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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-19 07:21:35
  • 82


关于”超拽的句子“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Super drag sentence。以下是关于超拽的句子的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Super drag sentence

1、But a similarly sized ultracapacitor has a capacitance of 300 Farads. 但类似大小的超级电容的电容量为300法拉。

2、Carts rely on a draught beast for locomotion and can vary in size from dog-drawn gigs to Tholephant-pulled mega-wains. 马车依靠动物拉拽拖动,从各种大小的狗拉的车到巨象拉动的大辂。

3、他生拉硬拽地将孩子向外拖。He dragged the child outside by main force.

4、Hollywood turned them into superheroes and supervillains. 好莱坞把他们变成了超级英雄和超级大坏蛋。

5、And Mancini said: "If Mario deserves to play he will play." 曼齐宁说:“超级马里奥愿踢就踢,不愿踢就拉倒。

6、Lumpy and his corn represented in the exhibition, but the corn became a popcorn. 大傻鹿带着超级玉米参加展览,结果超级玉米变成了超级爆米花。

7、Bottom line: Sun-Art looks like a strong bet for China's fast-growing supermarket space, with plenty of room for upside for its newly listed shares. 一句话: 在中国快速发展的超级市场行业,高鑫零售看似非常有潜力,其股票还有很大上升空间。

8、It was also found that, as our planet rotates, it drags space-time with it – a phenomenon known as frame-dragging. 同时也发现,地球旋转时会拖拽时空-所谓的参考系拖拽现象。

9、There is a big hole in my head. 我什么也不记得了。

10、Running ultra marathons that turn feet into blistered, stumps. 参加超级马拉松比赛,跑到双脚起血泡。

11、He dragged the child outside by main force. 他生拉硬拽地将孩子向外拖。

12、The super short track and the asphalt track are up to the international standards. 超级拉力赛短道、柏油赛道,都具有国际化的水准。

13、There is an old proverb that care is better than cure. 有一句古语说预防疾病比治愈疾病更高超。

14、Scott Jurek has been called the "King of Pain" and the greatest ultra-marathoner ever. Ultra-marathons can be 125 miles longer than a typical 26-mile marathon. 斯科特·尤雷克被人们称为“痛苦之王”也是史上最了不起的超级马拉松选手。比起一般26英里长的马拉松,超级马拉松的长度可能要多出125英里。

15、A graph G is supereulerian if G has a spanning eulerian subgraph. 若图G含有生成欧拉子图,则称G是超欧拉的。

16、I like Supergirl. 我喜欢超级女孩。

17、The project will build on the findings from the original Vortex study, which was conducted in 1994-95 and gathered data on supercells - long-lived thunderstorms that can s tornadoes. Vortex项目在1994和1995年间搜集关于超级的数据。超级是一种能产生龙卷风的长期持续的雷暴。

18、While the proud papa never captured an ilrious Super Bowl ring, both of his sons did so during the last five years. 而他们的老爸在“超级碗”比赛中从未获得过著名的“超级碗”戒指,两个儿子在过去五年也是。

19、You can create levels, like continents in the example, and assign the dictionary entries by dragging and dropping them. 您可以创建不同的级别,比如示例中的洲,并通过拖拽字典条目来进行分配。

20、One super-sized generation. 超级肥胖的一代。

21、Super girl and super dog like to play with me. 超级女生和超级狗狗都喜欢跟我一起玩。

22、night elf(暗夜精灵) To beNo .1 beyond(超越) LEAGUE OF LEGEND Universal Mentor简称U&Me

23、Draggable Tabs - You can now drag Badboy's tabbed views around to arrange them how you like 拖拽标签-你可以拖拽Badboy标签视图,并以你喜欢的方式来排列它们

24、we can be fighting for the win 我们为胜利而站

25、Super Mosquito Repellent can help prevent from insect bites. “超级电子驱蚊器”可以使你免受蚊叮虫咬。


26、Small shops are being frozen out by the big supermarkets. 小 子都要让大超级市场给挤垮了。

27、The super rice breeding was divided into two stages, including super high yielding rice breeding and super rice breeding. 回顾中国超高产水稻育种概况,将中国的超级稻育种分为超高产水稻育种和超级稻育种两个阶段。

28、The concept of super austenitic stainless steel appeared with super ferrite stainless steel and super double phases stainless steel together. 超级奥氏体不锈钢的概念是与超级铁素体不锈钢及超级双相不锈钢一起出现的。

29、From Great Big Stepdad (he's over 6′ tall! 从我超级大块继父(他身高超过6英尺!)

30、Feature:Super Tough, flame ant, UV stabilized PBT. 特点:超韧,超级坚固,阻燃PBT,抗紫外线,耐气候。

31、You can open more than one instance of the LLB Manager and drag and drop files between the instances to move or copy the files from one location to the other. 你可以同时打开超过一个LLB 管理器的窗口,并通过拖拽文件来实现文件从一个位置到另一个位置的复制或移动。

32、Mr Prahalad’s work on strategy and innovation turned him into a superstar. 普拉哈拉德对战略和创新的研究让他成为超级巨星。

33、From in-office super quick (and super expensive! 从办公室超级快速(并且超级昂贵!)

