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英语句子的书写 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-10 20:26:12
  • 59

英语句子的书写 13个

1. I love to read books. 我喜欢读书。

2. She is a talented artist. 她是一位有才华的艺术家。

3. They went to the beach yesterday. 他们昨天去了海滩。

4. He plays the guitar very well. 他弹得吉他非常好。

5. The cat is sleeping on the couch. 猫正在沙发上睡觉。

6. We need to buy more vegetables. 我们需要买更多的蔬菜。

7. The movie was very entertaining. 这部电影非常有趣。

8. He is always punctual. 他总是准时。

9. She has a great sense of humor. 她有一种很棒的幽默感。

10. The concert was amazing. 这场音乐会太棒了。

11. He lost his phone on the bus. 他在公共汽车上丢了手机。

12. She is fluent in French. 她流利地语。

13. We enjoyed our vacation in Hawaii. 我们在夏威夷度过了美好的假期。

14. The pizza was delicious. 这个比萨很美味。

15. They are going to see a movie tonight. 他们今晚要去看电影。

16. The sun is setting over the mountains. 太阳正在山上落山。

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