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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-12 11:59:43
  • 73


关于”介绍中国的句子“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Introduce Chinese sentences。以下是关于介绍中国的句子的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introduce Chinese sentences

1、Method and procedure are introduced of data base set-up. 文中介绍了建库的方法及程序。

2、Application of the ROGOWSKI coil in the excimer laser using magnetic pulsed compressor(MPC); 在本文中 ,我们将介绍新颖紧凑型准分子激光器在医学中的应用。

3、The method for isolation was described in detail. 本文对鸡油菌的孢子分离法做了详细介绍。

4、The principle and computation procedure of small subdomain filtering in potential-field data processing is described here. 本文介绍了位场数据处理中的小子域滤波法原理及计算过程。

5、It also mentions the WEB technique, introducing the characteristic of JPS and the basic rules of the language. JSP- the technique of connecting the database is mentioned as well. 文中还介绍了WEB开发技术,简单介绍了JSP技术的特点和基本语法规范,简单介绍了JSP连接数据库技术。

6、Introducing UK & Chinese Speakers by official of the British Council. 英国大使馆文化教育处官员介绍中英双方专家。

7、Moreover, he has rendered a great number of Chinese literary works into English and introduced Chinese readers to many Western classics. 杨宪益先生毕其一生精力,将大量的中国文学作品翻译、介绍到了西方,也将许多优秀的西方文学作品介绍给了中国读者。

8、The essential concepts of sub-cer theory and the derivation of those "sub-cer equations" are briefly introduced. 并在文中介绍了在高分子合金研究中应用的群子论的一些基本概念和方程的简单推导过程。

9、Now introduce the lifters, NO. 1 Bian Jianxin of China……, Lifters Please march off! 介绍运动员,1号中国边建欣……,介绍完毕,请运动员退场!

10、A proton electrostatic accelerator of the high pressure type is described. 本文介绍了中国科学院的一架高气压型质子静电。

11、This article presents the development of Clean operating department, the basic structure mainly, and the application of digital technology in it. 本文介绍了洁净手术部的发展现状,重点介绍了洁净手术室的基本组成结构,并介绍了数字化技术在手术室中的应用。

12、A molecular thermodynamic model of gas solubility in nonpolar solvents has been established. 本文介绍一个气体在非极性溶剂中溶解度的分子热力学模型。

13、Brings forward the requirement of virtual organization on E-government. 文中介绍了电子政务系统组成虚拟组织的需要。

14、This is the readout circuit in the time-off light electronics for the Beijing Spectrometer, BES. 本文介绍了北京谱仪飞行 时间法电子学中的读出 电路部分。

15、An introduction of risk management in space program, its content, requirements and process are introduced, and some exemples of the application of risk management are also given. 文章介绍了在航天项目中风险管理的内容、要求和过程,并介绍了一些国际上应用的情况。

16、The mechanism of vapour dewatering is described and its research state is presented in details. 文中介绍了蒸汽脱水的机理,并较详细介绍了蒸汽脱水的研究状况。

17、Methods of direct prodction of phosphoric acid from the phosphatic rock are described. 本文介绍了采用阴离子交换树脂,从磷矿石中直接制取磷酸的方法。

18、In the meantime, books in Russian should be developed to introduce China and its culture to the Russians who are enthusiastic about Chinese culture. 针对俄罗斯中国文化爱好者,开发介绍中国以及中国文化方面的俄文版书籍。

19、Could you outline China's ties with Salvador? 请你介绍一下中国跟萨尔瓦多的关系?

20、In my next post I will finish up table-specific features by reviewing the work we did with table styles. 在下篇文章中,我将介绍列表样式,并结束对列表特殊功能的介绍。

21、This article is from Wikipedia. 本文介绍的是中国古文字。

22、recruitment of Chinese employees in representative offices of foreign enterprises 中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构介绍中国公民出境就业和外国企业常驻中国代表机构

23、This article reveals the market situation on gas turbine produced by SIEMENS. 本文介绍了德国西门子公司的燃气轮机的市场情况。

24、This article introduces the general conditions of solanum nigrum in China. 本文介绍了中国龙葵的资源概况及开发前景。

25、Density functional theory (DFT) of quantum chemistry was briefly introduced. 简要介绍了量子化学中的密度泛函理论。


26、This review with 40 references describes recent advances concerning applications of proton trap in the cationic polymerization. 本文介绍了质子捕捉技术在阳高子聚合中的应用及最新研究工作进展。

27、The script introduces how you can use many of the options in tput explained in this article to enhance your coding. 此脚本介绍了如何在 tput 中使用本文中介绍的多个选项增强您的代码。