34、And these are super sections in just that they are superset of the class. 这些“超级课程“之所以“超级“,是因为它们是知识的精华部分。

35、Tugboats are also used to tow barges, disabled ships, or other equipment like towboats. 拖船同样也用来拖拽驳船、报废的船或其他拖船。

36、The deal provides incentives to hold down cost overruns and delays, the bane of old-style dam building. 这样的交易使得相关方面有动力控制超支和拖延,而超支和拖延正是旧有建坝方式的积弊所在。

37、Superfruit, or Just a Plain Old Clark Kent Fruit? 超级水果还是普通的超人水果?

38、As an example, the "Lomonosov" supercomputer makes over 10 trillion operations per second. 作为一个例子,“罗蒙诺索夫”超级计算机超过每秒钟10万亿次运算。

39、Fortunately for us, the La Garita supervolcano is now extinct. 幸运的是,在拉·加里超级火山现在已经熄灭了。

40、Full color LED lamp. Emmitted color super red, super green, super blue. 全彩色LED灯。发光颜色超级红,超级环保,超蓝。

41、Dodi is an extremely affectionate and healthy 4 month old ball of playfulness who can already urinate in his kitty litter tray. He is looking for a loving home for adoption. 豆丁,约4个月大,超级亲人,超级皮,超级能吃,超级健康,已经自己会进猫沙盆里解决屎尿问题,现在给小豆丁找领养!

42、PPPSSEOT(3)SIL: Please, please, please stop sending e-mails over three (3) sentences in length. 拜托,求您啦,不要再给我发超过三句话的邮件了。

43、In 1995, he ran in a 100km ultramarathon. 1995年他参加了100公里超级马拉松。

44、The Red Arowana personalities are exclusively unique. 超级红龙鱼, 性格是超独特的特点。

45、They are superdog and super girl. 他们是超级狗狗和超级女生。

46、We had more than 200 pieces of equipment, including tractors, implements, harvesters, irrigation pumps, semi-trucks, and a 1950 Ford N tractor. 我们有超过200个的设备,包括拖拉机、收割机、器物,灌溉泵,半卡车和一辆1950年的福特N拖拉机。

47、Latin pop's superstar has surprised the public with his English-language als. 拉丁流行的超级巨星让公众对他的英文专辑感到吃惊。

48、"He pulled the chute, " Pharr said. "It got super quiet. “他拉开了伞,”法尔说,“一切变得超级安静,安静得有些恐怖。

49、I would like you to meet Columbian super model Carla Ossa. 我希望你以满足哥伦比亚超级模型卡拉奥萨。

50、My wife badgered me to take her to the super market store. 我的妻子吵着要我带她去超级市场。


51、Top to maximize, bottom to minimize and dragging to the left or right automatically resizes to half the display. 拖拽到顶部是最大化,底部是最小化,拖拽到左边或者右边则会自己动调整成当前窗体的一半大小。

52、Can not imagine that one day, several mysterious plainclothes entered my bedroom, I dragged Liantuo Dai pulled a black room. 可没想到,有一天,几个神秘便衣闯进我的卧室,把我连拖带拽拉到一个黑屋子里。

53、Generally speaking, mixing fonts is like writing long sentences. Don't do it, unless you have full super-genius level control over what you do. 一般来说,混合使用字体就像是写复杂的长句。不要这样做,除非你是能掌控一切的超级天才。

54、Today’ upercomputer conume more than 5 megawatt of power. 今天的超级计算机消耗超过5兆瓦的电力。

55、A quality super s head BMB cross back. 超级汤匙头形的布奇美拉蓝底过背金。

56、Drag & Drop capabilities across the software, including task ranking & reordering. 拖拽能力,包括任务分级和重新排序;

57、As the boundaries become less permeable, the effect of pore pressure dissipation gets weaker, while the dragging effect is enhanced. 随边界透水性逐渐变差,超静水压消散效应减弱,拖拽效应增强;

58、The super-angels will try to undermine the VCs by acting faster, and the VCs will try to undermine the super-angels by driving up valuations. 超级天使将会尽力通过更快地行动来逐渐削弱风投,而风投们会试图尽力通过拉高估值来削弱超级天使。

59、French President Nicolas Sarkozy's third wife, is a songwriter, singer and ex-super model. 法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐的第三任妻子卡拉·布鲁尼是一位超级名模和歌手。

60、Essentially, hypermedia is the modern extension of hypertext, the hyperlinked, text-based documents of the original Internet. 基本上,超媒体是超级文本的新式扩展(原因特网基于超级链接的文本文档)。

61、One of the most unexpected figures in modern-day business and content creation is ex-supermodel — supermodel emeritus? or once a supermodel always a supermodel? 现代商业和内涵设计中的毒药形象是前超级名模——退休名模?还是超级名模永远是超级名模?

62、To pull, draw, drag, or hoist. 拉,拖,拽,或吊起。

63、French President Nicolas Sarkozy´s third wife, is a songwriter, singer and ex-super model. 法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐的第三任妻子卡拉•布鲁尼是一位超级名模和歌手。

64、Use Your Ultra Balls! 快使用超级球!

65、This supermarket is so big.I like shopping here. 这家超级超市如此大。我喜欢在这里购物。

66、We can click and drag to add a child to this ZSphere… 我们可以在子球上点击拖拽加入这个子球的子球。

67、Superfoods. “超级”。

68、Weak ridicules , after winning this petroleum Derby, FA Premier League fifth grade school leader Abramovich may swing the index finger to first-grade newborn Ahl Faximu, then delivers this admonition. 弱弱的揶揄一下,赢下这场石油德比之后,英超五年级学长阿布拉莫维奇或许会向一年级新生阿尔法希姆摇摇食指,然后送上这句箴言。

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