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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 13:45:11
  • 153


关于”时间的短句“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Short sentences of time。以下是关于时间的短句的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences of time

1、A life isn't measured in hours or minutes. It's the quality, not the length. 生命不用时间丈量,重要的是质量,而非时间短长。

2、The time for recovery—for rebuilding stocks of food and cattle—is ever shorter. 恢复的时间—重新储存食物和牲口的时间—也越来越短了。

3、The results showed that the effects of short-tern heat treatment on the dormancy release were advanced by postponing the treatment date and the higher temperature treated. 结果表明:随短时间高温处理时期的推迟,处理温度的升高,处理持续时间的延长,短时间高温处理对桃芽自然休眠的解除作用增强。

4、Eyes contact will be negated after a long time living together. 在一起生活的时间愈长,彼此对视的时间就会愈短,这没有什么。

5、My browning of the brussels sprouts on the stovetop was shorter than that. 我的炉顶的褐色芽甘蓝加热时间短于这个时间。

6、There are fewer hours of sunlight per day. 每天的日照时间较短。

7、Seedling time was short with temperature higher, and light conditions can effectively reduce the seedling time; 温度越高,成苗时间短,且强光条件可有效缩短成苗时间;

8、It was one very long one, then short temblors. 那是一次时间非常长的地震,后面还跟着一些时间比较短的余震。

9、In just a few short years, Box.net has grown tremendously. 在短短的几年时间里,Box.net突飞猛进。

10、The reduction in deionization time results from lower short-circuit currents, shorter fault duration, and gradual restoration of voltage to the line. 这种去游离时间的降低则要求小的短路电流、短的故障持续时间,以及线路电压缓慢的恢复。收藏。

11、The time is limited, so he abridge his composition. 时间有限,他缩短了他的作文。

12、Invocation elapsed time: The average, minimum, and maximum elapsed time for an invocation per interval. 调用运行时间:调用在每个间隔时间内的平均、最短和最长运行时间。

13、In other words, it's time to pipe down. 换句话说,它的时间来管了。

14、在短短的大约5年时间内, 那个人就由贫致富。The man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years.

15、How to prepare meals in minimal time – faster than it takes to dial a pizza. 如何在最短时间内准备膳食—比订购一个匹萨所花费的时间还短

16、Duration has long have short. 持续时间有长有短。

17、But Buell expects that time will now get shorter. 但比尔预计时间将变短。

18、Take short showers instead of baths. 用短时间的淋浴代替浴缸泡澡。

19、Morever, the reaction time was shortened remarkably. 反应时间显著缩短;

20、Some short-distance inter-city trains may open for bookings less than this). 一些城市间的短途列车的预定时间可能要稍微短些。

21、Transitoriness creates time - and "time is the essence." 短暂创造了时间——而“时间正是其本质”。

22、Short time traders shouldn't miss this book. 短时间商不应该错过这本书。

23、The Secretary is authorized to make smaller withdrawals for various periods of time, the period varying from 5 years to infinity, depending on the reason for the withdrawal. 部长被授权可以在长短不一的时间里收回较少的土地,这一时间可以从5年到永久,根据收回土地的原因决定时间的长短。

24、They take less time to load and run; acceptable start-up time is cr UCial. 装载和运行的时间更短;可接受的启动时间非常重要。

25、Maybe I should have waited. 也许我应该等待一短时间。


26、A good tyt can finish typing the long article in a short while. 可在短短时间内完成这一长长的文章。

27、Short deterministic response latencies 短暂的确定性响应时间

28、What are your short- and longer-term planning time horizons? 组织长、短期策划的时间区间是怎样的?

