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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 08:44:49
  • 124


关于”很美的句子“的英语句子45个,句子主体:A beautiful sentence。以下是关于很美的句子的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A beautiful sentence

1、She seems really great, andshe's good-looking and she's a great model for clothes. She's got herown style and always looks good. “来我的仙女洞吧,我会给你一切你想要的” 呵呵~~ 她看起来实在很棒,她长得漂亮,是天生的衣架子,并且她也有自己的穿衣风格,随时看起来都很美。

2、Yes, the kite-flying season has come. 确实很漂亮。又到放风筝的季节了。

3、The back bar itself was sourced from a historic 1920′s Hook's Drug Store, meshing beautifully with the Tap Room's ambiance. 背面栏本身是从1920年的历史来源的钩子的药店,啮合同塔室的气氛很漂亮。

4、The lanyard is very beautiful, you gave! 这个挂绳很漂亮,送给你!

5、wrist 手腕 That's a beautiful bracelet on your wrist. 你手腕上的手镯很漂亮。

6、Beautiful girls are usually very proud, and men always have difficulty in getting into their good graces. 漂亮的女生大多都很高傲,因此男子通常不知如何去讨得她们的欢心。

7、And the blue sink is beautiful. 而且那个蓝色的洗脸池也很漂亮。

8、The yellow sweater looks very nice. 达件黄毛衣看起来很漂亮。

9、Julia: Not really. It has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator. There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too. 朱莉亚: 实际上并不小。这有一套漂亮的煤气灶和一台很好的冰箱, 还有很多架子和橱柜。

10、My friend invited me to the party. He said there were a lot of beautiful young girls. 我朋友邀请我去参加的这个舞会,当时,他说,舞会上会有很多漂亮的女孩子。

11、His beautiful Chinese handwriting makes people acclaim. 他写的中国字很漂亮,令人称赞。

12、Nice Map of Thailand from YS Wu. 公司总务组发的泰国地图很漂亮。

13、Her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . 她的脸看起来很小,她的眼睛很漂亮。

14、With all lights on, the room was very bright. 因为所有的灯都亮着屋子里很明亮。

15、The initial reason is because they look beautiful. 最初的原因是,它看起来很漂亮。

16、Although it is very cold, it is also very beautiful. 虽然雪很冷,但是很漂亮。

17、His boots were small and neatly blacked. 他的靴子很小,用黑靴油擦得很亮。

18、Mother was very beautiful very very kindly pro 妈妈很漂亮 很年亲 很慈祥

19、PENNY: Those flowers are lovely, too. 彭妮:那些花也很漂亮啊。

20、"Charming, " said Scrimgeour, stopping at the garden fence and looking out over the snowy lawn and the indistinguishable plants. "Charming. " “很漂亮,”斯克林杰说,他在花园篱笆前停了下来,望着落满积雪的草坪和辨认不出的植物,“很漂亮。”

21、"She was beautiful, rich and she loved the camera – she was the perfect client for Hartnell, " says Ehrman. “当时她很漂亮,也很富有,更热爱镜头,是哈特内尔最完美的客户。” 埃尔曼说道。

22、The tree looks beautiful now! 那树现在看起来很漂亮!

23、Okay. nice undergarment there. so, there you go. 很漂亮的内衣你没事了…

24、For example, in a crack between decoration model, the designers made a very beautiful wood floor latticework ceiling, a painting using glass, opened bright lights looked very eye-catching. 举个例子,在一个精装修样板间里,设计师在门厅作了一个很漂亮的木格子吊顶,还使用了彩绘玻璃,打开明亮的照明灯看上去非常的耀眼。

25、All of our kids can have their MySpaces “pimped out” in 10 minutes, but far too few make the LHC conversation at the dinner table. 孩子们可以在10分钟里把MySpaces弄得很漂亮,却很少关注谈论LHC。


26、His boots were small and neatly blacked . 他的靴子很小,用黑靴油擦得很亮。

27、The room is well lighted. 这屋子很豁亮。

28、She was wearing a pair of beautiful diamond earrings. 她带一副很漂亮的钻石耳饰。

29、Jin Min show beautiful Wu Huimei met at the party, two people contacts soon. 金珉秀在聚会上遇到了漂亮的吴慧美,两人很快就交往了。

30、Anthea tried to buy a very nice hat, but the woman in the shop looked very strangely, first at the gold coins, then at Anthea. 安西妮想买一顶很漂亮的帽子,可店里的那个女人很奇怪地先看看金币,再看看安西娅。

31、The flowers are done very beautifully. 那些花插得很漂亮。

32、Because she was beautiful, she was a model, a lot of girls talked about this and they were also jealous. 她说,“因为她很漂亮,又是模特,很多女孩子就拿这个说事儿,她们也很是嫉妒。

33、Altough it is very cold, it is also very beautiful. 虽然雪很冷,但是很漂亮。

34、What's your pencil-box like? It's nice. 你的铅笔盒怎么样?它很漂亮。

35、It was a large, handsome, stone building, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills; 这是一幢很大很漂亮的石头建筑物,屹立在高垅上,屋子后面枕着一连片树林茂密的高高的小山冈;

36、Your mind already flowering, and that's very beautiful very beautiful flowers. I wish you happy every day happy and healthy. 你心中早已经开花,而那花开的很漂亮很漂亮。而我祝你幸福,天天快乐,身体健康。

