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  • 2022-07-03 07:14:35
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关于”励志的短句子“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Inspirational short sentences。以下是关于励志的短句子的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational short sentences

1、I hope to promote the deeds of the two early Church figures through music, to encourage local Catholics to learn from them. 他对天亚社表示:「希望能通过音乐宣传两位先贤爱主传教的事迹,激励中华信友承其遗志,效其芳踪。」

2、Three years later, a British magazine ran short stories that featured the brilliant detective with his pipe, magnifying glass and hat. 三年后,一本英国杂志连载短篇故事,描写的就是这位手拿烟斗和放大镜,戴着帽子的杰出侦探。

3、It is such will that encourages us to overcome numerous difficulties, quickens the pace of self-innovation, thoroughly breaks the foreign technological barrier. 正是这种斗志,激励着我们克服无数困难,不断加快自主创新步伐,彻底打破了国外技术壁垒;

4、Every flower must grow through dirt. 每朵花的生长都必须经历苦难 If you’re going to grow, flourish, and bloom, you’re going to have to work yourself through some dirt first.只要你想要生长,长大,开花,你首先就得经历那些苦难。

5、Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio is one of the best collections and readers of classical Chinese fiction. 《聊斋志异》是中国文学史上一部优秀的文言短篇小说集,是一部值得中外读者细细品味的经典之作。

6、These studentships allow students to partite in short-term non-local study programmes and activities organized by the College, the University and other reputable outside organizations. 此项进修奖鼓励同学参与由书院、大学及具信誉校外团体举办的短期非本地的学习计划及活动。

7、But still, let me quickly point out why you could resist the argument from free will to the existence of a soul. 但我还是要简短地指出,为什么你们会拒不认同,从自由意志的角度来论证灵魂的存在

8、A short piece he wrote in the latest edition of Monocle magazine (not freely available online) offers a case in point. 他在Monocle杂志(网上不可以免费阅读)最新一期的短篇文章提供了一个中肯的实例。

9、Years to sharpen, good. 数年磨励、励精图治。

10、The character grew tremendously in popularity with the beginning of the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine in 1891; 增长的性质非常受欢迎的开始的第一轮中短篇小说在斯特兰德杂志于1891年;

11、If set, when sending a broadcast the recipient is allowed to run at foreground priority, with a shorter timeout interval. 当发送广播的时候设置了这个标志,会允许接收者以前台的优先级运行,有更短的时间间隔。

12、His short novel The Moon Opera was published in 2006 by De Geus and several of his stories have appeared in Het trage vuur, a magazine for Chinese literature. 已被译成荷兰文的小说有《青衣》( 2006),数篇短篇小说刊登在《文火》杂志上。

13、all that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right、做一切事情都应尽力而为,不可半途而废。

14、She then went on to tell me, while the sign was meant to motivate her, she could not answer the question of "how, " which is what lead her to me. 她接着告诉我,标志牌是鼓励她减肥,但她不知道该“如何”减,这是导致她找我的原因。

15、The men who never make the first move! swiftly lose interest on us when we take the inititowardsive. 校园同志短篇小说那些从不自动的男人一旦我们采取自动就对我们失落有趣。

16、a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate、 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。

17、The logo only needs to be on the sliding top (wood not plexiglas ) and one of the short sides (ends). 标志只需要印在顶部滑盖上(要木头滑盖,不要有机玻璃的)及盒子短的一面上。

18、They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. 他们说,学生正在进行的短期培训并不能很好的帮助他们强身健体和增强意志。

19、Proper material rewards will attract more people to partite in voluntary services, and enable the lifting of society's moral standards to the greatest extent. 适度的物质奖励将会吸引更多的人参与到志愿服务中来,而且能够将社会的道德标准提升到一个新的高度。

20、At the retreats, executives give pep talks 'to remind them their best years are still ahead,' says Jun Nakamura, Sanyo's head of human resources. 在培训中,公司高管给员工做励志演讲,“提醒他们最好的时光还在将来,”三洋的人力资源负责人Jun Nakamura说。

