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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 13:32:56
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关于”激励学生的句子“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Sentences that motivate students。以下是关于激励学生的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences that motivate students

1、Stimulated by a desire to tend his invalid mother, he studied medicine. 在服侍病母这一愿望的激励下,他学了医。

2、The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge are neccessary ! 美好的生活是由爱来激励,知识引导!

3、The situations listed in the previous paragraph show how different incentives affect those with a similar culture. 前面几段举的几个例子说明在同一文化下,不同的激励机制会产生不同的结果。

4、Soak up motivating things in your life on a daily basis. 从每天的生活中吸取一切可以激励你的事情。

5、I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life." 他是一位天生的生活激励者。

6、Furthermore, students will be encouraged by a new report from Universities UK which shows that graduates can earn up to £160,000 more over a working life than those without a degree. 此外,最新的报告显示,英国大学获得学位的毕业生要比没有学位的在职场上多挣£160,000,因此相信很多学生受此激励,纷纷走进大学校园。

7、Educators Diesterweg said: "Education is not the art of communication skills, but to inspire, awaken and inspire students in a teaching art." 教育家第斯多惠说过:“教育的艺术不在于传播的本领,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞学生的一种教学艺术。”

8、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.(我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

9、That's inspiring to me. 那让我很受激励。

10、The good life ys one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. 美好的人生是靠爱所激励。由认知所引导的生活。

11、Sheet electron beam play a vital role for a number of applications, such as: microwave tube, gas laser excitation and plasma chemistry reaction. 从微波管到气体激光激励装置和等离子体化学反应堆,片状或带状电子注对于许多的行业来说是必不可少的。

12、The encouragement of task sment. 任务评价的激励性。

13、The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Bertrand Russell 美好的生活是一种由爱激励和由知识指导的生活。

14、To promote the modernization of Chinese literature, the famous Chinese writer, Zengpu, has translated abundant French romantic literary works. 为了激励文学创作,促进中国文学现代化,中国著名小说家曾朴一生翻译了大量法国浪漫主义文学作品。

15、Capillary discharge soft-X-ray laser is one of the crucial quomodo to realize table-top soft-X-ray laser. 利用毛细管放电激励产生软X光激光,是实现台式软X光激光的主要方案之一。

16、Inspires and perpetuates hope. 激励并永存希望。

17、The external incentive of the official is invalid because the condition of the offical's incentive is deficient, therefore, perfecting the official's intrinsic incentive is extremely important. 官员激励条件欠缺也造成外在激励的有效性缺乏,由此也突出了官员的内在激励的重要性。

18、Pure Vitamin C invigorates the skin restoring natural vitamin levels. 纯维生素C激励皮肤恢复天然维生素的水平。

19、When the actuator is energized these actuator parts cooperate with one another via an air gap to generate a lifting force. 当激励器通电时,这些激励器经过空气隙互相配合,以产生提升力。

20、The virtual signal generator has 12-channels outputs for linear scanning frequency signal or fixed frequency sine wave excitation signal. 该发生器可以输出相位差可调的12通道线性扫频正弦激励信号或者输出12通道定频正弦激励信号。

21、A man's best friends are his ten fingers.(人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

22、While a workshop may motivate individuals to introduce change in their lives, the motivation usually wanes shortly after the program is over. 虽然一次培训可以激励参与者将改变带入生活,但是这种激励作用削弱得也很快。

23、Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. 橙色能提高脑部供氧、产生激励效应并激发心理活动。

24、In China, however, the stock-based incentive plan is seldom used in the state-owned enterprises and the effect of existent plan is not good. 目前,由于现有制度的问题,我国国有企业的股权激励不足与激励不当的问题并存,激励效果也不尽理想。

25、when the going gets tough ,the tough get going . 当行路变得艰难,坚强者才能继续行路。


26、The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. ——Bertrand Russell 美好的生活是一种由爱所激励和由知识所指导的生活。

27、I hope you will learn to bear hardship firstTurgenev 你想成为幸福的人吗?

