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  • 2022-07-15 07:54:25
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关于”规则的句子“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Regular sentences。以下是关于规则的句子的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Regular sentences

1、Regular or irregular?Hmm? 规则还是不规则的,嗯?

2、Comparing with these two methods, the hybrid method will be the future direction on Chinese partial parsing. 指出统计与规则相结合的特点是汉语部分句法分析研究的新趋势。

3、Besides this, electronic commercial affairs impact the rules of income limit, impact the rules of the identification of income resourses and inpact the rules of permanent organizations. 电子商务对跨国所得界定规则的冲击,对跨国所得来源识别规则的冲击,对常设机构规则的冲击及对策。

4、Grammar is the abstract sum of morphological change rules and structure of the combination of sentences. 语法是词的语法形态变化和词的构句组合规则的抽象概括的总和。

5、The Macro-Theory in English textual teaching includes three rules:omitting rule, generalizing rule and structuring rule. 英语语篇教学中的宏观理论有三个规则 ,即删略规则 ,概括规则和结构规则。

6、Business rules involving ruleset and decision table templates 涉及规则集和决策表模板的业务规则

7、I’ll explain with some examples below. 我会用都一些例子来澄清这些规则。

8、The following rule is an example of a columnar rule. 以下是柱状规则的例子。

9、As to rule based method, it is implemented through observing and studying the characteristics of the contexts of ambiguating English word and giving the rules of disambiguation; 基于规则的译文选择方法主要通过考察英语单词在一定上下文中的句法和语义特征,形成支持译文选择的规则;

10、The if-then statement uses the parameter values that are passed in from a rule instance. if-then 语句使用从规则实例传入的参数值。

11、Do you know the laws of cricket? 你知道板球的规则吗?(规则)

12、According to legal action, the rules of criminal evidence can be divided into three parts they were the rule of quote, the rule of cross-examination and the rule of judge. 按照诉讼的进程,刑事证据规则可以分为举证规则、质证规则和认证规则三块。

13、Creating rules for the realm and sub-realms 为领域和子领域创建规则

14、You have just finished creating your rule group that uses a rule set and if-then rules. 您刚才已完成了对使用规则集和 if-then 规则的规则组的创建。

15、By microscopy they are usually mucinous adenocarcinomas with the heterotopic bone consisting of osteoblasts surrounding irregularly deposited osteoid. 这一句,要强调成骨细胞围绕不规则沉积的类骨质排列。

16、In other words, if no element is styled by a high-level rule, because more specific rules are always in effect, then you should get rid of that unused rule. 换句话说,如果没有任何元素是由高层规则设置样式,因为更具体的规则始终有效,那么您应该摆脱那个未使用的规则。

17、"Regulations" means the Regulations contained in the Annexes to the present Convention. “规则”指载于本公约附则中的各条规则。

18、Rule sharing can help you create project-specific rules and rule configurations. 共享的规则有助于你建立具体项目的规则和规则配置。

19、The perils of hook code-based e-mail rules 基于 hook 的电子邮件规则的危害

20、Delimiters, the editor will format the block as if it were one block using the indentation rules of the appropriate language. 分隔符逐一进行分隔的语句块,则编辑器将使用相应语言的缩进规则,将该块视为一个语句块来设置它的格式。

21、Abort microspore in crescent or irregular shape. 26. 月牙形和不规则形的败育小孢子。

22、The phrase" rule of thumb " is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb . 拇指规则“(验法则)这句片语来自古英国律法,规定任何人不得用比拇指宽的东西来打老婆。

23、Hand in your homework on time.按时上交dao作业。

24、Electronic evidence has brought challenges to traditional evidence rule such as Best Evidence, Authentication Rule and Hearsay Rule. 电子证据对传统英美证据规则的挑战主要涉及最佳证据规则、鉴证规则和传闻规则。

