歌!好听!

7、Beautiful, wow. Gook luck, man. 很好听,哇。祝你好运,伙计。

8、A: Well, give me the walkman. I'll listen to the music then. 好吧,给我随身听,我听音乐好了。

9、This is what we hear when you pray for a cure. 当你们为治愈良方而祈祷时,我们听到的是这句话。

10、He will go beyond himself as long as someone flatters him. 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。

11、Since that moment, she has not spoken or stirred. There were a score of times when I would have thought she was dead, had I not heard her laboured breathing. 从那以后她没有讲过一句话,也没有做过一个动作,如果我没有听到她的喘气声,我有好多次都以为她已经死了。

12、These seven words strike fear in the heart of even General Schwarzkopf. 甚至连施瓦茨科普夫将军也害怕听到这句话。

13、I love the sound cicadas make! 我觉得蝉嘅声音好好听㗎!

14、For example, if you go to an interview for a position for which thousands of people are competing with you, you are actually a leaf that matches the final flower-the final winner. 好比你去面试一个有上万人竞争的岗位,而这个岗位只招一个人,那么说句不好听的话,你是去当绿叶的,你是去衬最后一朵红花的。

15、Following that advice will protect you from the worst of economic upheavals. 听从这句忠告能保护你安然度过最糟的经济剧变。

16、You flung away that last line,we couldn't hear you. 你把最后一句话轻轻带过了,我们没有听见。

17、Instead say: "You look so good in skinny jeans. " If you slip, say something like "I could never wear that…because I wasn't blessed with your long legs. " 换句话: “你穿这种瘦腿牛仔裤太好看了。”要是你已经脱口而出了,马上补句:“我可穿不了这样的……我可没有像你这样的长腿。”

18、Listen then, brahman, and pay attention, I will speak. 那么,婆罗门啊!好好用心听着!我讲给你听。

19、You're used to hearing words of praise. 你是听好话听惯了。

20、Do listen to this question. 请好好听一下这个问题。

21、All right, look, I wanna say something, okay? 好吧,听着,我有话要说,好不好?

22、What are you mumbling about? I can't understand a word! 你叽里咕噜说什么呀?我一句也听不懂!

23、Thereat he stood up, and looked me straight in the eyes. 听到这句话,他站了起来,两眼直盯着我的眼睛。

24、Before I had heard a dozen words, I was trembling with fear . 只听他说几句话,我就吓得直发抖。

25、Sorry, I didn't take it very well. 我没好好听你的意见。


26、"I feel very good," were Zhai's first words, transmitted live to the anxious television audience as he tested his $4 million Chinese-made Feitian spacesuit. “我感觉很好。” 这是紧张收看电视直播的观众们听到翟志刚穿着造价400万美元的国产“飞天”宇航服出舱时说的第一句话。

27、He will be on cloud nine when he gets some complimentary words. 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。

28、He felt carried away as long as hearing some flattering words. 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。

29、That won an immediate laugh from the cast and crew on the first take, but enthusiasm waned after the first few hearings. 这句话第一次出现就在演员和制作群中间立刻赢得了哄笑,但是爱好者们听过最初几遍之后也就感觉淡漠了。

30、Just listening to a lesson today is about marketing on the Internet, the teacher summarizes some theoretical knowledge, just my use of them, save me to describe the organizational statement. 今天刚听了一节课是讲关于网络营销的,老师总结了些理论知识,正好我拿来用,省下我再组织语句来描述了。

31、he was clearly happy to be there. He was clearly "in the moment," in other words. Always good to listen to someone who is passionate about their subject. 他显然很高兴能给大家讲演。换句话说,他显然很“投入”。能听到那些对自己题材充满热情的人讲演总是好事情。

32、He mumbled something to me which I did not quite catch. 他对我叽咕了几句话,可我没太听清楚。

33、I turned roud again. 'I can't hear a word! 'I said angrily. 我又转了过去,生气的说“我一句话也听不到。”

34、" Doing good, work to the old" and" let their own value" this two words there is no contradiction. “做事做的好,干活干到老”和“让自己有价值”这两句话间并没有矛盾。

35、I'm sorry. Okay. 没听清,好的

36、Example: When workers working at height, they must secure their safety harness has been buckled to certain anchorages . 例句:高空作业的工人必须保证其安全绳在锚固件上保险地扣好。

37、He just heard a few compliments will get carried away. 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。

38、From an aesthetic standpoint, “It’s all who you know” may be a grim conclusion, but from the perspective of New York’s economy it seems an entirely happy one. 从美学角度来看,“全看你认识谁”可能是个可怕的结论,但对纽约经济来说,这句话听起来却完全是个好消息。

39、A true friend will focus entirely on you and actually hear what it is you're saying. 真朋友能全神贯注倾听你的一字一句。

40、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

41、He heard the note of warning in her statement; 他听得出这句话的弦外之音,这是在提醒他;

