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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-20 14:07:29
  • 178


关于”高兴的句子“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Happy sentences。以下是关于高兴的句子的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Happy sentences

1、In other words more sunlight, less wind or a higher average temperature didn't make people feel happier. 换句话说,更多的阳光,更少的风或者更高的平均温度并不会使人们感到更快乐。

2、Four months or so of torturing ecstasy in his society - of 'pleasure girdled about with pain'. 和他相处还有四个月左右的时间,这都是痛苦的和快乐的日子——是快乐包裹着痛苦的日子。

3、While my kids had fun checking out all the rides, I had fun capturing the mesmerizing lights and movements in photos. 当我的孩子在快乐地通过所有的乘骑时,我也在享受捕获令人着迷的景象而高兴的心情。

4、His wife was so happy when she saw him, but her happy look soon changed into a reproachful one when he signaled to her that he could not find those keys. 妻子看见他后非常高兴,但他比划着告诉妻子钥匙找不到时,妻子的神情马上由快乐变成了责备。

5、But research has shown that when people achieve their ideas of happiness (marriage, children, wealth, fame), they often are still not happy. 但研究表明,当人们得到他们所谓的快乐(结婚、生子、财富、名誉)时,他们常常是仍然高兴不起来。

6、Either live joyously or say goodbye joyously. 要么快乐地生活,要么高兴地分手。

7、The Koguryo revival ('boom') hit the right cord with the youth of Korea. 复兴高句丽的热潮在韩国年轻人中掀起波澜。

8、Now he was happy to see his 11-year-old grandson having a better-off and more interesting childhood. 现在他高兴地看到他的11岁的孙子有一个好的生活环境与快乐的童年。

9、Wang Xizhi's happy transcription "Dao De Jing", used the basket to install the goose to come back, thought that was very joyful. 王羲之高高兴兴的抄写完《道德经》,就用笼子装着鹅回来了,觉得很快乐。

10、Why do they serve with gladness? 为什么他们高兴快乐事奉神呢?

11、I do not mind having to work: but if you will send me one little line, and say, `I am coming soon', I will bide on, Angel - O, so cheerfully! 我不在乎我必须去干活儿:但是你只要写一句话给我寄来,说,“我很快就来了,”我就等着你,安琪尔——啊,我会高高兴兴地等着你的呀!

12、I'm glad you enjoyed yourself; we enjoyed having you. 我高兴你过得愉快。承您光临,我们也过得很快乐。

13、Students, “61” you are most happy holiday, “61” is also our most happy day. Since 同学们,“六一”是你们最快乐的节日,“六一”也是我们最高兴的日子。

14、Children should be innocent and happy. 小孩子应该是天真快乐的

15、But he developed gradually a very musical English, He learnt to write sentences that fall away on the ear with a misty languor and it delighted him so much than he could never have enough of it. 但是他逐步发展了一个具有音乐特色的英语,他学会写那种使人如坠云中的句子,而且,这是他非常高兴,以至于他都停不下来了。

16、快乐.兴奋 Happy /pleased /glad /jolly /Excited /Joyful /Laughing heartily chirrupy 【方,快活

17、The team put together four different sets of digital images - women looking happy, women looking disgusted, men looking happy and men looking disgusted. 研究人员将四组不同的数码图像放在一起表情幸福的妇女、看上去不高兴的妇女、表情快乐的男子、看上去令人厌恶的男子。

18、His look of happiness is only assumed. 他快乐的样子是假装的。

19、He is very glad that his wife’s going to get a visit from the stork. 他为她的妻子将获得参观鹳鸟的机会感到非常高兴。(正译)他为妻子即将生孩子感到非常高兴。

20、All are not merry that dance lightly.表面高兴的,未必都快乐。

21、He had an unhappy face-but a happy heart. 他脸上不高兴—但心里却充满快乐。

22、• All are not merry that dance lightly.表面高兴的,未必都快乐。

23、The room effuses happiness. 这间屋子流露出快乐。

24、Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily. 孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。

25、Happiness, elation, and even hilarity don't quite fit, to his mind. 快乐、高兴,甚至欢喜都不太合适。


26、So the boy cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad. 于是男孩砍下所有的树枝,高高兴兴地运走去盖房子。看到男孩高兴树好快乐。从此,男孩又不来了。树再次陷入孤单和悲伤之中。

27、"It's rewarding to feed and keep your children happy, " she says. 她说:“孩子们快快乐乐地吃饭,就是对父母的一种回报。”

28、One of her great pleasures in life was watching us kids eat and enjoy what she prepared. The more we enjoyed eating it, the more enjoyment it gave her. 她生命中最快乐的事之一,就是看见这些孩子们高兴地吃喝享受她所预备的食物,我们吃得愈开心,她内心就愈快乐。

