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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 06:57:12
  • 110


关于”春天的诗“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Spring Poetry。以下是关于春天的诗的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Spring Poetry

1、Next morning the spring flowers were all hidden under deep snow. 第二天早晨春天的花儿都被厚厚的雪掩埋了。

2、It was unseasonably warm considering it's still spring. 考虑到现在还是春天,天气显得有些暖和。

3、next week is National holidays,Nancy wants to take part in the dancing race 4.春天三月份来临,天气变暖和了。

4、this species of flower flourishes in a warm climate. 我们在春天种花种树。

5、New Year wish: Xicongtianxiang, wealth thrive; 新春祝愿:喜从天降,人财兴旺;

6、These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. 这些鸟在春天移栖北方,秋天移栖南方。

7、Fresh Spring ,the herald of loves mightly king 清新的春天,爱的使者是强大的君主

8、Can you feel the spring in the air? 你有没有感受到春天的气息?

9、Just as in nature there is a time for activity and new life in the spring, and there is a time for rest and turning inward in the winter. 就象自然一样,春天里春意盎然、万物复苏,冬天就是休息、自我修复的时刻。

10、If winter should say, "Spring is in my heart, " who would believe winter? 冬天说了,“春天在我心中,”有谁会信他?

11、The one doth of your beauty show. 丰姿倩影-春天将你表演。

12、If Winter gos, can Spring be far ago? 严冬既已至,春天即不远。

13、Came to the spring bud huaguduo. 春天来到了含苞欲放的花骨朵上。

14、The flowers are a lovely sight in spring. 春天百花盛开十分美丽。

15、first day of spring is usually on or around March 1st. 他们说春天的第一天常常是在三月1号 前后。

16、Next spring, Muret will celebrate 29 years with the company. 明天春天,穆勒特将迎来他在公司的第29个年头。

17、When spring is coming all trees begin to burgeon . 春天来了,所有的树发芽了。

18、Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起

19、The ring on the spring string rings during springtime. 弹簧弦上的环在春天鸣响。

20、Now the first leaves of spring are unfolding. 现在,春天初生的嫩叶正在发芽。

21、The trees put forth buds and leaves in spring. 树木在春天开始抽芽。

22、Spring is warm. In spring, I can see many flowers. The trees grow and grow. I like to go to the park and fly a kite. 春天是温暖的。春天里,我可以看到很多花。树长啊长。我喜欢去公园放风筝。

23、"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" by P. B. Shelley. 雪莱说,冬天已经来了,春天还会远吗?

24、In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring. 在英国杜鹃鸟是春天的预告。

25、The spring comes and peach blossoms [flowers] are all open. 春天了, 桃花都开了。


26、The new buds begin to appear in the spring. 春天植物开始吐新芽。

27、The country is very green in spring. 春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。

28、Are these the first green shoots of spring? 难道这真是春天绿色的嫩芽吗?

29、But, if it's a cloudy day, he stays out and spring will come soon. 如天阴,则预示春天将马上来临。

30、This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate. 我们在春天种花种树。

31、Early plae green buds are herables of spring. 早出的绿芽预示着春天的到来。

32、Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned. 三个阳春三度化作秋天的枯黄。

33、In spring, clouds float slowly over green weald. 春天,白云慢慢飘过绿色的原野。

34、So you can choose to go whenever you like----spring, summer, autumn, or winter! 所以你可以选择在你喜欢的任何时候去——春天, 夏天, 秋天, 或者是冬天!

35、This dream, although have February day spring breeze. 此景虽忆梦,春风二月天。

36、Everything becomes better because of spring.因为春天,一切都变得更好了。

37、In spring the bush put forth new leaves. 在春天,灌木生出了新叶。

38、Today, I train with my mother to Yichun… 今天,我和我的母亲火车宜春…

39、Her garden was most fragrance in the spring. 她家的花园到了春天芬芳四溢。

40、The agreement will come into force next spring. 协议将在明年春天生效。

41、I doubt whether he'll see spring, indeed. 真的,我怀疑他还能不能看见春天。

42、Light green buds sprout from the trees in spring. 春天,万木长出了嫩绿的新芽。

43、I took the KET test last spring. 今年春天,我参加了KET 考试。

44、These birds migrate northward in spring and southward in fall. 这些鸟春天移栖到北方,秋天移栖到南方。

45、The spring thaw caused heavy flooding. 春天解冻引起了洪水泛滥。

46、And the lilac tree for a joy in spring; 春天里给人欢乐的丁香树;

47、It was a chilly day in early spring. 那是早春二月、乍暖还寒的一天。

48、He take his wife out to dining. 昨天老师带学生们去春游。

49、Buds on the trees are a sign of spring. 树上的萌芽是春天来临的征兆。

50、Warm spring has waltzed to us at last. 春天终于迈着翩翩的舞步来临!


51、But the Spring never came, nor the Summer. 然而春天再也没有出现,夏天也不见踪影。

52、Spring is coming, the trees become blue. 春天到了,树头正在变绿。

53、Farmer have planting in Spring and getting fruitage in Autumn, and you? 农民在春天播种,秋天收果,而我们呢?

54、Spring is green with flowers and songs.春天是绿色的,充满了鲜花和音乐。

55、The gas ton has its own return spring. 瓦斯活塞有它自己的回返春天。

56、With the coming of spring. The trees turn green. 随着春天的到来,树变绿了。

57、It sheds its hair in patches in the spring (2), as the weather warms up. 春天,天气转暖,它的毛成块地脱落。

58、Tree spring "white" flowers burgeons, beautiful; 这棵春天“白”花齐放,美不胜收;

59、As spring progressed, warmer temperatures began melting snow, which raised the rate of inflow to the lake. 随着春天天气一天天变暖,雪开始融化,提高了湖泊的入流速度。

60、If winter comes, can spring be far behind?---P. B. 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(雪莱)您以为如何?

61、Let tulips trust not the warm vernal rain 让郁金香相信春天的绵绵细雨

62、I live in QiQihr of China . spring is windy and cold. 我住在中国的齐齐哈尔,春天天有风并且比较冷。

63、The springtime is a provisional paradise, the sun helps man to have patience. 春天是暂时的天堂,阳光使人变得坚韧有力。

64、Spring comes, people will be fishing "live" the. 春天来了,钓鱼人便“活”了。

65、These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. 这些鸟春天向北移栖,秋天向南移栖。

66、This 1815 was a sort of lugubrious April. 一八一五是种阴沉的阳春天气。

67、"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb 不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。

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