37、No, no, no. Of course you are. 不,不,不, 你当然很漂亮。

38、My hometown is not very modern, but it’s beautiful. 我的家乡并不很现代化,但是很漂亮。

39、If the village had been beautiful at first it was now in the full glow and luxuriance of its richness. 如果说村子当初一度很漂亮的话,那么现在则充分展示了它的风采与繁盛。

40、She bought a nice dolman sleeved shirt. 她买了一件蝙蝠袖的外套,很漂亮。

41、Maksym: There are a lot of beautiful granites in Ukraine. 乌克兰有很多很漂亮的花岗岩。

42、It's beautiful this time of year. 每年的这个时候那里很漂亮。

43、One day, archery contest is held in the village, hunt king is taking beautiful Xin Gong, reach match place very perkily . 有一天,村子里举行射箭比赛,猎王带着漂亮的新弓,很神气地到达比赛地点。

44、Both she and her sister are very beautiful. 她和她妹妹都很漂亮。

45、The room is bright and spacious. 这屋子很豁亮。

46、If we regard family as a house, most of them have magnificient house, however, they don't want to go back there, since there are so much quarrelling, animosity, envy and abusing! 若说家庭是一所房子,这些孩子中有很多人有漂亮的房子,但是他们不愿意回那所房子。因为哪里面有太多的争吵、仇恨、嫉妒、谩骂!

47、Every flower shop has a lot of beautiful flowers. 每家花店都有很多漂亮的花

48、Eg: She looks good-looking. 她看上去很漂亮。

49、Pea blue, the color is very beautiful. 孔雀蓝的,颜色很漂亮的。

50、Spinach leaves is very beautiful, red stems green, no wonder the ancients, should use the "Red-billed Green Brother" to describe it is it! 菠菜的叶子很漂亮,根红茎绿,难怪古人要用“红嘴绿哥”来形容它呢!


51、My mother was a beautiful girl when she was young and her family was wealthy, but my father was a poor guy. 妈妈年轻的时候是一个很漂亮的女孩,家里也很富有,而爸爸则是一个穷小子。

52、But very little is done, in fact, because obviously babies are beautiful the way they are and that is what we went to get across. 但是实际上做了很少,因为很明显,婴儿本来的样子就很漂亮,并且这正是我们所要大家理解的。

53、As luck would have it, I had nice black anodized aluminum sheet metal, perfect for engraving 很有幸,我又很漂亮的黑色阳极电铝镀片材料,对于雕刻来说极为完美。

54、Yes, it's very beautiful. But my daughter is more beautiful than it. Nu Wa, Nu Wa, Where are you? 炎帝:是啊,它很漂亮。但我的女儿更漂亮。女娃,女娃,你在哪儿?

55、Seriously, though, those tattoos, they're beautiful. 我说正经的,那些纹身真的很漂亮。

56、Lingling: This black bag is nice. It's big. 玲玲:这个黑包很漂亮,它很大。

57、I'm very deep in emotive, femininity and beauty, liveliness like a child, sometimes humourous, how about your character ? 我是一个很重感情的人,温柔而漂亮,活泼得像个孩子,有时还很幽默,你的性格是怎样的呢?

58、He is very clever with his hands and can make beautiful origami . 他的手很巧,能做很漂亮的折纸手工。

59、My home is very beautiful.Into the livingroom,you can see an 我家很漂亮。

60、Yor are gorgeous 你真是漂亮. You are welldeveloped. 你很丰满. You light up my life. 你照亮我的生命。

61、Papa makes a fine big toy box. 爸爸做了一个很漂亮的大玩具箱。

62、B Oh yes – that looks nice. B 哦,是的——那条船很漂亮。

63、She has a very nice face. But she is very thin. 她的脸蛋儿很漂亮,但她很瘦。

64、Purple Butterfly has three leaves, wind up, like a purple erfly in the sky on the fly. Was very beautiful. 紫蝴蝶的叶子有三瓣,风吹起来,就像一只紫色的蝴蝶在天空上飞翔。很是漂亮。

65、Every flower shop has a lot of beautiful flowers. 每家花店都有很多漂亮的花

66、The suit was beautifully tailored. 这套衣服裁制得很漂亮。

67、I hope it's beautiful enough for you. 我希望你真的觉得它很漂亮。

68、Jaco: But those paintings are really beautiful. 可是那些画很漂亮。

69、The girl was very young and beautiful and Mandarin speaking and the man of 40s with moustache and Cantonese accent. 女孩很年轻漂亮,说北京话。男的四十开外,流着小胡子,带广州话口音。

70、PENNY: These flowers are beautiful as well. 彭妮:这些花也很漂亮啊。

71、Her little girls are always prettily dressed. 她的小女孩穿着总是很漂亮。

72、Step 3. Get low and close. High-end food photography tends to involve a lot of beautifully arranged props. 降低拍摄角度并且靠近美食:高端的美食摄影的趋势加入了很多的漂亮的小道具。

73、Lina, you've dressed very prettily today. 丽娜,你今天穿得很漂亮啊。

74、Who said the Cat Eyes make up is good, I think the Rabbit's eyes looks fantastic! 谁说猫眼才是漂亮的化妆技巧, 我觉得这兔子的烟熏眼也很不错啊。嘻嘻。

75、The blue ringed octopus is tiny and beautiful. 蓝环章鱼很小很漂亮。

英文句子模板76:A beautiful sentence

76、The house is very bright and comfortable. 房子很亮堂很舒服。

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