21、If you don’t have a soup kitchen or other short-order volunteer opportunity, be creative and come up with your own. 如果你家附近没有赈济所一类的短期志愿工作的机会那你就要好好动动脑筋了。

22、Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Storyis one of my most favorite movie, telling the motivational story of a Harvard girl Liz Murray. 《风雨哈佛路》:莉兹穆雷的故事是我最喜欢的电影之一,它讲述的是一个哈佛女孩莉兹穆雷的励志故事。

23、On the 9-9-9 a green fog was reported by local media over Mount Magazine and power in the area briefly shut down. 当地媒体报导9-9-9那天杂志山(Mount Magazine)绿雾围绕,当地电力短暂关闭。

24、With a technology of the embedded exciting dynamo, the present invention has the advantages of light weight, small size, short axial size, high specific power and lower production cost. 本发明采用励磁机内置技术,重量轻,体积 小,轴向尺寸短,比功率大,制造成本低;

25、Fashion magazines could be made lush in a way that would be hard to match digitally, at least for a while. 时尚杂志可以达到的那种丰美度是数字媒体难以企及的,至少短期内还是如此。


26、ICEBREAKER #1: Compliment something in the prospect's office, such as the family photo, the motivational poster on the wall, the view out the window, etc. 破冰方式#1:称赞一下对方办公室里的某样东西,比如家庭照片、墙上的励志海报以及窗外的景色。

27、They had volunteers watch video clips of a woman saying different phrases, such as "the square box, " or "peel the banana. " 他们让一些志愿者看一个妇女说不同的短语的视频剪辑,例如“ 方箱”或“剥香蕉”。

28、“In seasonal affective disorder (SAD), people receive less light than normal due to the short day lengths, ” Bedrosian told Psychiatric News. Bedrosian对《神经科新闻》(杂志)说“对季节性情感障碍症而言,因白天短,人们接受的阳光会比平常少。

29、We believe that Asia-Pacific Packaging & Food Machinery is very efficient in promoting your message in the shortest time. 我们相信,亚太包装和食品机械商情杂志能在最短的时间极其有效地推广您的讯息。

30、"Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it. " — Bob Proctor, Motivational Coach. 「绝不要因为怕辛苦,就拒绝一个想法、梦想或目标,成功很少没有伴随辛苦。」– 包柏•普克(励志导师)

31、He was finicky. His mind had begun to wander again, and to be perplexed by hallucinations, while his lucid intervals grew rarer and shorter. 他脑子里又开始胡思乱想,被幻觉弄得神志不清,头脑清醒的时间变得越来越短,越来越少了。

32、For the past 25 years he has been a leading presenter, educator, motivator and commentator in the areas of personal and professional development. You can visit Craig's blog at Motivational Speaker. 过去的25年,他一直是个人发展与职业发展领域的主要的提出者,教育家,励志家和解说员。

33、Develop rapidly in 30 , encouraging the ambition in 10 grind a sword , Chinese maturity and progress, already make a little dark influence sit not to have stopped. 三十年的快速发展,十年的励志磨剑,中国的成熟与进步,已经使一些阴暗的势力坐不住了。

34、InfoQ learned that the 2.2 release of Lucene marks a shift towards a shorter, quarterly release cycle. InfoQ了解到,Lucene 2.2的发布标志着该项目的发布周期朝着一个更短的按季度发布的方向飞跃。

35、If you’re interested, visit his blog and get 3 FREE chapters from his book, The Pharaohs’ Code – Amazon’s #1 bestselling motivational book on May 19, 2009 如果你有兴趣,可以访问他的博客并免费阅读他09年荣登亚马逊榜首的励志型畅销书——《法老的密码》。

36、Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy. 梦想,就是一种让你坚持,让你幸福的东西。

37、In other words, what they have in common with each other, ethical will and animal passion, is that they're both grounded in interest. 换句话说,道德意志和动物本性,的共同点就是,它们都建立在兴趣之上,对吧?