25、According to the value of them, association rules are classified into positive, invalid and negative association rules. 根据影响度、相对置信度或有效度的大小,将强关联规则分为正关联规则、无效关联规则和负关联规则。


26、Chapter Two interprets English and Chinese wh-questions, wh-movement as well as the principles of Subjacency and the ECP; 第二章解释英语和汉语特殊疑问句、疑问词移动以及界限原则和空语类原则规律;

27、Irregular yellow spots may appear on lower leaves. 靠近根部的叶子上会长出不规则的黄斑。

28、The consequence statements of the rule with the highest salience value are executed first, the consequence statements of the rule with the second-highest salience value are executed second, and so on. 具有最高显著值的规则的结果语句首先执行;具有第二高显著值的规则的结果语句第二执行,依此类推。

29、So, the octet rule is a general rule that you'll for all of the atoms. 因此,八隅体规则是一条普适的规则,对于所有原子来说都是。

30、To cer similar rules, start scanning the rules in the subroutine. 要集群化类似的规则,则需要在子例程中扫描规则。

31、Examples of stateful rules include most event correlation rules and some uses of inference rules. 有状态规则的例子包括大部分事件相关规则和一些推理规则的使用。

32、A business rule is a statement that defines or constrains some aspect of a business. 业务规则是对业务的某个方面进行定义或约束的语句。

33、Keep quiet when the bell for your class rings. 上课铃响,请保持安静。

34、Just because of this , according to the function of folk law , the folk law is classified into fact - judging , fact and value judging , and value judging law . 依据民间规则的功能,可以把民间规则分为事实判断型民间规则、事实判断和价值判断混合型民间规则以及价值判断型民间规则。

35、Respect your teachers and be polite to your classmates.尊重老师,对同学有礼貌。

36、Is capitalized only because it is the first word in a sentence, it is extracted in normalized form. 仅因其是句首词而大写,则将以规范化形式提取它。

37、In rule definition, DM3-ADB adds temporal event, supports compound event operators, and uses DM_SQL block to define rule action, which enhances rule expression capacity greatly. 在规则定义中,DM3-ADB加入了时间事件,引入了复合事件运算符,采用DM_SQL语句块定义动作,大大增强了规则的表达能力。

38、To list the resources associated with each rule, expand the rule categories and rule nodes. 列出和每一项规则相关联的所有资源,展开规则类别和规则节点。

39、The modularity of rule types and subtypes enables a business policy to be expressed as both structural business rules and behavioral business rules. 规则类型和子类型的模块化可以使一个业务策略通过结构化业务规则和行为业务规则表达。

40、Please listen to the teacher carefully.请认真听老师讲课。

41、It firstly discusses rules of semantic structure in transitional complex sentences. 首次讨论转折复句语义结构规则,并对其进行深入解释。

42、The fifth part describes the predicable regulation, fault offset regulation, reducing liability rules and losses offset rules. 第五部分主要论述了可预见性规则、损益相抵规则、过失相抵规则和减轻损害规则。

43、The rigid rules in the 25 cases rule out some obviously valid derivations. 个 case 语句指定的严格规则排除了一些明显有效的派生元素。

44、THE quantum world defies the rules of ordinary logic. 量子的世界无法用通常的逻辑规则来解释。

45、Examples are payment rules, pricing rules, promotion rules, loyalty rules, and so on. 这样的例子有支付规则、定价规则、促销规则、忠诚度规则等。

46、First, you create the necessary policy subcomponents: the policy target, the rule, and the rule-combining algorithm. 首先,要创建必要的策略子组件:策略目标、规则和规则组合算法。

47、The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law, which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb. “拇指规则” (经验法则) 这句片语来自古英国律法, 规定任何人不得用比拇指宽的东西来打老婆。

48、By microscopy they are usually mucinous adenocarcinomas with the heterotopic bone consisting of osteoblasts surrounding irregularly deposited osteoid . 这一句,要强调成骨细胞围绕不规则沉积的类骨质排列。

