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英语句子改为肯定句 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-19 06:50:14
  • 151

英语句子改为肯定句 18个

1. He is not eating breakfast. (他没有吃早餐。)

改为肯定句:He is eating breakfast. (他正在吃早餐。)

2. They are not coming to the party. (他们没有来参加聚会。)

改为肯定句:They are coming to the party. (他们要来参加聚会。)

3. She doesn't like coffee. (她不喜欢咖啡。)

改为肯定句:She likes tea. (她喜欢茶。)

4. He isn't going to the gym today. (今天他不去健身房。)

改为肯定句:He is going to the gym today. (他今天要去健身房。)

5. The concert isn't starting at 8pm. (演唱会不是在晚上8点开始。)

改为肯定句:The concert is starting at 8pm. (演唱会是在晚上8点开始。)

6. We are not watching a movie tonight. (今晚我们不看电影。)

改为肯定句:We are watching a movie tonight. (今晚我们看电影。)

7. The store doesn't sell fresh produce. (那家店不卖新鲜农产品。)

改为肯定句:The store sells canned goods. (那家店卖罐头食品。)

8. They aren't studying for the exam. (他们没有为考试学习。)

改为肯定句:They are studying for the exam. (他们正在为考试学习。)

9. She isn't wearing a hat today. (今天她没有戴帽子。)

改为肯定句:She is wearing a scarf today. (今天她戴了围巾。)

10. He doesn't speak Spanish. (他不会说西班牙语。)

改为肯定句:He speaks French. (他会说法语。)

11. We aren't staying at the hotel for long. (我们不会在酒店呆很长时间。)

改为肯定句:We are staying at the hotel for a few more days. (我们会在酒店再呆几天。)

12. She isn't cooking dinner tonight. (今晚她不做晚饭。)

改为肯定句:She is ordering takeout for dinner tonight. (今晚她要叫外卖。)

13. The weather isn't getting warmer. (天气没有变得更暖和。)

改为肯定句:The weather is getting colder. (天气正在变得更冷。)

14. They aren't going to the beach this weekend. (他们这个周末不去海滩。)

改为肯定句:They are going hiking this weekend. (他们这个周末要去远足。)

15. He isn't driving to work today. (今天他不去上班。)

改为肯定句:He is taking public transportation to work today. (今天他要坐公共交通去上班。)

16. We aren't drinking coffee right now. (我们现在不喝咖啡。)

改为肯定句:We are drinking tea right now. (我们现在喝茶。)

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