28、A two electron gun method and an arrangement whereby the secondary electron emission yield of dielectric materials can be measured are introduced. 本文介绍测量绝缘介质二次电子发射系数的双枪方法,并在动态系统中进行测量。

29、This article introduces foreign studies on linguistic factors in predicting stuttering loci from the perspectives of initial sound, stress, word class and syntax. 本文从起始音、重音、词类和句法等方面介绍了国外学者在口吃发生位置的研究中对于语言因素的分析。

30、This article describes the cellular and molecular characteristics as well as the role of mucosal immunity. 本文介绍了这些细胞和分子的特性以及在粘膜免疫中的作用。

31、The performance of welding the copper bar into the end ring is discussed. 本文介绍了发电机转子铜条与端环中频感应加热钎焊的工艺方法。

32、Here’s a process of gold extraction from motherboards. 如下介绍的就是从主板中提取金子的过程。

33、E Stevens, An Introduction to Oriental Mysticism (1974); 电子邮件史蒂文斯介绍东方神秘主义( 1974年) ;

34、Introduction of the ancient Chinese scholars' research production of Guanzi. 第三介绍了中国历代学者对于《管子》的研究。

35、Note that Uche introduces the exsl:document extension in this article. Uche 在本文中介绍了 exsl:document扩展。

36、The preparation principle and applications of ionized water are reviewed. 本文介绍了电解离子水的制备原理和应用。

37、Chinese Literature Brings you contemporary Chinese novels, stories, plays, and reportage. 《中国文学》向读者介绍当代中国的小说、故事、戏剧、诗歌和报告文学。

38、Introducing UK &Chinese Speakers by official of the British Council. 英国总领事馆文化教育处官员介绍中英双方专家。

39、This article delivers an entire survey on the facts of the introduction, translation and comments of Andre Gide in China with detailed data and certain argumentations. 本文以详实的资料,全面介绍了纪德在中国被介绍、翻译和评论的实况,并进行了一定的考辩。

40、The fifth chapter describes the using frequency of You sentence pattern exist in different text styles and its pragmatical function. 第五章介绍“由”字句在不同语体和文体中的使用频率及其语用功能。

41、I will present an example of this stylesheet in the next installment. 下一篇文章中将介绍这种样式的一个例子。

42、Herein lies a general introduction of the water-resources in China. 本文介绍了中国水资源的概况。

43、The classification, synthesis and application of ionic liquids in fluorination were introduced in brief. 本文简要介绍了离子液体的分类、 合成及其在氟化工艺中的应用。

44、The major methods within two paradigms:statistics-based and rule-based, are discussed in detail. 本文详细地介绍了九十年代以来国内对汉语部分句法研究的方法以及研究动态。

45、The author introduces the molecular typing methods on bacteria stains of nosocomial infection. 本文介绍医院感染菌株分子分型方法。

46、Some applications of EWB on the teaching of electron and electrician are introduced. 介绍了EWB在电子电工实验教学中的一些应用。

47、The cultural knowledge introduced should be concise and immediately relevant to the phrases under consideration, and should not overwhelm the language instruction proper. 有关中国文化知识的介绍,要简明,详略得当,与所讲解的字词句要紧密联系,不能喧宾夺主,冲淡了语言教学。

48、This report introduced the methods of extracting bifidus factor (BF) from pig gastric mucin and carrot. 本文介绍了多种从猪胃粘蛋白及胡萝卜中提取双歧因子的方法。

49、Fabrication and research of calibration samples for boron ion implantation into silicon are discussed. 本文主要介绍了硅中硼离子注入校准样品的制备与研究。

50、Here, we cover the last two steps and focus on introducing rich-client applications. 在本文中,我们将介绍最后两个步骤并主要介绍富客户机应用程序。


51、Description: Features Chinese paintings and calligraphy, antiquities and works by local artists. 中国书画、古代文物珍品、当地艺术家的作品展览介绍。

52、This article firstly introduces the things of mobile software switch market all over the world, then introduces the advantage of mobile software switch. 本文首先介绍了全球和中国的移动软交换市场情况,然后介绍了引入移动软交换的优势。

53、Chapter Four focuses on politeness studies in China, mainly about Gu's politeness maxims. 第四部分介绍了在中国有关礼貌的研究,主要介绍了顾曰国的礼貌准则。

54、So introduce the characteristic of the tele- education at first. 文中首先介绍了远程教育的特点;

55、Answer: Yes. We welcome introducers bringing clients to us. All introducers will be paid a commission upon success. 答:我们欢迎中介介绍客户给我们,成功后付介绍费。

56、Listing 7. Intro content file name in plugin_zh_CN.properties 清单 7. plugin_zh_CN.properties 中的介绍性内容文件名

57、Plz introduce Us3 to chinese folks. 请向中国的歌迷介绍一下Us3。

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