49、It concludes that it is reliable to take Light Nature as Photon Groups of regulated interval and regular movement. 认为在肯定绝对空间的前提下,把光的实质看作是规则间隔、规则运动的光子群是可靠的。

50、Create rules—The rules architect must then create the rules using RMA. 创建规则——规则架构师然后必须使用 RMA 创建规则。


51、Since heat is, at bottom, the disorderly movement of molecules, the order created by the work done is more than counterbalanced by the molecular disorder of the newly liberated heat. 热是分子做无规则运动,做功产生的热传导顺序打破了分子无规则运动产生的热平衡。

52、Access rules can be divided into two categories: read access rules and write access rules. 访问规则可以划分为两类:读访问规则和写访问规则。

53、The signature of a ruleset extracted from a given rule project is determined by the transitive closure of the ruleset parameters of that rule project and all the rule projects it referencies. 从给定规则项目提取的一个规则集的签名,由该规则项目和它引用的所有规则项目的规则集参数的传递闭包决定。

54、I have disciplined my children. 我会要求孩子们遵守规则。

55、This is no different in the case of business rules -- a business activity that implies rule statements will resolve to a business service. 对于业务规则也不例外 —— 包含规则语句的一个业务活动将分解为一个业务服务。

56、The global section applies the rules globally to all SQL statements. 这个全局区段将规则全局地应用到所有 SQL 语句上。

57、In AD-NIDS, the intrusion rule is made up of two parts:rule header and rule option. NIDS所使用的入侵规则由规则头和规则选项两部分构成。

58、Self rule is a rule of evidence. 自认规则是证据规则的一种。

59、Respect your teachers and be polite to your classmates.尊重老师zhi,对同学有礼貌。

60、A policy is a combination of several subcomponents: target, rules, rule-combining algorithm, and obligations. 策略包括几组件:目标、规则、规则组合算法和义务。

61、The sum rule of the molecular flexibilities is derived. 导出了分子柔度和规则。

62、This category is subdivided further into six subcategories. 这类规则被分为六个子类。

63、Some examples of the categories are front-end validation rules, back-end workflow rules, knockout rules, and tiering placement rules. 一些示例类别包括前端验证规则、后端工作流规则、淘汰规则和分层放置规则等。

64、Hand in your homework on time.按时上交作业。

65、However, this example is a major exception to the rule. 然而,这个例子是该规则的一个例外。

66、Externalization of business rules using rule engines 利用规则引擎实现业务规则

67、Otherwise, this warning usually occurs when your ruleset is empty or all of the rule enabled in child ruleset have been disabled. 否则,此警告通常发生在您的规则集为空,或子规则集中启用的所有规则都已被禁用时。

68、Rule cering re-organizes rules which are generated during the procedure of association rule mining, to help customers find out interested rules. 规则聚类将关联规则挖掘产生的大量规则重新组织,帮助用户发现感兴趣的规则。

69、Rules are applied to the current subdirectory and all child subdirectories of the current URL unless otherwise overwritten by a configuration file setting in the child subdirectory. 除非子系子目录中的组态档设定覆写规则,否则会将规则套用至目前的子目录和目前 URL 的所有子系子目录。

70、Is capitalized only because it is the first word in a sentence , it is extracted in normalized form. 仅因其是句首词而大写,则将以规范化形式提取它。

71、Rule designers can then take these atomic rules and express them in a format specific to the target environment. 然后,规则设计者可以使用这些原子规则,以特定于目标环境的格式表达它们。

72、The fundamental principles of WTO has been concluded into four, namely non-discrimination, free trade rule, transparent and fair competition rule. 一般认为,WTO有四条基本规则,即非歧视规则、自由贸易规则、透明规则和公平竞争规则。

73、As shown, rules you define, capture, and implement as atomic units can be far more readily tested for correctness. 如图所示,以原子单位定义、捕捉和实现规则后,可以非常轻松地测试规则的正确性。

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