38、She may be cute, but the latest top model to make her debut in Vogue is also podgy with short legs and whiskers. 她也许很可爱,但这位即将亮相最新一期《Vogue》时尚杂志的“名模”还有一些特别之处——她身材矮胖、腿短,还有胡子。

39、“In seasonal affective disorder (SAD), people receive less light than normal due to the short day lengths,” Bedrosian told Psychiatric News. Bedrosian对《神经科新闻》(杂志)说“对季节性情感障碍症而言,因白天短,人们接受的阳光会比平常少。

40、But it is unlikely companies are going to re-hire that assistant diversity coach or deputy editor of the in-house magazine any time soon. 但短期内,企业重新聘用哪位多元化助教或内部杂志副主编的可能性不大。

41、One preliminary study even demonstrated that these techniques can produce rough reproductions of short video clips watched by volunteers. 一项初步研究证明这些技术可以粗略重现志愿者所观看的短的视频信号。

42、VIVmag offers insight, advice and authentic stories to inspire and motivate women in their quest for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. 一本高水平的国外时尚生活杂志,提供见解,意见和真实的故事来启发和激励女士寻求一个平衡和健康的生活方式。

43、Majka Burhardt, a climber and motivational speaker who works to promote a positive impression of Ethiopia, argues for interspersing the negative with positive images. 马伊卡-伯哈德特,推销埃塞俄比亚正面印象的登山者兼励志演说家,认为要在消极的画面中穿插积极的画面。

44、FSF volunteer and the short film's writer-producer Matt Lee said, "Stephen has generously donated his time to the cause of free software. FSF志愿者和电影短片作者-制片人Matt Lee说,“Stephen慷慨地把他的时间献给自由软件事业。

45、Her most noted story that was published in Bookman Magazine under the title "Big Blonde" was awarded the O. Henry Award as the most outstanding short story of 1929. 她最著名的小说是发表在《读书人杂志》上的《大个子金发碧眼的女人》,该小说曾获得欧·亨利1929年最佳短篇小说奖。

46、Dreams are one of those things that keep you going and happy. 梦想,就是一种让你坚持,让你幸福的东西。

47、The simulations also show that the magnetic field from the excitation windings directly influences the field distribution at the end of the quadrupole magnet if the pole neck is too short. 短极颈四极磁铁励磁线圈本身的磁场直接影响四极磁铁极端面附近的磁场分布。

48、、a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate、 强者能同命运的风暴抗争。

49、They are being released now, in three parts, to mark the first issue of Darker Matter, the online magazine that brings you the best new SF short stories from around the world. 现在为了《暗物质》杂志的第一期发行,它们将被分为三个部分公布。《暗物质》在线杂志为您带来全世界最优秀的科幻短篇小说新作。

50、We should strengthen the construction of various platforms and forums for legal publicity and education, encourage, guide and regulate the volunteering activities of legal publicity and education. 加强各种法制宣传教育园地、阵地建设,鼓励、引导和规范法制宣传教育志愿活动。


51、The self excitation conditions and the transient process are two aspects for studying self excitation. 自励磁条件和自励磁暂态过程是研究自励磁的两个方面。

52、The magazine contains a lot of useful information in typical article format, usually offering one focus article with many other shorter articles throughout. 该杂志有非常多有用的信息,通常会有一篇文章阐述主旨,其他短小的文章作为补充。

53、We believe that Asia-Pacific Plastics Source Magazine is very efficient in promoting your message within the shortest time. 我们相信,亚太橡塑商情杂志能在最短的时间极其有效地推广您的讯息。

54、People magazine once suggested a TV miniseries based on his life called Cowboy in the Lab. 《人物》杂志曾经建议以他的生活为原型,拍摄一部系列电视短剧,片名叫做“实验室牛仔”。

55、He meets his weight-loss goal in record time, but sees it as only a minor bonus to a process he loves. 最后他在很短的时间内就达到了减肥目标,但对他来说,那只是跑步带来的一个额外奖励罢了。

56、Vibration excite strain is the major method for bridge inspection studies. The mode parameters from the testing are a key measurement of the bridge operation. 振动激励应变法是桥梁检测研究的主要方法,检测获得的模态参数是判断桥梁运行状况的重要标志。

57、Results The learning and memory ability of SAM-P/8 mice could be markedly improved with polygala tenuifolia glycoside and time of reaching destination were shortened. 结果远志总苷能明显提高SAM—P/8小鼠的学习记忆能力,缩短到达目的地的时间;