42、"I'm good" ---- so often heard these days ---- has a complacent and almost boastful ring, very different from that of "I'm well, thank you. 如今,随处可以听见“我状态不错”这句带有自鸣得意和几近傲慢的特质,这与“我身体很好,谢谢”迥然不同。

43、Take time out to sleep properly, laze around, listen to music or have some form of leisure activity. 停下来花些时间好好的睡觉,好好的放松闲散下,听听音乐或者进行一些放松活动。

44、OK,but listen carefully. 好吧,但你得仔细听好了。

45、"Don't worry — I don't understand any of it," I said wryly. “不用担心——我一句都没听懂。” 我挖苦道。

46、Most people have heard this one: “God helps those that help themselves.” 大多人都听过这句话:“天助自助者。”

47、Obediently toe the line, doing well. If you do not listen well to dry, then I think too fine you face the wall, deduct your salary … 乖乖听话,好好干。如果你不听话好好干的话我就罚你面壁思过,扣…

48、In other words, it's no good repeating a weak argument to people who are listening carefully. 换句话说,对仔细听讲的听众而言,重复一个绵弱的观点是无益的。

49、His language is a sort of mishmash of poorly used academic locutions: "worklife plans." It sounds almost like corporate speak, in a way. 他的语言是一种用得很不好的学术语句的混杂:,职业生涯计划,听起来就像是电脑在说话一样不自然。

50、Return of course some are more blackguardly is, link you today, will link yours tomorrow take out, say sentence not Orphean, the family becomes you LULU! 当然还有些更无赖的就是,今天链接你的,明天就把你的链接去掉,说句不好听的,人家把你当LULU了!


51、he will forget himself as long as he hears flattering words. 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。

52、It just happens to be good acoustically too. 这恰好是良好的听觉也。

53、Description: This is the best chinese popular song I've ever listened. Thanks Mao Ning. 赞!好歌,这是我目前所听过的最好听及意境最好的一首中国流行曲。

54、I have heard a saying that every person is an arc, and the two who can form a circle are a couple , at that time I strongly believe that. 我听过一种说法,每个人都是一段弧,能刚好凑成一个圆圈的两个人是一对,那时我特别相信这句话。

55、It reminds me of a verse from Proverbs9 that I was raised on: "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold." 这使我想起旧约圣经箴言篇中的诗节:“好名胜于巨万财富,善行强于金银财宝。”而我是听着这句箴言长大的。

56、This is the best chinese popular song I've ever listened. Thanks Mao Ning. 赞!好歌,这是我目前所听过的最好听及意…

57、Truth be told, my father snored a bit during the address… 说句实在话,我老爸在听演讲时酣然入睡。

58、I received a well, you say, the faster the flow time I wait for you turn to the snow. 我收到你说的一句安好,光阴愈流愈快,转至我等你第一场雪。

59、'You're supposed to "be your- self—as if you had an alternative." 有一句话“你要做你自己”——听起来你有两种选择。

60、If anything i said displeased you , please do not take it ill. 如果我哪句话说得不中听,请别见怪。

61、TEACHER: Please sit down. Here are your books, New English 900. Now, listen to this dialogue. Books closed. 请坐下。这是您们的书。“新英语九百句”。现在请把书合起来听听这段对话。

62、Avril, you sings very well and your songs are pretty good. 艾薇儿,你唱得很好而且你的歌都好好听。

63、She said, \"If you will just listen to me before doing anything? 她说:“在您采取任何行动之前,能否听我说句话?”

64、He mumbled sth. to me but I could not hear what he said. 他对我咕哝了几句,可是我没听清他说的什么。

65、But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 他若不听,你就另外带一两个人同去,要凭两三个人的口作见证,句句都可定准。

66、 Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

67、But when she is using “Are you listening”, you are dead. 但当她使用“你在听吗”这一句时,你就死定了。

68、He wondered how many times he must have walked past this man without even saying "hi, " "good morning" or "good job" or "I appreciate what you do. 他想到自己不知有多少次曾与那个人擦身而过,却都没有说一句“你好”,“早上好”,或是“干得好”,“对你做的我很感激”之类的话。

69、Before leaving , P said :"Do not bloat, maybe we'll meet again in years. "That's the last word I heard from him , I'll never forget. 临走时大P说:“别得意,搞不好折腾了几年还是我们俩。”这是我听到他说的最后一句话,我永远都忘不了。

70、Blacks are simply a low-level race—– This comment is something I heard elsewhere. 黑人就是低等民族——这句话我是在别处听到的。

71、Heard of health care products seem to have a piece of iron folic acid, iron and folic acid can be added, but the sentence or, quality good, price is too low. 保健品中听说好像有个铁质叶酸片,可以补充铁和叶酸,不过还是那句话,品质不错,就是性价比太低。

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