28、It's about not only motivation students to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. 它不仅是激励学生学习,而且教会他们如何学,并以一种与这相适应、有意义、令人难忘的方式去教。

29、Keep it up.Remember that little by little one goes far. 对于差生的作业要多点激励,温和地指出错误的同时,也要指出他的优点以资鼓励。

30、It can solve the out of order of incentives and help to achieve the incentive effect and overcome the shortcomings of positive-incentive in big enterprises which increase the cost. 可以解决激励失灵问题;有利于促进正激励效果实现,克服正向激励不断加大企业成本的弊端。

31、Analyze the feedback laser grid-driving power to our feedback channel influence, the laser best operating point and the laser grid-driving power assignment. 分析回传激光器的激励功率对回传通道的影响、激光器的最佳工作点及激光器的激励功率的分配。

32、The characteristics of motivation model affected perceived fairness including procedural justice and distributive justice, thereby influenced on motivation effectiveness. 激励模式特征影响公平性知觉(包括程序性知觉和分配性知觉),进而对激励效能产生影响作用。

33、But regardless, now you know who the hiSoft stock option incentive plan is for. 但不管怎样,现在你知道海辉的期权激励计划到底是在激励谁。

34、Joe Kennedy, Kamiakin's humanities teacher, challenged the school's students to see what they could do to help Michael. 开米亚金初中文科教师乔·肯尼迪激励该校学生尽力帮助迈克尔。

35、Nowadays, material incentives alone can not meet the diverse needs of employees, and non-material incentives attract more and more attention from researchers. 当今,单纯物质激励已不能满足员工多元化的需求,非物质激励引起了越来越多学者的关注。

36、Like any life skill, self-motivation can be improved. 跟任何生活技巧一样,自我激励也可以提高。

37、success = hard work + correct method + less empty talkEinstein 成功=艰苦劳动+正确方法+少说空话 --爱因斯坦

38、Believing in oneself is the first step on the road to success.相信自己是走向成功的第一步。

39、In organization construction and management practice, the misunderstanding & misuse of motivation by executives is bound to having little effect & efficiency on encouragement. 在组织建设与管理实践中,领导者对激励方法的错误认识和使用,直接造成激励效果不佳,激励效率低下的问题。

40、Victory won''t come to me unless I go to it.(胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

41、Therefore, this search has an in-depth study in the non-material incentives model of grass-roots workers based on motivation theory. 因此,本研究立足于激励理论,在物质激励基础上,对中小企业基层员工非物质激励模式进行深入研究。

42、For days now, I’ve seen them urging less courageous men on. 很多天来,我都看见她们在激励胆小的男子往前冲。

43、Do you want to be happy? I hope you will learn to bear hardship firstTurgenev 你想成为幸福的人吗?

44、The Chinese teachers told Chinese media they had been goaded into enforcing extra-long study hours and the type of drills they would no longer do back home. 中国教师向中国媒体说,他们被激励延长学生学习时间并且不让他们回家。

45、One big problem is that it replaces intrinsic motivation with extrinsic motivation. 这种方式的最大问题在于它用外在的激励代替了内在的激励。

46、Primiparof of control group were given nursing cdefinitely will come to be when in routine. 激励组按激励式心理模式护理,对照组按常例护理。

47、A teacher who acquired whatever he knows in mathematics purely receptively can hardly promote the active learning of his students. 如果一个教师在数学方面的知识完全是被动地接受下来的,那么,他基本上无法激励他的学生们去主动地学习。

48、At the concluding forum, the partiting student teams shared their project experience and lessons learned. 在激励论坛上,大学生团队分享了他们做项目的经验和心得体会。

49、This prompt is very much like the test for all the learning we have done all year. Students' writing was shipped to somewhere in Columbusswheresit was graded by a collection of teachers. 这个激励赛就像是一个检验整个学年学生的写作水平的测验。