58、On average, the volunteers judged their hands to be 27.9 percent shorter and 69 percent wider than they were measure to be. 平均起来,志愿者们对他们的手的判断,比测量出来的尺寸短了27.9%,宽了69%。

59、Mr. Li Zhi makes a Five-Star hotel become a famous corporation delegate in three years with his strong individuality and unique courage and resource. 李志先生以沉稳、坚韧的个性,独特的胆略和眼光,在短短三年时间内,使一个五星级酒店成为一个地区颇具影响力的企业代表。

60、Start from the easier ? Write notes, cards jokes, letters, e- mails , short essays, book reports, oral reports, proposals, projects, keep personal journal or diary, all in English. 从简单的著手?便条,卡片,笑话,信,电子邮件,短文,阅读报告,口头报告,提案,企划方案,个人日志或日记,都以英文书写。

61、Above the entrance to the LF Wade International airport terminal building was another iconic image associated with the British Overseas Territory - Bermuda shorts. 百慕大国际航站楼的入口上方是这个英属海外领地的象征标志——百慕大短裤。

62、Salinger's last brush with institutional wisdom came at Columbia, where he signed up for a short-story course given by Whit Burnett, editor of Story. 塞林格得到的最后一次关于写作的学院智慧是来自哥伦比亚大学,他在该校上了一个短篇小说课程,其导师是《短篇小说》杂志的编辑。

63、What began a few years back as a fringe festival for legit hackers has become ground zero for anyone interested in helping build the infrastructure of tomorrow's Internet. 短短几年前,f8还默默无闻,只是部分合法黑客圈子里的小聚会,不过它如今已经成为互联网的朝圣地,吸引着一切有志参与构建互联网未来基础设施的人。

64、The amplified spontaneous emission in dye solutions excited with powerpul picosecond light pulses is studied in two respects:1. spectral peak shift and the emission width; 用超短光脉冲激励染料溶液,进行超荧光的研究:1。超荧光光谱峰移动和光谱宽度;

65、We possess far-sighted management echelon, consultants with distinguished reputation and experience, and patient back-office staffs who are ready to the unknown. 我们拥有志存高远、励精图治的管理层和大批资深的咨询员,以及耐心细致有甘于默默无闻的后台工作人员。

66、In other words, to ensure absolute no data lost, these logs need to stay intact since the last online backup. 换句话说,要想确保绝对没有数据损失,需要原样保存上次在线备份以来的日志。

67、Inappropriate measures that encourage short-term behavior and the loss of long-term performance, a sector of the improvement to loss of another department expense. 不恰当地度量鼓励了短期行为而损失了长期的绩效,一个部门的改进以损失另一个部门为代价。

68、People who thought about death in the abstract were more likely to take a pamphlet if they read the article about a blood shortage. 对死亡只有模糊认识的志愿者在读了关于献血量短缺的文章后更倾向于带上小册子。

69、The history of Sui dynasty was comparatively short, but it had its own distinctive feature of calligraphy, which embodied in the form of regular script or an inscription on a tablet. 隋代历史虽短,但具有自己独特的书法面貌,它主要以楷书碑志体现。

70、Today I want to tell you some earth-shattering news—I was awarded first prize in the short essay competition of the " Monthly!" 今天,我要告诉您一个天大的好消息——我获得了《 月刊杂志》短篇小说比赛的首奖耶!

71、Next, the researchers tucked half of the volunteers in for a nap between 2 pm and 3:40 pm. 实验的第二步骤,研究人员将志愿者分为两组,一组于下午2点到3:40进行短暂休息。

72、Yin says the starting point for micro films' popularity was 2010's Old Boy, an uplifting story about two ordinary people striving to become musicians. 尹教授称,微电影的盛行始于2010年的电影《老男孩》,一个讲述两位草根为音乐家梦想而奋斗的励志故事。

73、The member units of the Organizing Committee may enter into contracts with individuals and teams dedicated to the development of new-media videos. 大赛组委会成员单位可与有志于新媒体短片事业发展的个人和团队签约。

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