29、But its application is delayed in Jiangmen. 它在江门市的应用起步晚、时间短。

30、It shortened oxygen blowing time 2. 缩短纯吹氧时间2。

31、Very brief is the in which we can help them, in which their happiness or misery is decided. 我们能帮助他们的时间实在太短,决定他们悲喜祸福的时间也实在太短。

32、Baboon males invest for less time. 雄性狒狒相较而言投入的时间更短;

33、The Queen left hospital after a briefer-than-expected stay. 女王在医院经过简短的治疗后出院,时间比预期要短。

34、When the grazing time was short, grazing cows tried to keep the foraging time respectively stable by shortening the ruminating time. 当放牧时间缩短时,放牧牛缩短反刍和休息时间而在一定范围内延长采食时间。

35、Emotions also tend to be short-lived, lasting on the order of seconds to minutes. 情感时间因素通常很小,常常是在瞬间(短时间)有所体现。

36、For they vex him only for a time, and a short time. 因为这些事物仅仅烦扰他一段时间,一段短暂的时间。

37、He agitates for a shorter working-day. 他鼓动缩短工作时间。

38、Venerable Master Hua said, "You feel old because you mistake this short time for a long time." 宣公上人说:「你觉得老,因为你将这短短的时间当作长时间。你为什么觉得老?

39、The reduplication form of verbs in Chinese semantically implicates short time and little quantity in action, but pragmatically not so. 汉语动词重叠式语义上具有时间短、动量小的意味,而语用上并不真正表示时间短、动量小;

40、Therefore, the curing time of rubbers will decrease 16% inadequate scorch time. 在保证充分的焦烧时间,可使橡胶的正硫化时间缩短16%。

41、These nouns denote a brief interal of time. 这些名词意思是短暂的时间间隔。

42、Their eyesight and hearing improved significantly in as little as a week. 他们的视力和听觉有明显改善,在短短一周时间内。

43、The peats in Guizhou have been more in the western part and less in the eastern part. 贵州省的泥炭分布,有西多东少、西部发育时间早、成矿时间长,东部发育时间晚、成矿时间短等特点。

44、Analyzer start-up time is considerably reduced . 分析仪的启动时间大大缩短。

45、Its best-selling "Sbox" line reduced its production time to only three months. 它那畅销的“鞋盒” 短笺的生产时间缩短到三个月。

46、Inside time range triggers on pulses that are wider than Time 1 but no wider than Time 2. 指定时间范围内的脉冲触发是指脉冲周期长于时间1但短于时间2。

47、Storm brings strong rainfall intensity in short duration, moreover, the shorter duration the average rainfall intensity is stronger. 暴雨在短历时内产生较强的降雨,而且暴雨的间隔时间尺度越短平均雨强就越大。

48、Eg. Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了1/3(即缩短到2/3)。

49、Latencies of searching safety island prolonged. 大鼠搜索安全岛时间缩短;

50、Directly after the significantly shortened transit time, tourists have more time to play. 直航后,中转时间大大缩短,游客有更多的时间游玩。


51、The sweep time should be significantly shorter than the mark times. 扫描时间应该比标记时间短得多。

52、The time-averaged velocity is related to the sampling duration. 时均流速与采样时间的长短有关;

53、Short timeouts and quick retries 短时间超时与快速重试

54、The man went from rags to riches in a short period of about five years. 在短短的大约5年时间内, 那个人就由贫致富。

55、Timer functions: cooking time, switch off time, short-term timer, stop watch. 定时器功能:烹饪时间,关机时间,短期定时器,秒表。

56、Press Time key to change to time mode. It shows month, date and time. 短按“时间”键可以改切换到时间模式,可以显示月、日和时间。

57、Memories are short, time to stretch; miss very strong, the time to fade. 回忆很短、时间将其拉长;想念很浓、时间使其褪色。

58、Timer functions: cooking time, switch off time, short-term timer, stop watch, long-term timer. 定时器功能:烹饪时间,关机时间,短期定时器,秒表,长期定时器。

59、This gives you some time. 这句话会给你留出一些回寰的时间。

60、Variation in short-time scale ; 短时间尺度变化;

61、Minimize time, minimize distance. 要求最短时间和最短路程。

62、Bell has adjusted duration and the duration of the intermittent function. 具有调整打铃时间长短和间歇时间长短的功能。

63、Eg.tching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了1/3(即缩短到2/3)。

64、Shorten turn around time in-betw… 缩短择期手术患者等候时间。

65、They clipped their visit by three days. 他们把访问时间缩短了三天。

66、Over 900 students kneed down in only several seconds. 短短数秒时间,900多名学生跪下。

67、A very short space of time through very short times of space. 用短促的时间,跨越短小的空间,一段又一段。

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