50、Smart people have long ears and short tongues. —— Frege 聪明的人有长的耳朵和短的舌头。


51、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.(苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

52、Activities in cattle brothers invited to share the experience of university life for students unlock the hearts of doubt, encourage students to make progress. 活动中邀请了牛人师兄分享大学生活经验,为同学们解开心中疑惑,激励同学们奋发向上。

53、These aroused the enthusiasm among the locals for initiating schools to promote education, but also restricted the teaching contents, and naturally changed the fate of some scholars. 这些既激励着地方兴办教育的热情,又制约着地方学校的教育内容,同时也改变了部分士子的人生命运。

54、Lift is not a problem to slove , but a gift to cherish . 美好的生活是有爱激励并有知识引导的生活。

55、The motivational approach to job design focuses on the job characteristics that affect the psychological meaning and motivational potential of job design. 激励型职位设计方法重点强调:对任职者的心理和激励潜力产生影响的职位特征。

56、Based on a basic prinl-agency model, the article Analyses the trade-off between pay for performance and promotion based incentive contract, and also points out the topics for future research. 本文采用人事经济学的分析方法,以一个基本的委托模型为基础,研究在人力资源管理中绩效激励和晋升激励的契约特征及其局限性,探讨激励契约的发展趋势。

57、Learning is labor and full of ideas. —— Ushenski 学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。

58、The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg, which is also called dual-factor theory. 双因素理论是行为科学中激励理论的重要组成部分,它揭示了影响人的积极性的两个方面:激励因素和保健因素。

59、Useing high energy electron beam as pumping source to excite semiconductor crystal screen laser could be generated. It can realize high brightness and high resolution display. 用高能电子束作泵浦源,去激励半导体晶体屏,可以产生激光,实现高亮度高清晰显示。

60、In this kind of cl, in which heated debates are conducted, students often find out they are motivated by the pleasure of study. 在这种课上,由于学生们进行热烈的讨论,所以他们经常发现自己受到愉快学习气氛的激励。

61、One day is worth two tomorrow.把握一个今天胜似两个明天。

62、The trick to learn a lot is not to learn a lot at once. —— Locke 学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。

63、Pagan, who works in advertising, complained to the school district, saying fast food for high marks was a tasteless way to motivate kids. 在广告行业工作的Pagan向学校所在学区抱怨,说以快餐食物作为激励孩子拿高分的方法是不应当的。

64、While there is life there is hope.(一息若存,希望不灭。

65、So it's free from the perverse incentives created when doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or not those procedures actually make medical sense. And because V. H. 这样,它就避免了一种有悖常理的经济激励,这种激励就是医生与医院从所从事的昂贵试验与程序获取利润,不管这些试验是否具有医学上的意义与否。

66、What are the advantages and disadvantages of motivating producing workers by piecework? 以计件方式激励生产一线的员工有何利弊?

67、Repetition is the mother of learning. —— Dickigan 重复是学习之母。

68、We suggest that the bi-level program be adopted to encourage producers to join the mechanism recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment. 采用二层规划研究激励生产商参与回收废弃家电及电子产品的机制。

69、On the basis of this model the radius kinetic parameters are calculated, including the stimulating electric field and the metastable state copper density. 在此基础上对大口径铜蒸气激光器的径向动力学参量进行了计算,包括激励电场和亚稳态铜粒子密度等动力学参量的径向分布。

70、The experimental study on an electron-beam-initiated hydrogen fluoride laser with SPG-200 pulsed power generator is introduced. 介绍了利用SPG-200脉冲功率源产生电子束激励氟化氢激光的实验研究情况。

71、In fact, studies find that while superstar professors can inspire students in the back row, typically, students do learn more in smaller, more intimate cl. 事实上,研究发现,虽然优秀的教授可以激励后排的学生,但通常学生还是在小教室里学的更多。

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