29、这是一个非常快乐的日子 she is a most mysterious person。

30、Thereupon a letter from Germany would speedily arrive, which she would bring to his bedside and read joyously, forcing back her tears. 于是很快又从德国来了一封信,她来到他床前,忍住眼泪,装出高高兴兴的样子念给他听。

31、Children will happily play their toy lanterns. 孩子们会高快乐兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。

32、Happy playing partners when children are young, . Elegant house decorations after children are grown up. Proof of the children's wonderful childhood. 孩子年幼时的快乐玩伴,孩子长大后高档的家居饰品。孩子对儿童时代美好回忆的见证。

33、Marlene, however, was as happy and contented as if her brother were still alive. And she went merrily into the house, sat down at the table, and ate. 玛杰丽这时的内心才真正地快乐起来,彷佛她哥哥又活了一样,她高兴地走进屋子吃饭去了。

34、He was a happy child who rarely cried.  译:他是一个快乐的孩子,很少哭鼻子。

35、• all are not merry that dance lightly.表面高兴的,未必都快乐。

36、快乐.兴奋 Happy /pleased /glad /jolly /Excited /Joyful /Laughing heartily chirrupy 【方,快活的

37、If you will send me one little line and say, I am coming soon, I will bide on, Angel, O so cheerfully!... 你只要写一句话给我寄来,说:“我很快就来了,”我就等着你,安琪尔……啊,我会高高兴兴地等着你的呀!

38、The king was overjoyed. Everybody in the kingdom was overjoyed. And the third prince married the princess and they both lived happily ever after. 这位国王十分开心, 这个王国�的每一个人也都高兴极了, 而第三位王子也如愿地娶了公主,从此过著幸福快乐的日子。

39、the girl watched delightedly at the bird''s enjoyment. 看到鸟儿快乐的样子,女孩很高兴。

40、Thank you for inviting us; we had a wonderful time. 我高兴你过得愉快。承您光临,我们也过得很快乐。

41、Everyone went home, as usual everyone around the table with high happy of taste, the original everyone's appetite are spoilt by Andy. 人人都回家了,像往常一样人人都高快乐兴的围着桌子吃起来了,本来人人的胃口都被华仔给惯坏了。

42、The priest wasn't too happy and said numerous prayers for me. 神父不怎么高兴,特意对着我多说了几句祈祷词。

43、Happy Christmas Merry Christmas 都是圣诞快乐的意思 Merry愿意是形容词 风流欢乐的,愉快的,兴高采烈的 轻快的 用在这里就是快乐

44、名词 n. happiness happiness ['hæpinis] n. 愉快,快乐,高兴 幸福,满足 恰当,合适;

45、She just responded: "you filthy got". 她只复兴了一句:“你这龌龊的蛆虫。”

46、How pleasant to know Mr Lear who had written such volumes of stuff! 认识李尔先生又该多高兴他写下了这么多的诗句。

47、Students, , "61" you are most happy holiday, "61" is also our most happy day. Since. 同学们,“六一”是你们最快乐的节日,“六一”也是我们最高兴的日子。因为。

48、To paraphrase Leo Tolstoy in " Anna Karenina": Happy bull markets are all alike; every unhappy bear market is unhappy in its own way. 剥用列夫·托尔斯泰在《安娜·卡列尼娜》里的一句名言:所有快乐的牛市都一样,所有不快乐的熊市都各有不同。

49、To paraphrase Leo Tolstoy in "Anna Karenina": Happy bull markets are all alike; every unhappy bear market is unhappy in its own way. 剥用列夫·托尔斯泰在《安娜·卡列尼娜》里的一句名言:所有快乐的牛市都一样,所有不快乐的熊市都各有不同。

50、I want to tell you on this special day that I'm very glad, time hasn't changed our friendship any. Hoping your birthday is great. 在这特别的日子里,我的高兴难以言表,时光流失,我们的友谊不变,祝你生日开心快乐。


51、The children to shout: "look at the teacher also drill cave." 孩子们高兴的喊到:“快看老师也钻山洞。”

52、Children should be innocent and happy. 小孩子应该是天真快乐的

53、A very happy birthday to Gianluca Pessotto, 36 today. 佩索托,36岁生日快乐,一个非常高兴的生日。

54、Children enjoy seeing how animals behave and are delighted when the animals have babies. 孩子们享受观看动物行为的乐趣,为这些动物生宝宝而高兴。

55、One day, Lok Yang Zilin way home picked up a gold, heart very happy. 有一天,乐羊子在回家的路上捡到一块金子,心里很高兴。

56、the children are most pleased that the day is today, I wish the children happy holidays, learning and proGREss. 小朋友们最高兴的日子就是今天,祝小朋友们节日快乐,学习进步。

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